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Hi guys this is sowji...thank u for your support... let's move to ff...

Abi screamed in front of all...I trusted you pragya...y did u hide your relationship with him...Pragya was shattered😧😦😨😭😦😧...suddenly one person is standing in nearby door screamed mind your words 😡😠😠😠😠😠Mr.Rockstar ji..all heard that person voice..all turned their face towards that person. All look at behind...they saw that person face...Heena said, Neil...Neil entered the abigya room...Neil asked what did u say about my sis...did u know where she went...abi looks confused asked I don't know where she went...I know that...she went with spin cap...pragya never look at abi face...Neil asked di y r u never utter any word against him...y r u looks silent di...pragya said Neil now I lost my hope...please Neil don't ask any questions...hereafter I can't hear any questions...Neil said Heena take di along with you...pragya said no Neil...I will stay here...I never did any mistake...I never go anywhere...Pragya never looks at abi face...Neil said k di...suddenly one guy entered to that room...that person is raj(spin cap)..abi angrily look at him...suddenly he saw his hand covered by cotton...Heena asked Raj...what happened..y ur hand would be covered with cotton...Raj said I went to the hospital to donate my blood...Heena asked what...Raj said yeah...actually Pragya asked me..flashback time is 5 am...suddenly Pragya gets a call from Neil...Neil asked di where r u...pragya asked what happened y ur voice is frightened. Neil said di immediately I need O-ve blood group...u know huh di it's very rare blood one baby needed that group.I don't know di...what to do..actually, we asked blood bank...they said that blood group is not available...after I remembered about you...that's y I called you...Pragya said k wait. I will come to the hospital...Neil asked di r u o-ve blood group...pragya said no Neil...I am not an o-ve blood group...but don't worry...I will arrange that blood group..which hospital Neil...Neil said swaska hospital...Pragya said k wait there I will come.Pragya goes towards washroom...she freshen up...she saw abi...abi was sleeping like a kid...pragya said u r really cute kid...she pecked his forehead...Pragya written in notepad...she thought she never want to disturb him...suniyil...don't search me...I am going to swaska hospital...Neil needs my baby was suffering in that hospital...that baby needs o-ve blood group..our blood group never matches to that baby...he needs my help... I want to help don't worry about me...your lovely bestie pragu...she kept that letter in abi table...she leaves from the room.Pragya kept her phone in silent mode.Pragya goes towards entrance...suddenly spin cap come towards Pragya asked where r u going now...Pragya asked what's your blood group...spin cap looks confused...said I am o-ve...Pragya feel relief...suddenly tanu saw this scene from corridor...she thought to take this picture...she wants to create to misunderstand between abigya...pragya explained about her situation...spin cap said k no problem...I will come along with you...after they reached their hospital.Pragya asked where is the emergency ward...Neil saw Pragya come along with spincap...pragya said Neil...he has that baby blood group...he will give his blood to that baby...Pragya saw that baby from ICU mirror...Neil said that baby's name is also abishek...Pragya can't control her emotions...she feels her Abhishek is in that stage...she wiped out her tears...Pragya goes towards god idol...she played for that kid...she take camphor applied in her arm...she was praying towards god...Neil saw Pragya screamed what are you doing...she removed camphor from her hand...Neil asked r u mad...what are you doing...pragya said I don't know Neil...I can't see that baby in that position...that baby's name is matched to my suniyil.I feel my suniyil is sleeping inside...Neil abi is my bestie...I am very much attached to him...u told that baby name is also abishek...I was shattered...I can't control my emotions.Pragya was 😢 crying...Neil was shocked..he consoled her.he understands she loves abi...spin cap saw this scene...he understands how much she loves abi....few minutes announced that baby is fine now...all feel relief....pragya said k, Neil, I am leaving...suniyil is waiting for me...Neil said pragu I will drop you...Pragya said u have lots of work here...stay along with them.Neil said I finished all my we can leave from here...suddenly spin cap entered...Pragya looks at him said thank u for your help... Without you...that baby never comes to normal position ...spin cap said sorry...Pragya was shocked asked for what..spin cap said for everything...Pragya said I can't understand...spin cap said I was flirting with you...I talked with you at the wrongful manner...he was speaking continuously...pragya said enough...enough...I never anger on you now...I know that u attracted to me...but it's not your's u changed about your opinion...I feel very happy...spin cap said I feel jealous of abi...he has a wonderful caring friend in his life...pragya smiled...said k lets we go..after they reached the hotel...Neil said pragu u will go...we will come..we want to meet that manager.....Pragya said k..Neil and the spin cap went to talk with that manager...flashback end..Abi was totally shocked...his eyes are filled with tears...he understood he did a very big mistake in his life...immediately Pragya leaves from the room...Neil asked now say Mr.rockstar also u have a doubt on her...come with me...we will go to the hospital...spin cap said Abi u suspicious about Pragya behavior towards me...u know abi...she is very nice girl...she loves you more than herself...she cares you...she trust you wholly...who told you I am love with her...frankly say I was flirting with her...but now I understand I did a very big mistake in my life...she is very pure in her heart.still, I will say.I want a girl like her in my life... she is very loyal girl abi..don't miss her in your life....director said exactly's all your mistake...go to ask sorry to her...she will understand your feelings...abi said yes, my Pragya would understand me...sure I will ask sorry to her... I broke her trust...I did a very big mistake in my life..immediately abi leave from the room...abi was searching for pragya..he saw Pragya was sitting in the lawn...she looks at the the time is evening 6 pm ..abi touched Pragya shoulder....pragya look at him..(background plays tu meri jaan hai)....immediately Pragya moves away from him...abi holds Pragya hand firmly...Pragya never looks at his face...abi said pragu...please don't go away from me...I know that...I did a very big mistake in my life.....I misunderstood you.....when Tanu shows me your pic along with the spin cap. I was shocked....when Tanu said u and spin cap were joined together went out.I got angry with him...because I am very much possessive on you...Pragya looks on(background plays female Sanam re)....abi said I am sorry pragu...pragya said suniyil Please leave me alone...abi said Please pragu...I will never repeat this again...Please forgive me...pragya goes towards him said suniyil u never want to say sorry...just leave this I want to tell one important matter with you...shall I say...abi nodded her head....pragya said now I decide to break up my friend along with you..abi was shocked...asked what...pragya said I am never angered on you...actually faith is most important to our relationship..abi said pragu...i....pragya claimed Please listen to my words..after u will speak...abi said k...pragya continues her talk...but we totally differ...I never blame you...I never anger on you...I thought I am not a suitable girl to deserve your friendship....that's y I decide to break up our friendship.. hereafter we will act as husband and wife in front of others....we will talk like just friends...I can't talk with you like previously.Abi was shocked...(background plays hamaari adhuri kahani)...pragya said suniyil it's all my fault...I am sorry... abi said no's all my fault...I broke your trust...... Abi asked to please pragu...forgive me... please can u change your opinion....pragya said I'm sorry suniyil.. I can't change my opinion...abi feel bad...pragya never look at abi face...said suniyil I am going to our room... I feel sleepy good nit suniyil...if I hurt you...I am sorry suniyil...abi said no pragu...u never hurt me.I hurt you alot...u already told me...if I did the same mistake again...u will never talk to I deserve this...I broke your trust...Pragya can't control her emotions...tears are rolling from her eyes...she was trying to control her emotions...Pragya said I am leaving...she never looks at abi face...she was crying.....(background plays do pal ruha khwabon ka).Tanu heard their conversation....she smiled...

Abigya is packing their stuff inside their suitcase.....abi asked may I help you...Pragya said no needed I can do my work..abi can feel her hate towards him...abi thinks in his mind...I will never leave you...u can't go away from me...I will never allow you to go away from me...because I started to feel some special feeling towards you...I don't know what name I give to this feeling...Pragya was worried about abi.

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