My Kind of Mission (Steve Rogers x reader)

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Oh, yes, these bruises are coming in quite nicely.

This mission was longer and much, much more difficult than even Steve had anticipated. Each HYDRA base that you infiltrated was stronger and more guarded than the last. Every day you had off, you trained as a team. Fighting, calling out attacks, and coordinating your powers. A few missions were nearly lost because someone accidentally got in Wanda's crossfire.

But now, you didn't want to think of any of that. You were finally back at Avengers Tower, and all you wanted was a nice, hot shower. Your muscles ached and the bruises were only growing in size. Just as your thoughts drifted away, a head peeked into the bathroom.

"Um, Doll?"

"What could you possibly want, Steve?" you sighed, trying to hide your exasperation.

You turned to see him holding a pair of pants with a questioning look on his face. "What are these, exactly?"

"They're my pajama pants, Steve. Is that really why you interrupted the first shower I've had in almost a week?" Turning back into the soothing hot water, you could only hope that satisfied his curiosity.

He chuckled, "Yeah, I know that. But what's THIS?" He flipped the pants around to point out the large logo running down the side.

"Those...would Captain America pajama pants..." you replied as a small smirk crossed your lips. "Wait, how do you not know about those? Clint got them for everyone. Tony wears his Iron Man ones all the time! He even modified Banner's to not tear if he goes green!"

With an irresistible and adorable pout, the kind he knew would always work on you, he whined, "but I don't have any, and I'm actually Captain America! I suppose I could try to fit into yours..."

"No! Don't you dare, you'll tear them in half! Babe, maybe try getting dressed from your side of the closet. I know they're there." You turned again into the water and closed your eyes, trying to show that this conversation was over.

A few glorious minutes had passed when Steve jumped into the room with a huge grin on his face. "Ah ha! I found them!!" He unexpectedly jumped in the shower with you, lifting you up and laughing in his excitement.

"You big goof! You just found them and now they're soaked! You aren't taking mine!" You jumped out of the shower, grabbed your pants and ran from the room, soaking wet, naked and laughing.

He slowly stepped out, his voice deepened and his eyes darkened as he began his chase.

"Bad call, Agent (Y/L/N). This is exactly my kind of mission."

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