What Are You Looking At? (Bucky Barnes x reader)

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Today was Sunday, your weekly appointment with yourself to clean the house and get chores done. It was the day that you didn't care about what clothes you had on, you didn't care about wearing makeup, and you could throw your hair up into a messy ponytail without hesitation. It was also the day that your boyfriend was supposed to know that you were off limits for anything.

Popping in your earbuds, you dove headfirst into work on your kitchen, scrubbing and singing along to your music, dancing from task to task to match the beats that played in your ears. Your phone rang but you didn't hear it, lost in what you were doing, and never bothering to check it since today was your day to yourself.

Grabbing your mop, you dunked it into the soapy water and slapped it onto the tile floor, swaying it back and forth to match your motion, still dancing to your music. You loved the smell of a clean house, and always felt accomplished when you were done; you closed your eyes and took in the scents that filled your kitchen, but you startled from your thoughts when a hand rested on your shoulder.

"Aaahhhh!", you screamed, stumbling backwards onto your newly mopped floor, your feet slipping out from beneath you. One foot landed in the water bucket, guaranteeing your fast descent to the hard floor below.

"Woah, babe, I got you!"

You felt Bucky's metal arm around your waist, holding you only about a foot from connecting with the wet surface. "What are you doing here? You scared the crap outta me!" You slapped his chest as he pulled you back up to standing. Pulling your foot out of the soapy bucket, you shook it off and ripped your sock away. "Dammit, Buck. I'm soaking wet," you whined.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he laughed, grinning at you as he watched. "I called a few times but you didn't answer, so I thought I would stop by."

"Why would you just barge in like that?" You hopped on your dry foot over to the bathroom to grab a towel, trying to not get the rest of your floors wet as well. "You shouldn't sneak up on people."

He dug around in his pocket for a second, finally producing the key you had given him weeks ago. "Um, doll? You gave me this, remember?"

"Right," you sighed.

"You're quite the entertainer, I must say."

You could feel your face turning red and did your best to avoid looking at him when you walked past to clean the mess you had made. "So, how long were you standing there? Watching me and being all creepy?"

"I'm not creepy," he pouted.

"No," you chuckled, "you're not creepy. I'm sorry."

Bucky walked into your living room and turned on your stereo, searching for several minutes to find what he was looking for. "Alright, come here. Let's see what you can do." He held out his arms and smiled, waiting for you to realize what he was asking.

You stared at him for a moment and nervously ran your hand over your hair and down your long ponytail. "Um, I don't dance, babe. I was just messing around."

"Well then, come mess around with me."

Shaking your head in disbelief of what you were agreeing to, you walked towards him and reluctantly put your hands in his. He raised your arm up and spun you, pulling you close then quickly dipping you back. His hands held you firmly and your worry about your lack of skill didn't feel like so much of a problem anymore.

"Woah, big guy," you sighed, "don't let me fall."

Bucky leaned down to lay a soft kiss on your neck, then lifted you back up to stand against his chest. "Never, baby. Never."

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