Sometimes it's Good to be Scared (Rogers x reader)

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"No problem."

It had become your catchphrase amongst the team, even when things really were a problem. Even when things were a shit show and you weren't sure if anyone was going to make it out alive, your calm demeanor and assurance that you could get the job done 'no problem', would rally the team to finish even the toughest mission strong.

Strength was all well and good, but it was a façade more often than not, masking the risk of crumbling at a moments' notice on the inside. It began innocently enough when you were assigned to train with Steve, the ultimate soldier who was never scared of anything. After a while you just adapted to his attitude and blended it into yourself; you wanted to make your S.O. proud, after all.

However, when the day started, you had no idea that you would be a huge disappointment to him.

"He's asking for you."

" problem," you mumbled to yourself, finding that your breathing was faster than normal and your heart was racing just a bit. "But why?"

Tony took your arm gently and led you to the door of the infirmary, looking through the window at Steve and the group of team doctors who were working on his injuries. It definitely looked bad, almost insurmountable, but he knew that Cap would pull through out of pure stubbornness if nothing else. "He said there's something that he needs to tell you."

"Tony, he's not gonna die...right?"

Without an answer that would calm your nerves, even if it would've been a lie, he pushed the door open with one hand, the other on your lower back to direct you towards Steve. You thought that he would follow, but when you turned to say something, Tony was gone. It took every ounce of determination not to run out the door after him, but the sounds of monitors and IV pumps and doctors ordering things that you didn't understand flooded your mind and froze you in place.


With a deep but shaky breath, you steeled yourself and squared your shoulders, trying to wear the bravest face that you could muster for him. When you turned to face him, you weren't sure how long you would be able to maintain it. "Hey, Cap. You look terrible."

"I don't feel so great either."

Bruce was at the center of the team working on Steve and noticed that you were keeping your distance. He pushed a chair to the side of the table so that you could sit, but you were reluctant to take the offer. You could feel the anxiety building within you and the threat of tears was imminent. Every time you spoke, it became harder to control and all you wanted was the solace and security of your room.

"I'm gonna be so pissed if you die, Steve."

"Hey, I'm doing the best I can here," he smiled, but it was weak and not genuine. His skin was pale and a little sweaty, but when you finally brought yourself to touch his hand, it was almost cold.

"Do better." Before you could pull your hand back, he grabbed it and forced you to stand next to him, though he had noticed your gaze dropping to the ground and anywhere else other than towards him.

"There's something I need to tell you, (Y/N). Something that I think you should know, just in case." When you began to protest he squeezed your hand harder; almost to a point of being painful. "Listen to me. That's an order, okay?"

"Yes, Captain."

Steve's eyes rolled back slightly and his breathing slowed, recovering after a few seconds that felt like an eternity as you watched. "Sorry, I fade a bit," he panted. "Doesn't happen as often now that they're dumping blood into me." As if he wasn't going through enough from his injuries, you felt bad at his grimace from the sight of so much blood; it was one of the very rare things that got to him. "I need you to know this, (Y/N). I need you to see this and know that I'm really scared right now."

Your eyes widened in shock and you were certain that your mouth was hanging open wider than it felt, but you couldn't help it. This was definitely not what you would ever expect to hear from the Captain. "Steve..."

"Sometimes it's good to be scared. It keeps us alert, and it keeps us safe. But in times like this, it makes us realize what's important." He paused when it happened again, his eyes rolling back for a few seconds though for a much shorter time than the last. "You need to know that it's okay. I'm worried about you, (Y/N)."

"You're worried about me? You're the one...the one lying on a table hooked up to more tubes than I can count, and you're worried about me?"

"You can't be strong for everyone. Trying to be all things to all people leaves nothing for yourself, (Y/N). I learned that lesson...too late..." His voice faded away, followed by screaming alarms filling the room. His grip on your hand weakened until there was no tone left in it.

Your body had been listening to what he had said; you were awash with nausea and your heart was beating rapidly against your chest. Your head began to spin as you began to hyperventilate, looking down at your Captain. Fighting the tears was no longer a concern for you, and it was all you could do to force your legs to hold you upright. Bruce ran to your side and pushed you into the chair when he saw the color drain from your face, worried that you were about to become his next patient.

"Okay, Steve, you win," you whispered in his ear as the doctors became frantic around him and the team began to gather at the window, "I'm scared now."

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