Kill Phil (Phil Coulson x reader)

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"What the hell is this?" Coulson peered out of the front window of the plane, the cockpit alight with flashes of lightning and the sounds of a downpour made it hard for him to hear what May was saying. "We aren't expecting Thor, are we? Did I miss a memo again?"

May's body was shaking with the force of the weather hitting them, having a hard time holding the plane level. Even for the most talented pilot in SHIELD, this was a challenge. "No memo, no Thor. You might want to strap in, this could get rough."

"More than this? I probably shouldn't have eaten before we left."

May's skills were no match for the storm that was crashing down on them and decided that they needed to land before they hit the ground. The massive plane skidded to a halt in an open field, with grass and dirt flying into the air as the hull dug deep ruts into the earth. Phil held on until his knuckles were white and his face just a bit green.

"That was a close one."

"Coulson, I had it." May said, her expression only slightly one of annoyance.

"I wasn't worried about you," he whispered, "I was talking about my stomach."

They both began to remove their harnesses to check on the rest of the crew, but were stopped by a figure moving in the distance. "Coulson, do you see that? Who is that?"

Phil squinted a bit as he looked out the window, trying to make out the figure coming at them through the continuing heavy rains. He saw the figure, he saw you as you raised your arms in front of you with your palms up, commanding the storm to quiet. You held firm eye contact with him until you saw him become physically uncomfortable with the sight of you.

"May, who the hell is that? Did you see what I think I saw?"

"She's either inhuman or enhanced, but either way we aren't going out there until we suit up and get the others. She looks like trouble." She stood and ran from the cockpit, with Phil following close behind.


Skye was already pulling up any information that she could find in SHIELD files from the facial recognition scan she collected when the plane landed. The information was limited, with only a few pictures available and almost no hard data on who you were or what you might want. The exterior view of the plane showed you still standing in place, as if you were awaiting action from the team inside.

"Why is she just standing there? It's kinda creepy."

Phil moved forward to get a closer look, almost staring you down in the screen, trying to read your face for any clues. "Do we know if she's inhuman? Skye, do you get a read on her?"

"Yeah, cuz we all know each other. Like one big freak show club." Her tone was dripping with sarcasm, but her expression was confused as she studied your face.

A harsh, screeching noise filled the cabin, followed by the sound of an open communication channel. "I'm here for Coulson. Send him out or I will come in for him."

At that moment Hunter ran in to see your face lighting up the screen and fell back against the wall in shock. "What...what are you doing with...with (Y/N)'s picture? Why are you looking at this?" He slowly regained his composure and stepped closer to your image, putting his hand up to touch your face, but he only found empty air. "Did something happen? Do you know where she is?"

"Who is she? She's outside right now and wants Coulson," May said. "We aren't about to send him out until we know more, but it appears that she's either inhuman or enhanced. She created the storm that took the plane down. What do you know that can help?"

He closed his eyes and hung his head, mumbling to himself in disbelief, "she's my sister."


Phil snapped his vest closed and checked the ammunition in his weapon. "I'm not going to kill her, Hunter. I have an ICER with me; the gun is only for a back-up, okay? I want to help undo what Hydra did, if I can get her to believe me before she kills me."

"I'm going with you." Hunter threw on his vest and began to step in front of Coulson. "I have to go with you."

"That's not a good idea, she probably doesn't know you and we can't be sure how-"

Before Phil could finish, Hunter was already out the door. He followed behind with his weapon drawn and ready to incapacitate you at a moment's notice. He was telling the truth when he said he didn't want to kill you, or to even hurt you. You hadn't chosen what happened, or how Hydra had kidnapped you and mutated you into one of their enhanced weapons. He wanted to give you the chance to be who you were, and for Hunter to regain the sister he knew.

But he wasn't about to risk the lives of any of his team for you, either.

"(Y/N), what are you doing here?" Hunter was standing in front of you, holding his hands towards you with his palms up, "I know you don't remember me, but I'm your brother, love. I know what those bastards did to you. But let us help you, please."

You remained expressionless as you spoke to him, though your patience was beginning to quickly wear thin. Your mission was to kill Agent Coulson. It was very clear. If this man continued to get in your way, he would become collateral damage in order to complete your task. "I don't remember you. I want Agent Coulson to come out now," you said, raising your gun to him, "or you will die and I'll go in after him."

Phil stepped down the ramp; his hands empty with his weapon holstered now and his arms at his sides. "I don't want to hurt you, (Y/N). I know that Hunter doesn't want to hurt you either. Hydra has brainwashed you to kill me, they've altered your physiology, and who knows what else, but I want to help you."

You lifted your gun, aiming at the center of Coulson's chest. "I don't want your help. I want to complete my mission. That means I have to kill you, Agent Coulson." Despite the resolution in your voice, your mind was becoming confused. Why would he willingly step before you if he knew what you were there to do? Why would he want to help you, a Hydra operative, when you were his enemy? The other man with him was familiar to you, but you didn't know why. "You have no reason to want to help me."

"But we do," Hunter said as he took another step towards you. "We absolutely do, (Y/N). You're my sister. Hydra took you from us years ago, and no matter what we did, we couldn't find you." He took yet another step when you didn't resist. "I want to help you remember. Please let me help you. I love you, (Y/N), and I've missed you so much, for so long."

The clouds began to darken over your head and winds began to spin around the three of you. Phil stumbled back just a bit as the earth below him began to tremble and crack. Your mind couldn't comprehend what he was saying.

"Guys?" Skye's voice was loud over the comms, "guys, you need to get in here. Her heart rate has almost tripled. I think she's losing control."

"You can't help me. You can't...I'm not who you think I can't." You dropped the gun to the ground and fell to your knees, holding your head. Hunter ran to your side but was hesitant to touch you. "I'm so head..."

A crack in the ground began to form and open towards you, but you didn't see it. Hunter took the risk and grabbed you in his arms, running towards the plane. You didn't fight him; you were too lost within your own mind to realize what he had done. Lightning began to strike all around you, creating flashes that blinded Phil and disoriented him to where he was standing. He didn't see the ground break beneath him and you heard a scream as he fell.

"Let me go!"

You pushed your way from Hunter's hold and ran towards Coulson. He was barely holding on to the edge of the ground he had fallen into, and when you reached him you grabbed his arm with all of your strength.

"Will you help me, Coulson? Are you telling me the truth?"

"I am!"

"Can you save me if I save you?"

"I promise, (Y/N)! I promise you I will do everything in my power to help you."

You couldn't stop the storms that came from inside you, but you could try to save the man you were sent to kill. Despite what they had done, you never felt at peace in the Hydra ranks; you had absolutely no reason to trust this man or the people he was with, but the man who claimed to be your brother felt truthful to you.

Pulling as hard as you could, you managed to get Coulson far enough for him to push his way out; Hunter ran up behind you to grab him and bring him the rest of the way to safety. "(Y/N), you have to stop this storm! Can you stop it?"

"I...I don't know." You tried to concentrate and to calm the emotions that were raging inside you, but it all felt pointless. You were so confused and so scared of what your future would be and what Hydra would do to you that calm was the furthest from your reach. "I don't think I can."

Part 2

Hunter crawled you your side and grabbed your arms to turn you to face him. "(Y/N), I know you have no reason to trust me right now, but you need to get this under control, love. Just close your eyes and think about something else. Anything other than right now."

It was easier said than done. You tried to focus, but with every flash of lightening and crash of thunder, you were jarred from your mind. "Just go! Leave me here! I can't stop it, but maybe I can direct it away long enough for you to escape!"

"Like hell we will," Coulson said, shooting you in the back with the ICER, knocking you out cold. Once you were unconscious, the winds and rains died down; Hunter picked you up and brought you to the plane where Coulson insisted that you be held under high security. At least until they knew if they could trust you or not.

Once they had arrived at SHIELD HQ, they moved you into a secured cell, where Hunter sat nearby, still in disbelief that you were there. He was angry, but not at you, rather angry at himself for not doing enough to find you, not doing enough to keep you out of the hands of Hydra, and definitely not doing enough to keep you safe in the first place. You were his little sister, and he felt as though he had completely failed you. He startled slightly when Skye stepped in behind him and rested her hand on his shoulder.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. I'm just...I'm just worried, I suppose."

"We'll figure it out. Trust Phil on this." She sat in the chair next to him, waiting for him to give her more. Waiting for him to open up.

"I don't know what he thinks he's gonna be able to do." He stood up and began to pace the small room, "she's clearly been enhanced, or whatever it is they call it, and Hydra is gonna start looking for her. They're gonna notice that she's gone." He paused to lean against the wall, his gazed fixed on you, "If they know that Coulson has her, you can bet they're gonna send Ward."

Skye shuddered at the name but swiftly shook it off. "Then if that's what we have coming, then we'll deal with it. He's not gonna give up on her, Hunter. She's your sister." She nodded her head towards you, "She's in there somewhere."


"She's extremely powerful, sir. The storm she created knocked us out of the sky. I can see why she would be a formidable weapon for Hydra." May looked at Coulson and back at Gonzalez, "she could be equally formidable for SHIELD."

"We haven't even figured out who she is yet and you're already weaponizing her?" Phil's voice was uncharacteristically loud, pointing at each of them as he spoke. "No. First, we help her regain her memory and her life, then we can ask her if she wants to join us or not. I promised to help her, not sell her out!"

Gonzalez stood from behind his desk with a confrontational stance, "that is not your decision, Coulson. We need to maintain control of people like her. You saw it yourself, she could cause extensive destruction, and if that isn't controlled then it puts us all at risk."

"May?" Phil turned to her, hoping for her to be an ally as she had been so many times in the past.

She lowered her head, her arms remaining crossed over her chest. After a moment she slowly shook her head and used a calm tone in her response. "I'm sorry, I agree with Gonzalez. She's too volatile, and we don't even know who she is."

Phil's eyes narrowed and his jaw set as he turned sharply and exited the room. He hurried to get to you before they had any way to stop him. He ran down the stairs towards the cell, seeing Hunter and Skye already there. "Guys, we need to move fast. Grab her and follow me."


You hadn't woken yet when they put you into the memory machine, but you certainly woke once it had begun. Flashes of memories barraged you, painfully creating wave after wave of stimulation. Despite Hunter's multiple attempts to stop it, Coulson insisted that the process needed to finish to pull the real you out of Hydra's programming.

Once it was over, after it had felt like hours of torture, Skye removed you from the machine and released the restraints that were holding you in place. "How do you feel? Do you know where you are?"

"Maybe warn a girl before you decide to torture her, eh?" You swung your feet over the edge and leaned over to rest your head in your hands, your equilibrium off just enough to cause a small sway in your posture. "Rude, guys."

Hunter was cautious in his approach, holding a hand out towards you but not yet making any contact. "(Y/N), do you recognize me? Please say you recognize me."

You looked at him for a moment, regarding his features. He kept looking back with hopeful eyes, and you were happy to not let him down, "well, you look an awful lot like this jerk I used to hang around with. Always gave me a hard time, but I just couldn't get rid of him. Brothers tend to do that, I suppose."

He jumped at you, close to knocking you backwards and off the other side of the table, but you were caught in his squeezing embrace. "Thank you, thank you. Oh my god, finally."

The moment was ruined when Gonzalez and May stepped through the doors, fuming. "What the hell is going on in here?" he asked, looking at you. "Coulson, I told you that this wasn't your call to make. This is insubordinate."

"I wasn't about to let you get your hands on her before we knew if we could get her memory back. She knows who she is now."

"Wait a minute," you asked as you hopped down off the table. Your balance was still a bit shaky, so you reached out for your brother to hold you steady. "What do you mean, not his call? What exactly were you planning on doing with me?"

"Ma'am, you have extraordinary power. We need to study it, categorize it, and determine what it means for SHIELD before we can trust you with it." Gonzalez took a step towards you, but you instinctively took one backwards, feeling instantly threated by the man. "We need to be certain that it can be controlled."

"I got plenty of control with Hydra, thank you very much." You pulled your arm away from Hunter and began to head for the door. "Phil, thank you. Thank you for everything you've done, really. And I'm very sorry for the storm and, you know, how I was supposed to kill you...and almost did." You cleared your throat, uncomfortable with the topic, "But I can't go from one group who says that their way is better to another who says the same, only to find that they are both wrong."

Hunter began to panic at the thought of you walking away and the possibility of losing you again. He followed you as you exited and grabbed your arm once you were alone. "Hey, (Y/N), please don't leave. I can't lose you again, I just can't. Please...I just found you."

"I'm sorry, I really am." You pulled your arm from his grip and backed away, "if I'm going to be hunted by either Hydra or SHIELD, then I need to hide. You have to understand that."

"No, I don't! I understand that you're running! I understand that you're leaving me behind! Let me protect you...just don't leave."

Phil walked in before you reached the door and reached your freedom. "She's right. Let her go." He grabbed your hand and began to lead you away. "He's not going to back down on this, and now that he knows who she is and what she can do, he'll hunt her down. You want to do right by her, Hunter? Then this is how you keep her safe. Help me get her out of here."

He reluctantly followed you and Phil out the door, heading towards the quinjet. Once on board, Phil released you and nodded at Hunter, "Mike is going to take her to wherever she wants to go. Say a quick goodbye, and then help me make up a story about how we lost her."

Hunter turned back and looked at you with eyes so sad that you almost couldn't look at him. He was right, he had just found you, and you had just found him. It was a terrible situation, but a necessary one. Maybe someday you could come back, when you knew it was safe to do so; when that miserable Gonzalez guy was gone. A small smile crossed his lips, he gave you a small nod, and turned away, not looking back as the jet took off.

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