Well, That's New (Bucky Barnes x reader)

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Slamming your drink down on the bar, your face had cringed at the strong taste and burn in your throat from the alcohol that Bucky had chosen for you. "Ok, Buck, that was just plain mean. What the hell was that?"

"I'll never tell!" He laughed as the bartender began to mix the drink you had chosen for him on this round. "This was your idea, (Y/N)! You're the one determined to out-drink me. You're gonna lose."

"Never underestimate...me." You began to hiccup between words, laughing at yourself and how ridiculous they sounded. The alcohol was surely making this funnier than it really was. "I'm taking...you...down."

The bartender sat down a bright pink drink covered in fruit and colorful umbrellas. "What the hell is this, (Y/N)? Are you trying to lose on purpose?"

"You've been giving me shots...Buck. Every drink you've had...has been mixed. So really, you've...had more than me." The hiccupping continued as the bartender sat your next shot before you.

Bucky took down his drink easily, setting the glass upside down as he finished. "You don't look so good, kid." He stood next to you now with his arm on the bar rail, ready to catch you. You took the shot quickly and smiled at him as you tipped the glass over. "I'm fi..."

Knowing this would happen, he caught you easily as you tipped over, knocked out from the countless shots you had taken. He laughed and threw you over his shoulder to carry you back to your room, but took the time to stop and bid goodnight to each Avenger.

"So, I see the party's over early?" Steve lifted your hair to see you and chuckled at the content smile on your sleeping face. "Looks like she had a good time."

"I think I'll just put her to bed, and be back in a few minutes. Grab me a drink, would ya?"

Bucky made his way to the door, not noticing as Loki watched him pass by. The god smiled as he thought of a way to ensure that the chemistry he had seen between you would be realized, and that he could prove that he was able to do good for a change.

"I know that look, Loki. What are you plotting, and how do I stop it?" Thor was sipping his drink as he sat next to him, but Loki was clearly not interested in his brother trying to monitor his every move. How was he expected to change his ways and earn their trust if he wasn't given the chance?

"Only good things, dear brother. Only good things."


You woke to sun shining harshly in your eyes and an obnoxious banging on your door. Your headache wouldn't allow you to keep your eyes open, so rolling from bed you felt your way to the door, desperate to get whoever that was to stop.

"Jesus! Knock it off, I'm coming!"

You were sure that those words were yours, but they sounded like Bucky. You were too hung over to think any more of it, pulling the door open to face the jerk who woke you up so early.

It was you.

Rubbing your eyes, you thought maybe you were still asleep. Or still drunk. When you opened your eyes again, the sight hadn't changed. It was you, and you looked panicked.

"(Y/N), it's me. It's Bucky. I'm you and...you're me. And I'm freaking out a bit here, so please tell me you know what the fuck is going on." He pushed you back into the room, when you looked down and saw that the metal arm was now yours. Covering your mouth, your eyes filled with terror as you ran to the bathroom, barely making it before your stomach betrayed you.

"Oh, man! Watch the arm! That thing's a bitch to clean!"


Once you had collected yourselves, you and Bucky decided that you wouldn't be able to figure this out on your own, so you headed to the team for help. They were gathered in the common room waiting for your arrival, talking and laughing quietly about the situation, silencing themselves as you entered. Steve approached you, looking curiously at his friend, completely unsure of how to address you.

"So, you're (Y/N) in there? And you're Bucky in there?" He laughed as he sipped at his coffee, returning to the group. "How much did you guys drink anyway?"

Loki stepped forward, confused as to the problem with the situation.

"It's humorous, is it not? They are clearly enamored with each other, I was only trying to help."

"Wait, enamored with each other? Bucky, are you...do you...like me?" This wasn't a conversation you wanted to have in front of the team, but really, how much more embarrassing could things get?

"(Y/N), I more than like you. I thought you knew that."

It was strange to hold his gaze, when really you were looking at yourself. If he tried to kiss you right now, like you really wanted, you'd be sure to run. You would be kissing yourself, and that kind of thinking sounded more like Stark than you.

"So, Loki, do you mind?" You waved your hand between you and Bucky, hoping the Asgardian would get the hint and set things right. "Before this gets really weird?"

"Does no one appreciate the things I do for them?" As Loki waved his hands over you and Bucky, you felt dizzy and stumbled back against the table behind you. You squeezed your eyes shut to try to ward off the unpleasant sensation, but it only became stronger. When you finally felt able to open your eyes, you were back in your own body, and Bucky had already moved to your side to hold you steady.

"Hey, hey I've got you. You're okay." Bucky, the real version of Bucky, was looking at you with concern as he held you. You stood up on your toes to finally kiss him, steadying yourself with your hands in his hair. His arms tightened around your waist and pulled you to him, lifting you fully off the floor.

Loki folded his hands behind his back and looked at you both, annoyed that he hadn't been given his due attention.

"Is no one going to thank me?"    

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