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FLOOD~ FLOOD~ FLOOD~ Not going to school tomorrow ^^

Day 1...

I woke up at around 8.30 and decided to go to my favorite cafe for breakfast since I'm too lazy to cook anything right now and my parents are out for a business trip.

"SaeRa~ I miss youuuu!" RaeIn, my best friend who's working in the cafe every Saturday, shouted.

"We just met in school yesterday," I rolled my eyes.

"But still!!! I heard that jerk broke up with you... I told you I have a bad feeling about him!" RaeIn pouted.

"Ya! We're in the cafe so can you quiet down a bit," I covered her mouth.

"Fine... but are you really ok though?" she asked, concerned.

"Yup! I met this guy and he made me feel a little better, I am going to meet him again today! Hopefully, I could feel even better with my new friend~" I smiled excitedly.

"Owhhhh, looks like my best friend fell in love within a day~" RaeIn teased.

"Ani! I am never falling in love again, it's so cruel," I stated.

"Are you sure you don't want to fall in love? I mean, you'll have to get married you know," RaeIn frowned.

"I want to be forever alone - I mean... it's not such a bad thing you know! You can have fun~" I exclaimed.

"But-" "Oh! It's almost 10! I need to go to the park and meet him!" I looked at the time as I quickly stuffed some bread in my mouth.

It was actually just 9 but I really didn't want to talk about it anymore so I decided to leave before my mood goes down again.

I walked around the park while watching the children running around the park, I wish I could be as happy and easy going as them.

"You're early today~" someone muttered beside me.

I turned around and saw Baekhyun walking beside me... it was the first time I got a good look at his face. He was actually kind of handsome - no, correction! He is really handsome! His pale skin made his eyes shone brightly, but his face was not full of happiness - even though he was smiling I could see a slight tint of sadness in his eyes.

"Should we start the game early?" I asked, smiling.

"Sure, then we can grab some lunch afterwards~" he agreed.

"But I just had breakfast!" I pouted.

"Me too, but I want to try as many food as possible before the end of next week!" he exclaimed.

"Why? You still have years to try other foods, " I muttered.

"Because I feel like it~" he smirked.

"Fine... but you will pay for it! Deal?" I took out my hand.

"Deal!" he shook my hand and soon, we started laughing at our own childishness.

We sat on the park bench and began the game.

"I'll start!" he said, grasping his hands together.

I nodded.

"I love singing and playing the piano," he admitted, looking up into the sky as if it was something special and smiled.

"My turn~ I want to be a singer... but I can't sing," I told him.

"That's it for today then, here's a paper. You have to write down what I told you today and I will write down what you told me, by the end of the game, we will meet on the last day and look through the paper to find which one is the lie." Baekhyun informed, handing me the paper.

"Okay! Let's eat nowwww!" I cheered, pulling him with me.

"Slow down, it's not like the food will run away~" Baekhyun laughed.

"알았어, (I got it/I understand)" I pouted.

We walked to a nearby food street and saw a lot of people eating all kinds of food, "Let's go to that restaurant!" I pointed.

Baekhyun nodded and we both walked into the restaurant. When we arrived, we sat down and looked through the menu... but not long after that, Baekhyun quickly excused himself to the restroom.

After about 20 minutes, he came back... a bit paler than before but still smiling, "Am I that handsome that you have to stare at me for so long?" he smirked.

"Ani! I was just worried since it took you so long..." I frowned.

He chuckled a bit before nodding, "Nae~ Anyway, I got an idea while I was away!"

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well to add some creativity into the game, how about by the end of the 10 days, we give one wish for each other. So I will say a wish for you and you will do the same to me~" he suggested.

"Sure~ That doesn't sound bad!" I gave him a high-five. Although I was the one who started the high-five, I blushed a little from the sudden touch of our hands.

"Let's order then, I'm hungry, " he smiled as he called the waitress.

We ordered our food and ate it really quickly since Baekhyun had to do something afterwards and I have a part-time job in 2 hours. After we finished, Baekhyun got some kind of tablet out and drank it.

"What's that?" I questioned suspiciously.

His eyes widened for a second before returning to his original happy face, "It's some vitamin the doctor made me eat since I'm always tired and stuff."

"Ahh~" I nodded understandingly.

"Yea, as you can see, I am weaker than normal guys so I have to have some vitamins to keep my energy up!" he smiled.

"You're so lucky, eating so much but never get fat," I said in awe.

"I'm not as lucky as you think I am..." he muttered.

"What did you say?" I asked him since I wasn't paying attention.

"Oh! Nothing~ Anyway, I got to go or I'll be late! Byeee, " he waved, walking away from me.

"Bye~ See you tomorrow!" I waved back.

His back soon disappeared into the crowd and I turned around to go to work...


YAY! Chapter 1 has officially been published ^^
I am really excited about this fanfic so please give it a lot of love~~

BaekRuu Series

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