-17: Stockholm Syndrome

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A/N: I am so sorry for the previous chapter! I know that if everyone reads that chapter they would think, "This is so wrong OMG!" But the thing here is, the reason that happened is because of the fact that there are people who actually do that. I know it's wrong too, but I'll make it up to this chapter. Hearts crossed. I'm still okay.

-17: Stockholm Syndrome


[3rd POV]

Another day has passed ever since Aichi had abducted Kourin, everyone was trying to find them. As they were gone missing.

On an abandoned house a little far from the town, a boy with blue hair and gleaming blue eyes stared at the girl with blonde hair in front of him. The girl's green eyes stared back at him.

"How are you feeling, Kourin-san?" Aichi asked as he went near Kourin, but the blonde moved away from him.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, I know it's wrong. But for me it made me feel right, I know..." Aichi told her as he sat on the bed.

"I want to go home..." Kourin muttered, and Aichi heard it.

"No, this is your new home. You'll be living with me, okay?" Aichi replied and went to Kourin. "Kourin-san..."

"No..." Kourin looked at him in anger, "Stay away from me. You only have Aichi's face but I know for a fact that you're not him."

Aichi glared at her and he just sighed, "You really don't believe that I'm Aichi even though I am him. Why?"

"I know that Aichi is a nice person, not someone who's as deranged as you." Kourin said.

Aichi has had enough, he stood up and punched the wall, making his knuckles bleed.

"Why don't you believe me?! I am Aichi, I am that same person you know! It's just that... I admit I lost myself, but I- I'm still him! Kourin-san please believe me!"

Kourin watched Aichi, she stared at his face and saw how he looked agonized. It seems like he's not lying.

"Aichi..." Kourin spoke, her heart fell at the sight of Aichi crying. She slowly went to him, her trembling hands touched the blunette's face.

'Why am I so concerned for him even though he already done bad things to me?' She thought.

"Aichi I..." Kourin stared at Aichi, "If you're really him... can we fight?"

"Fight? Me?" Aichi looked at Kourin, "sure..."

(Miyaji Academy school grounds)

"When was the last time you saw Aichi and Kourin?" Kai asked.

"At that place," Naoki pointed at the alley. "And after that when Kourin fell unconscious, Aichi carried her to go straight at that road."

Kai and Naoki both walked to the place, they noticed that there are other roads other than that one. There is a dirt path leading to a forest, and the two went there.

As they went deeper inside the forest, they saw the trails of footprints and some blood on a tree, it was eery enough. Kai found a hole and there were bags, a shovel was left there.

"This stinks..." Naoki commented as he smelled it.

Kai nearly vomited when he found an open bag with some parts of the body. "What the hell..." He said.

"K-Kai... did Aichi do this?" Naoki asked.

"I don't know. The question here is, how would a high schooler like Aichi would manage to do all this stuff?" Kai stated and he went away from the open grave.

"That bugs me too..." Naoki replied and he saw a house. "Hey Kai... don't you think that's the place?"

Kai looked at where Naoki pointed and saw a house with lights on, it still looked creepy. They reached the house and noticed that the door is open, so they went there.

"I lost..." Kourin said as she looked at her cards. She looked at Aichi who was looking down.

"You're really the same Aichi...." Kourin stated. "I'm sorry I thought you're different..."

"It's okay..." Aichi sighed and looked back at Kourin. "Am I clear now?"

Kourin nodded, Aichi smiled and sat next to her. He stroked her hair in which made Kourin backed away from him a bit. The fear is still present in her.

"No..." Kourin mumbled.

Aichi frowned yet he still continues to touch Kourin. He leaned close to her and he spoke.

"Do you love me, Kourin-san?"

"I-I don't..."

"Please just tell me the truth..."

Kourin bit her lip as she looked away, Aichi started to touch her again. His hand touching her face.

"I love you too..." Kourin replied, "But Aichi... that was when you were okay and not like this. Now you're just different."

Aichi stopped and he puts his hand away, he gripped the bed sheets and took a breath.

"But do you still love me?"

Kourin nodded, "Yes."

Aichi chuckled under his breath and glanced around. "I can't believe it, Kourin-san... I hurt you so much, I took your everything... yet you still love me? Did you somehow got a Stockholm Syndrome?"

Kourin pouted and she hugged her knees. "I have no idea, you still act nice to me so maybe that's why you keep on making me love you."

Aichi grinned, "I'm a twisted person. There are monsters inside my head that keeps on bugging me, but then those monsters that I thought were just me."

Kourin looked at him in confusion. "What monsters?"

"The monsters... my own wicked mind." Aichi told her, "I know it sounds weird and complicated. It just means that the monsters that I was talking about is my mind, and those thoughts that I have... about possessing you and making you mine, those are the monsters I was talking about."

"I see..."

Aichi went closer to Kourin and embraced her, "Do you still trust me?"

Kourin was surprised by Aichi's actions, but she embraced him back. "I do, a bit... There might be something you would do but I think it's okay."

"Nothing is okay, later on I'd be damned. They will know who did everything, and it's me." Aichi whispered, "I love you, Kourin-san. Please never talk to other guys than me, it's making me mad."

"It would be quite hard but... I'll try..." Kourin said, she then felt Aichi kiss her neck. His hands started to touch her body in which she tried to stop him.

"Aichi wait..." Kourin pushed him away, "Not now."

"I'm sorry, Kourin-san." Aichi pecked her lips and they kissed.

Just as then they heard a door creaked open and Aichi stopped kissing Kourin, he glanced and stood up. Aichi opened the door and saw Kai and Naoki.

"Kai-kun... Naoki-kun..." Aichi glared at them.

"Aichi..." Kai glared back at Aichi.


Guys, I think I'll take a break on this story. I have no idea what's going on.

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