Monster (Yandere!Kaizo x Reader) LIME

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Dedicated to: MissAuthorChan08 and FrostyIce1187 because she's the one who inspired me to write Yanderes~


I'm warning ya' this is NOT similar to 'Innocent Love'. This is pure evil! Evil I tell ya' cuz' whatcha expect from a deranged yandere? Lol. If your mind is ready to taint itself then go ahead BUT be sure that you are responsible for your action. If I saw complains about this book then you're the idiot one here... 😑😑😑

Clearly I put a warning here to warn ya' that this is NOT a children's story book like Tok Aba's Special Tales. But then again I'm sure most of you are gonna ignore me since WE ALL LOVE YANDERES and Boboiboy's... 😂

So let's start the first chapter with our Captain who always ooze with extreme sex appeal from ya' readers. Agree or Disagree? By the way he's looking at you with that seductive look while eating his carrot. Have fun and don't die out of nosebleed!

P.S: This takes place after Episode 24

Third Person's POV

"Ugh... Admiral Tarung had been rough with us lately. He wouldn't even give us some rest!" Gopal complain to his two best friends, Boboiboy and Fang. Currently the three of them were being summon by none other than the scary Admiral they've grown to fear, possibly for another power sphera that was being track by Tempur-A Headquarters.

Tapops Spaceship was critically destroyed between the battle of the infamous pirate Captain Vargoba and Boboiboy Solar. The damage can not be repaired resulting for the whole crew to evacuate to Tempur-A Headquarters instead. "Yeah but we shouldn't complain about it. It's our duty to collect and protect those power spheras Gopal." Boboiboy said.

"But still... Don't we get a nice day off too? My body's been exhausted form all of our missions."

"Exhausted in missions you say? All I've remember you doing is hiding from our enemies." Fang taunt, his thin lips form a playful smirk while staring straight at now annoyed looking Gopal.

"Dey! I've help too you know." he shot back but the purple haired male just shot him an unamuse look. "Sure you do... " And thus, the two began bickering in a comical manner, unconsciously adding Boboiboy to their childish quarrel. "Hey! Stop it you two!" but the two males ignore him.

"Now kids, please don't fight." a sweet feminine voice can be heard from behind the trio of superheroes. The three teenagers froze from their spots and slowly turn their attention at the source of the voice. "Nurse (F/N)!" they all said in sync. The males fix their posture as the three clumsily smiled at the lovely lady before them. A soft laugh resonates from her throat at their cute behavior, but to these three, it's like hearing an angel sing.

"Hi guys."

(F/N) is a professional nurse at Tempur-A Headquarters for almost five years now. The woman was known for being the most beautiful humanoid alien at Tempur-A. Not only is she blessed with rare beauty from the great goddesses but her heart is as equal as her looks as well. (F/N)'s warm and kind hearted personality makes the people around her to adore her every now and then.

The whole gang first met her when they first arrive in Tempur-A Headquarters. She was in charge of taking care of Boboiboy and his friends when they were badly injured between the fight of those scheming pirates. From their own perspective, the female was effortlessly stunning, even the word beautiful can't justify how simply gorgeous she is.

She was indeed breathtaking.

Sometimes, men from all ages tried to receive the most damage during missions just to get some free time with the nurse.

"I've heard about what Gopal said earlier. Don't worry, I'll talk to my uncle about this." And did I mention that her uncle was none other than the fearsome Admiral himself. The whole gang was doubtful of course, who would've thought that the angelic (F/N) is somehow related to their scary Admiral. In fact, they don't look a-like at all nor did she inherit his tiger-like stripes nor his fierce personality.

"Ah no! It's fine Nurse (F/N) ehehe." Fang said as he stared dreamily at the nurse like he was staring at his favorite food. "Don't worry, You guys have been a great help ever since you've arrive here in Tempur-A. I'll talk about Uncle and Commander to give you guys a relaxing day off."

"Eh... But it's not really necessary Nurse (F/N)... " Boboiboy said while fiddling with his fingers. "But Boboiboy! This is our chance!" he heard his buddy whispered beside him, to which Boboiboy whispered back "Shut up Gopal." he said before returning his look at the older woman, noticing her worried stare at the trio.

"But I've been noticing you look so exhausted these past days. You all need a vacation once in a while."

"But-- "

"No buts." She quickly cut them off before they can't even protest a single word. "TAPOPS and Tempura-A are great forces that protects the galaxy, with your help we will sure be able to retrieve the once peaceful galaxy we use to live with. Think of it as a thank you gift from me, it's the least I could do for you." Now the three were really blushing red at her kind words.

'Nurse (F/N) is such an angel!' the three thought, internally crying anime-like tears. "Thank you Nurse (F/N)!" Gopal said enthusiastically. The woman smiled once again before waving her hand, gesturing for the boys to leave. "Now run around before Uncle roars at you." she said before leaving the three males to go to her work place.

"Man... Can I just have her as my sister?" Gopal said while staring the the retreating form of the gorgeous woman. "That would be awesome! Having a big sister such as Nurse (F/N)!" Boboiboy said.

"I love her more than a sister... " the purple haired shadow manipulater muttered. Fortunately enough, the two boys didn't quite hear what the purple haired male just whisper as the two were busy complimenting the angelic (H/C) haired woman of their dreams. While Boboiboy and Gopal display a cute puppy love crush for the nurse, Fang on the other hand had it worse. He was deeply in love with (F/N).

But Fang knew he and (F/N) will never be together. Especially since (F/N) is a 20 years old grown woman while he's still a growing teenager in his puberty.

"You what?" a voice as cold as ice said from behind the three boys. They flinch at the sudden unrecognizable harsh tone of the familiar captain behind them. Facing the cold purple haired man with a nervous grin, they salute the man before them.

"Good morning Captain/Captain Kaizo!" the trio greeted but the male didn't bother to greet them nor salute them back. Instead he was staring or rather, glaring dangerously at his younger brother. "What was that again Pang?" he said, his frown deepening while looking Fang straight in the eye. The three somehow sense the deadly aura radiating from their Captain.

And it was extremely dangerous.

"What's what Captain?" Fang ask curiously. Did he said something wrong? Did he screw up on his work? Whatever it was, Fang was getting nervous.

"About what you said earlier." his voice was low and deep. Hinting his definitely not please about something

"Uhh... " Fang was hesitating if he'll confess these certain feelings to his brother. It was his brother and captain whom he is speaking with but then again, his friends were here too. If he spoke too soon about this, it'll be a never ending teasing and embarrassment for him.

"I'm waiting Fang."

Hesitating, he said "I said I lov--.. " before he can even finish his sentence, a familiar Admiral appears from the scenes.

"CADETS!" the booming voice of their fearsome Admiral pierce the three younger male's ears. All of them including Kaizo salute the admiral but the said person doesn't seem to be please at the younger three males in front of him. "GET TO THE MAIN OFFICE NOW! INCLUDING YOU CORPORAL FANG!" the boys nod their heads furiously at their admiral in fear of ticking the much older man off. But before the three can scurry off, Fang suddenly heard his brother muttered something.

"We'll talk later about this later Fang... "


Silent groans from a certain purple haired male were heard inside the practice area of Tempur-A. He let out a battle cry while slicing multiple dummies around the area in less the seconds. The captain had just got back from another mission he completed with ease. Everyone even the Commander himself recommend some day off for the male but instead of relaxing like normal aliens do, he set his day off to practicing his skills.

His cold eyes glared at the last dummy standing in front of him. Tightening the grip on his energy sword, he charge full speed at the dummy while letting out a loud battle cry.

'I love her more than a sister...' the words of his younger brother suddenly brought rage through his system as he accidentally release a powerful attack which collides on the wall instead of the intended target. The impact of his attack gave a small quake from his surrounding while a huge dent can be seen on the wall.

"Damn it!" Sweats begin dropping from his forehead as he pant heavily from his attack.

'I love her more than a sister... '

"Why Pang?" he thought as he harshly throw his sharp weapon on the floor. He glared at the standing dummy in front of him, an image of Fang smiling towards him form on his head while staring at the dummy. His words keep repeating on his head, 'I love her more than a sister... '

Both of his hands were balled into fist as he jump up high and kick the last dummy. He deliver multiple punches at the object, obviously displaying his anger on it. With one last punch, the dummy finally collide on the floor, it's once smiling face was now deform and unrecognizable because of the damage it receive from the captain.

"You look like your going to murder someone." a familiar voice said. The captain widen his bright red optics at voice and turn around only to see a smiling (F/N) standing from a safe distance. The woman who stole his heart from the day they met.

"I felt a small quake earlier. That's why I'm here." She slowly walk towards the captain. When she's in front of Kaizo, her line of sight darted at something which made Kaizo to look as well. It was his hands full of graze and bruises. He heard the woman sigh as she shook her head side to side.

"You are such a troublesome captain." the woman held his injured hand and drag the male outside of the battle area and into her small clinic. She made him sat on the infirmary bed and went to get her medical kit for his injuries.

Since (F/N) was lacking in height, she grab a small chair on the side and place it near the area of the high shelves. Back facing Kaizo, the female stand on her tiptoesnin order to reach the items that she needs however, the poor female had a hard time reaching for it.

In the midst of her struggling, Kaizo, who was watching her the whole time couldn't help but to trace his sight on her womanly cruves and on her nice hips. He set his eyes lower again, this time on her butt area. He couldn't help but to lick his dry lips. He's throat was getting dry from image display in front of him. Wild thoughts off something steamy and green and been swirling inside his mind.

A nice treat for his eyes to feast.

"And... Got it!" Kaizo snap out of his wild imagination when he heard his female companion shouts as he saw her hop off from the chair. (F/N) approach Kaizo and sat beside him on the bed. "How many times do I have to remind you that you shouldn't overwork yourself." The male didn't answer, instead he let the comforting silence to be the answer to her question.

"Didn't the Commander said you were off duty? Why are you here Kaizo?" she ask as she began tending his injuries.

"My day offs consists of only work and practice (F/N)." he simply said. Without any warning he got smack on the head by the female, who wasn't please with his answer at all.

"Ow!" he yelp as he massage the soar area of his head. "What was that for?!" he glared.

"Stupid Kaizo." was the girl's only comment before tightening the bandages on his hands. Unlike everyone who's mostly intimidated by the Regendary Space Redel, (F/N) held no sign of fear when talking to him since they've been friends for five years now. Yes, exactly five years, because they've met when (F/N) started working here.

"You should really be careful Kaizo. We still need you on the team and... " Kaizo raise a brow at woman, silently commanding to continue her words.

"Your making both Fang and I worried for you." It was simple sentence. He could've been flying in heaven right now. But there's one thing...


That name suddenly tick him off out of no where and it's making his blood boil in anger. He lower his head a little, his purple bangs covering his bright red eyes, "Why would you say that?" he whispered.

"Don't be ridiculous Kaizo. As your friend I worry about your safety and as Fang's only older brother, he loves you more than you think." she said but it didn't really help Kaizo calm his boiling nerves. "And done!" she exclaim while examining her works.

"Now that I'm done. You should stay here and get some rest. I need to help the others in their station right now." She place her medical kit in her table and wave goodbye at her male friend.

"Stay put Kaizo. I mean it!" she playfully said before closing the infirmary room.

Silence settled inside the room as Kaizo grit his teeth in irritation, not by the females playful antics but a certain brother of his. If it's that about his statement earlier then he had enough about it.

"Time to eliminate someone."


"Fang... " the said teen turn around and face his brother behind him. "Yes Captain?" he saluted.

"Come with me for a second." he said before turning on his heels and walk away, his younger brother following behind him. The two went inside a room, a room Fang is not familiar with. "Is there something you want to talk about Captain?" he ask but the male didn't answer. He didn't even bother to turn around and face Fang.


"Tell me the truth Pang." he said. Fang unexpected raise an eyebrow at his statement. "What truth Captain?" he ask.

Facing his brother, he's cold red eyes glared at the smaller male, anger was visible thought it's optics. "Do you like (F/N)?" he ask straight away.

"Um... where is coming from Capt-?"

"Just answer the damn question Fang." he said. Fang sigh, he's not really sure about this but he is he's brother after all. What could go wrong?

"Ye-- " But he couldn't finish his statement. For the blade came in contact with his neck, slicing it clean. Blood splatter around the room, as the Fang's head roll on the floor. Eyes wide and dead as a fish, mouth agape from shock and was spilling in red liquid. His body collapse following with a loud thub.

Kaizo couldn't help but to stare coldly at his brother's decapitated head. A feeling of pleasure surge inside him and he couldn't help but to smirk in satisfaction.

"Wrong answer~"

Suddenly he heard a gasp near the door of the room. He turn his eyes at the front and was met with terrified (E/C) orbs. "F-Fang!" she exclaim in pure horror at the bloody state of Fang. She immediately rush towards his decapitated head. She doesn't care if blood will stain her white uniform. Tears immediately spill from her eyes as she stared at the man in front of her. "What happened here Kaizo?" she ask.

"Did he got ambush? Or d-did he...?" she stop asking questions when she suddenly saw the fresh blood on Kaizo's energy blade. "I-It can't be... " Her stare lingered more on the blade before it shift on Fang's head for reassurance. "It... was... you..., wasn't it?"

Kaizo continues to smirk, he's not afraid that he had been caught instead he's loving the sound of her weak state. It was indeed music to his eyes. Her vulnerable form, her tear stain face and her wreck mind... it was such a glory for Kaizo to own.

"Yes. I'm the not one did it." (F/N) couldn't believe it. Her eyes widen as she stared at Kaizo with disbelief.

"But why Kaizo?!"

"Why you say?... " He sigh before pointing his Energy blade at the dead body. "HE WAS IN THE WAY!"

"How... HOW DARE YOU?!"

"I had to!"

"He's your brother Kaizo! Your family!"

"I don't care if he's my brother or not. All I ever want was to be with you." His words made her stop. What does he mean by that?

"W-what do you mean?" she ask.

"I love you (F/N). Ever since we've met." she scoff when she heard his real reason.

"You... love me?" She smile in a mocking way. "Is this what is it all about? You love me so much that you feel the need to eliminate your brother? to... kill him?" she lower her head, bangs covering her swollen eyes.

"Yes, that's exactly what I want him to be. Dead." (F/N) couldn't take it anyway, the sadness mix with anger had been bubbling inside her system.

"I hate you." Kaizo eyes were wide with what he heard. "You... what?..."

"Oh I see your going deaf. I shall rephrase what I said and let me say it loud and clear this time. Captain Kaizo, I loathe you." If this was a nightmare, he wish he'll wake up soon. He can't believe that the woman he love so crazily, will immediately reject him with such cruel words.

"You're such a monster."

"You're foolish act will be announced to Admiral and Commander. I hope your happy now Captain." The young maiden stand up from the bloody floor and walk away, leaving the man on his own.

"I hate you."

"You're such a monster."

"I loathe you."

Her words keep repeating inside his mind... and he snap. A sinister smile form on his lips as he watch the female from the room he was in. "Hate you say?" he said to no one in particular.

"That ain't happening (F/N)... "

He followed the young woman outside, leaving his dead brother behind. He saw her walking towards the pilot room where the Commander and Admiral is currently at all. He can even hear her small hiccups from his position.

Kaizo immediately run after the female, grab her by the wrist and force (F/N) to face him. "L-let me go Kaizo!" She exclaim as she tried her very best to struggle out of his vice grip. However her attempts were all futile for Kaizo is known for his incredible strength. "Haven't you done enough already?!"

"I said Let g--- " (F/N) couldn't finish her sentence when a blade was suddenly brought near her neck. "If you want all members of Tempur-A safe and still breathing... come with me."

~ Yandere ~

He lifted (F/N)'s paralyze body and toss her on his bed. Horror struck her terrified (E/C) orbs as horrible thoughts came rushing in her mind like hurricane itself. She was trembling at what the devilishly handsome man has store for her. He grab a rope from his cabinet and tied the her hands on his bed.

"Panties off." he said causally like the statement itself wasn't embarrassing at all. The (H/C) haired female blush madly as pearly tears threatened themself to fall from her (E/C) orbs. "Please Kaizo... " she said softly, careful not to trigger his already deranged mind. "We can settle this out peacefully... Just please! Don't do this." she beg, but her words fall into deaf ears as the man smirk. His cold pools of red were reflecting inside the dark room.

"Oh... (F/N)... " he said. "Just accept the fact that you've made a monster out of me."

"Just accept everything... "

"And love me."

His hands move to remove her pencil skirt and rip her (F/C) colored panties, revealing her sensitive flower for Kaizo's eyes to feast. He pulled her closer to him and place both of her legs over his board shoulder. (F/N) can hear her heart beating wildly from her ears and her tied hands began griping at the bedsheet For dear life.

Kaizo couldn't wait any longer as he dove into her pussy and worked his skilled tongue. He lapped at her clit and suck on it's lips, then tongue fuck her again. It was brutal and animalistic, he was going on (F/N) like a starving man.

(F/N) felt like the air had been suck from out of her chest. She heaved, trying to inhale any oxygen but she can't, she was way to distracted at the man eating her up. She was experiencing intense pleasure all at once for the first time in her life. But she doesn't like it, not one bit. Her body might've lost it's control but her mind is still intact to her heart. And it continues to scream insults and curses for her ex-friend who apparently, killed his own brother and is currently raping her at the moment.

Small moans of pleasure exited from her mouth, and Kaizo was enjoying every single out of it. She was breathing so hard that g thought she might pass out in the middle of their steamy session. And sometimes without (F/N) knowing, she accidentally grind against his Kaizo's face which immediately turn Kaizo on.

(F/N) came quickly, but Kaizo didn't stop. He continued to assault on her drench folds, not bothering to slow down for the (H/C) haired female to catch her breath.

"K-Kai-zo! Ah~ s-stop!" The pleasure was beginning to be too much as Kaizo hooked his arms around her ass and lower back, lifting her hips so far off the bed that the only thing it was her head and neck. He was standing up now, and is able to watch (F/N) moaning like a mess.

He yanked her closer to his mouth and began massaging her clit with his lips. Intense pleasure had built up inside her once again. "K-Kai-zo n-no more- please!" she begged. Her words sounded strained, mostly because she was having difficulty in remembering the words she wanted to say. Kaizo lowered her back on the bed. "Did you enjoy it my princess?" he smirk.

When (F/N) heard him spoke, she scoff in irritation with panting rather heavily. "Just go... to hell... Kaizo."

But instead of getting irritated, he smiled. It's not one of those smile he use when he fooled the space pirates, it's not one of those scary smirk he always display in battle, it was a smile, a genuine smile. Her (E/C) eyes widen at the sight. It was indeed her first time seeing him smile like this.

"I love you (F/N)... " He said while he remove her legs off of his shoulders. He lean on the female and caress her tear strained face.

"And even if you hate me... I'll always love you... "


Draculaura: When I told you it's not suitable for you guys, I mean it. It's actually a miracle that you've survived this one or is that blood I see on your noses? 😂😂😂 But then again.... what do you think about this chapter? Was it mild or not? Cuz' I'm still protecting you from these things. Should I go with extreme yandere scenarios (killing, death e.g) or what? Tell me in the comments section. Writing a yandere character is so hard... @MaskCover I salute you for being the Yandere x Reader Queen!!

I'm actually preoccupied with school for now. That's why.... I can't update Innocent Love 😢

1. First, I am occupied with a lot of school work. Since I'm a grown 17 year old (turning 18 this year) I need to focus more on school. Last two weeks I studied for exams and luckily I pass. I was also buried in a lot of reports for 3 subjects and I can't rely it on my groupmates since they're hopeless. I was also force to perform a jingle with my classmate, I totally humiliated myself. 😭😭😭

2.) I was emotionally conflicted with something. Get ready for a long explanation.

In Facebook, I've renew my account for the 4th time because someone keeps hacking my account so I made another one with a completely different name but yeah it's still me but that's not the point. Recently I've entered a communication called 'Official Boboiboy Community Group' where Boboiboy is one of the admins! There I became an active member of the community where I post anything about Boboiboy related stuffs. Almost everyone is friendly. Almost.

When Yaya/Hanna posted a picture of her holding an ice cream on her Instagram account. I immediately posted it on the Group with a caption of 'Ice cream anyone?'.

It went out well until suddenly... someone just commented negative things on me.

As much as I want to speak with him/her nicely, part of me really wanted to strangle whoever he/she is. But as a mature netizens, I choose to ignore it, fights aren't allowed in the community and my moral codes won't allow me to (Yes, I'm nice but I still have my limits too). If you read Facts About Draculaura8, it was stated that I'm a sensitive type of gal. Basically I'm onion-skinned, a crybaby, and a loser. I've checked who's that person only to find out it's a fanmade account because of his/her profile. And he/she's base in my current country of interest, Malaysia (Kuala, Lumpur).

I was... hurt at that time that I didn't bother to write any of my books. I'm always the emotional one, even until now I couldn't get over the fact that he/she just called me thief. Maybe it's because I didn't state Yaya's name on it but it was pretty obvious it's Yaya's picture because of the accounts displayed on the lower area of the picture, that's why I didn't bother to put it. And at that time, I was actually role-playing as Yaya to make it realistic that it was Yaya and not me who's asking anyone for ice cream.

So to keep things cool, I block that person from seeing me or any of my post for Boboiboy. And I edited the caption to play safe. So instead of 'Ice cream anyone?' I put 'Yaya: Ice cream anyone?'

Being emotional really affects my mood in writing my books like in last summer where I publish 3 chapters a months and I was such a happy vampire that time. But now I'm still emotionally conflicted which affects my writing. I'm so sorry about it. 😔😔😔

That's the reason why I'm so stress right now but then again... I need to do my responsibility as an author too. As much as possible I want ALL of my books to be complete.

Goodness me, I have A LOT of ideas but I can't seem to accomplish my duties as a writer because of school. But don't worry I will try my best as a writer and as a student to do both. So anyway... HELP ME GUYS! I KNOW I LEFT A LOT OF GRAMMAR ERRORS AND PLOT HOLES... PLEASE HELP ME CORRECT EACH AND ONE OF THEM! 😭😭😭

Up Next: Yandere!Lightning x Reader x Yandere!Water for FebSeptJulNov and LukeG724. Both seem to be having a fight after saying their request 😂😂😂.

Request aren't available yet at the moment.

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