Author's Note

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I'm Stace, the author of If you ever love me, a book about all the efforts and all the struggles of a girl who is a bisexual, to win over her bestfriend a.k.a her crush.

This story is for wattpad's UnlimitedPride project. As I have already written up there, the whole story is gonna be girlxgirl, so if you don't like this, feel free to click back, I won't mind, 'cuz shade never made people less gay. Whoa, hold on, I understand that not all people support the lgbtq+ community, but please hear me out. We are all people, we all have our right to live with our truest self. We are lgbtq+ doesn't mean we are different from the rest of the society. We all work like everyone else, for the better world, better future, so stop criticise us as crazy, possess, going to hell people. The whole world understand human rights. Therefore we are all deserve respect like anybody else.

Love ya all,


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