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A/N: I just noticed how there would be yandere stories that seems like when the yandere's victim gets killed, no one seems to notice it. I mean, where the fuck are the cops?

Anyways, I want to make another Kai x Kourin story but I'm scared haha... (I shipped those two before AiKou and stopped shipping them when I shipped AiKou. I really should do something about this ;-;) But do not worry, AiKou is still the best ship <3



"I'm yours and you're mine, if you like it or not."
-If You Like It or Not, by The Brobecks

[3rd POV]

Missing persons and murdered people have become the news reports and talks. No one seems to know, and no one can understand why a person would just kill.

It was mystery that brought everyone's minds up, they didn't know who the person is and why they would kill them. The killer also doesn't leave evidences, and they seem smart enough to hide.

The schools became more alert, especially Miyaji. Since that's the school that has the most crime scenes.

"Again..." Kai muttered as he walked by the school, he looked around and saw Kourin walking towards the school.

"Hey..." Kai called to her and Kourin glanced at him.

"Toshiki Kai..." Kourin spoke. "What are you doing here?"

"I was walking by, and now I know that what they were saying was true... about the school." Kai replied and looked at the school building. "Be careful... and Aichi..."

"Aichi?" Kourin was confused.

"Kourin-san, good morning." Kourin heard Aichi and looked around and she did saw him behind.

"Aichi, hey..." Kourin greeted.

Aichi touched Kourin's shoulder and gave a smile at her, "I need to talk to Kai-kun. Can you give us a minute?"

"Sure," Kourin nodded. "See you later."

"I will, Kourin-san." Aichi replied and watched her as she walks to school.

"Kai-kun, did you say anything to Kourin-san?" Aichi asked.

"No, and I know the truth about everything." Kai said, "I know you're in love but do you really have to do that?"

Aichi scoffed as he looked at Kai with a glare. "If it's too keep her from those people trying to take her from me, then let me do what I have to."

Kai puts his hands to fists, "Aichi, you've lost yourself. And Kourin will know about this sooner or later, stop this nonsense."

"Nonsense? Is loving her being nonsense? I just love her so much that I'd to anything for her."

"But it doesn't mean you should do those horrible things, Aichi." Kai angrily told him.

Aichi gave a sarcastic laugh, he shook his head and gave a look of anger to Kai.

"Kai-kun, this is what I want to do." He said, "So leave me alone."

"I won't, I'll get your old self back and make you regret doing this stuff." Kai said.

Aichi turned his back on Kai and laughed, "If you can... I'll see you later, Kai-kun." He then walked away, leaving Kai very frustrated.

When Kourin looked at Aichi during class, she saw him frowning. Even if Kourin talks to him he just won't smile, he seem really angry at something. Kourin wondered why and she thought maybe it's because of Kai.

It was the end of class when Kourin went to ask Aichi about why he looked like that; and Aichi just told her that he's fine.

"Aichi, are you really okay?" Kourin asked once again, "Because you don't seem like it."

"I am, Kourin-san. You don't need to worry about me, I am fine." Aichi replied and leaned near to her, "Are you concerned?"

Kourin nodded at his statement. "I am, why wouldn't I?"

Aichi smirked and touched her hair. "Anyways Kourin-san, I'd still court you."

"Even if you know what's going to happen?" Kourin asked.

"What's that?"

Kourin pouted, "If you get killed..."

Aichi then chuckled and this made Kourin confused. "It's okay."

"Okay? You don't care? Aichi, if that happens I don't know what to do!"

Aichi was shocked on what Kourin said, his eyes widened and he stared at her. Kourin really cares for him. Aichi gave a smile and embraced her.

"It's okay Kourin-san, I'll take care of myself." Aichi said.

Kourin embraced him back, her concern coming up for the blunette. She doesn't understand why she's like that, or maybe it's because she likes him. She wanted to confess too, but because of the things that happens to the people who like her, she's scared that Aichi might die too.

But then she felt Aichi's embrace became tighter, she couldn't breathe properly and tried to struggle against him. But Aichi doesn't seem to stop, Kourin whimpered.

"Aichi.... w-what are you- stop!"

"Ssh, the pain will go away soon..." Aichi whispered.

"A-Aichi- N-no!" Kourin breathed heavily as she felt her vision getting dark, she moaned when Aichi's other arm tightened the grip on her neck.

"I'm doing this because I love you and because I'm yours and you're mine, if you like it or not."


"Kourin-san... I love you, so I'll take care of you... forever." Aichi said and watched as Kourin lost her consciousness and fell to him. Aichi smiled and chuckled, he held Kourin and kissed her forehead.

"Kourin-san, with this... I can make you mine. Forever."


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