I Saw Her First (Steve Rogers/Clark Kent x reader)

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Yes, it's another rule breaking crossover.

Many superheroes preferred to keep their true lives a secret from the people they protected, but they didn't mind if they knew each other's identities; it was almost like a secret club with a code of honored exclusivity. It was unheard of to out a fellow member, so in an effort to keep the temptation away, Tony threw an annual party at the tower with the hottest ticket in New York that no civilian would ever get their hands on. It was a party where heroes were free to be themselves; their true selves without the masks and capes, usually drawing in a few new members with each year as the superhero community continued to grow. It was growing so fast, in fact, that after only a few parties, the word of the event had spread like wildfire. Universes began to collide, and heroes who would have never known the other existed formed welcome friendships.

That's how Superman and Captain America became the mischievous troublemakers of the superhero world. With a common proclivity for stress relief through humor, the new duo spent nearly as much time plotting their next move as they did saving the world.

But nothing lasts forever. That's also how Steve and Clark met you, and not long after decided that maybe it was better that masks weren't removed and that universes didn't cross. Maybe some lines were meant to be drawn in the sand for a reason.

"No, no, that's not gonna work," Steve spoke softly, turned away from the crowd, "you can't half-ass a prank on Stark. If we're doing this, it can't be small-time stuff."

Clark nodded in agreement as his partner in crime spoke, the two of them standing in a corner of the room with their phones in hand to coordinate their next hit. They were dressed in their best suits, looking sharp and refined and sophisticated, never once letting on to anyone that they were nothing more than overgrown children. "Okay, then what did you have in mind? You know the guy better than I do."

"Can we get Wayne in on this? We could probably use the funding."

"Pfft, yeah," Clark scoffed, "don't hold your breath. I've never heard him laugh once. In fact...I can remember ever seeing him smile, either. Hmm, I suppose we should give him credit though, he's got method."

"Or he's clinically depressed and we might need to do a safety check after the party."

"Do you always have to take it one step too far?"

"Pretty much, yeah," Steve smiled brightly, giving him a swift slap on his arm. "I'm always honest."

"Oh please, not that again. You're lying even when you say that!"

"Man, could you maybe not say that so loud? I have a reputation to...uphold..." Steve faded, his attention leaving his friend and locking in on the newest guest to arrive. It was your first time at the event, and you were clearly making a memorable entrance. He felt his mouth go dry and his heart start to race at the sight of you, a mixture of admiration and arousal that was shared by Clark once he realized what had captured his friend's focus. "Who is that? Have you seen her before?"

"No, I definitely have not," Clark whispered back. "I would remember if I had."

Steve took a glance down into his glass, disappointed to find it completely empty, the dry thickness in his throat worsening with each minute longer that he watched you. How was he supposed to introduce himself and get you to fall helplessly for him if he couldn't even say his name? The perfectly timed waiter turned from the corner next to the duo, carrying a tray of alcohol for Steve to masterfully take a glass he passed by. It didn't even matter what the drink was, so long as it cooled off the heat that he could feel rising from his chest.

"Tony," Steve called out with a wave to his teammate who was in a group nearby, "who's the new girl?"

"Hmm? Where?" Tony answered, pushing himself up on his toes and turning to look out over the crowd. It didn't help that Steve refused to point him in the right direction as to not be rude, but as soon as you came into his sights, he realized that pointing wasn't necessary. "Well, well, well, I didn't think that she was gonna show up. She cleans up nice, right?"

"She absolutely does," Clark answered, "but seriously, who is she?"

"That's (Y/N). She's a mimic," he explained. "She can turn herself into just about anything, and if she's needs to she can take on powers that any of us have just by a quick touch."

Steve's head snapped towards you, his curiosity getting the best of him and he knew that he had to get closer. You had caught his stare a few times within your first steps into the tower, but you drove him mad when you treated his attention like an annoyance. It made him frustrated quickly, and it made him ache. All it took was one glance back to Clark to realize that he was embodying the exact same problem, and Tony took just as much notice.

"Oh yeah, I should probably mention that she's also a friend of Diana's, and she's way out of your league."

"Was that a cheap play on words?"

"I don't do anything cheap, Kent," Tony huffed, slapping a hand on his chest in mock hurt, "and no, not exactly. But, she has turned down your Justice League twice now. Figured you knew that."

Steve's demeanor perked up, turning to Tony with a smile that was quickly wiped away. "So then why don't we-"

"She's turned us down three, Cap."


"It's a trick!"

"Oh, no, it's much more than that," Thor smiled brightly, his eyes alight with a glimmer of amusement. The boisterous sound of Clint's voice had caught your attention, and now that you were making your way across the room to join the small group of Avengers, Thor grew more animated to keep your attention there.

"Whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power!" Clint mocked. "Whatever man, it's a trick!"

Thor's laugh filled the room, quickly challenging his friend and teammate just to prove his point with a grand finality. "Please, be my guest," he waved towards the hammer, which was resting on the table in front of him.


"Yes, of course."

By now, as Clint tried and quickly failed to lift Mjolnir, Steve had found his opportunity to talk to you for the first time since you had arrived to the party a few hours before. He didn't mean to ditch Clark on purpose, at least not consciously, but he didn't mind at all that he was on his own and could talk to you all for himself. He had made a few attempts to get your attention, each of them either thwarted by Tony's relentless need to introduce you to every single damn superhero in the room, or by Thor, who had somehow managed to pull you onto his lap as he watched the scene play out over and over. Tony was next to fail to lift the hammer, even with Rhodey's help while wearing the gauntlets from their suits. As Bruce took a stand to take his turn, Steve tipped his drink back to finish in one biting swallow, grimacing at both the sting of alcohol and the idea that he was about to make a complete ass of himself in front of you before he could even tell you his name.

"Let's go, Steve, you can do it!"

"Come on, Cap!"

"Why is this such an important thing for them to prove?" you whispered to Thor as you both watched eagerly. "Are their egos really this fragile?"

"Humans are fragile by nature," he quietly answered. His focus shifted and his muscles tensed beneath you when Mjonir shifted just slightly under Steve's grip, and you thought you heard a small gasp when he saw his life flash before his eyes in fear. Steve tried one last time, but this attempt didn't move the hammer at all; he threw his hands up in defeat and stepped back, instead making his way towards you.

"Ah, nothing!" Thor gasped in relief and returning to his drink.

When Steve approached you with an extended hand, you stood and matched his body language, holding yourself tall and a little bit on guard. You had heard of Captain America and a little about Steve Rogers as the man behind the title; you knew that he was of high moral standard and a fierce determination to protect the people who believed in him, but you also knew that he was a legendary risk taker and that sometimes meant that he was remarkably overconfident. "Hi, I'm Steve."

"Hello, Steve," you smiled back and took his hand, "I know exactly who you are. I'm (Y/N)."

"I'm sorry, but I can't say the same. Is this your first time at one of these?"

"It is-" you tried, but you were quickly interrupted by a new voice and a new hand jutted out for you to take, nearly pushing Steve aside in order to get closer to you.

"Hi, I'm Clark."

"Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N)," you answered, only this response was less enthusiastic and almost chastising when you refused his hand. "But if you don't mind, I was already talking to Steve."

"Yeah, man, back off. I saw her first."

"You saw her first?" Clark scoffed, looking from Steve and to you and back with a look of disgust. "So, are you trying to say that she's yours? Oh, okay, is this like when you licked the top of my beer can and claimed it before I could open it? Are you going to lick her too?"

"Excuse me?" you joined back in. "No one is licking anybody."

"No, that's not what I meant. I just don't appreciate him cutting into our conversation," Steve clarified, shooting a cold glare at Clark. "Could you maybe give us a minute? Go try lifting the hammer or something."

"Why? So that we can both look bad in front of her? No thank you. I'll let you have that all to yourself."

As if to add fuel to the fire, just as anyone would expect, Tony just had to throw his own offering into the discussion, "come on, Kent, don't be a chickenshit!"

Normally, Steve would have tossed out the language line at Stark, but in this case, he was in full support of goading his counterpart into the competition knowing full well that he would fail just as the rest of them had. You wanted no part of it, and felt like it was a childish game that the men were playing just so they could try to impress you, when in actuality they were merely pushing your interest further away. They were remarkably attractive, almost to a fault, but you wouldn't let their chiseled good looks and the soft timbre in their voices sway you in the least.

"Gentlemen," you looked to each of them, "I think it's time that I say goodnight. Tony, thank you for inviting me, I had a fun evening. Please, excuse me."

Steve and Clark hesitantly stepped aside, not offering an argument to stop you as they simultaneously realized that they had taken their verbal sparring too far. Clark was the first to step forward to slightly block your path, his eyes much more sincere now as you met them, his expression apologetic and warm. "Forgive me, (Y/N). I was rude. If you would let me, I'd like to walk you out?" He extended his arm for you to slide yours through, but you paused, seeing Steve step ahead with the same intent.

"Or, I could walk you out, if you prefer?"

"Now who's the one who needs to back off," Clark snapped, hissing between his clenched teeth. "I've got her."

"No, you don't have her," you finally broke, "and you won't." You wanted to make your point with finality, and with these two overblown egos you had to make it definitively and clearly understood. Tapping into Superman's power was risky, but you weren't new at your skills and he barely even noticed what you had done until your hand was slapped to his chest, pushing his massive frame back a few steps with ease. "I belong to no one."

Thor had already stood to make his way to you, sensing the shift in your demeanor even though you had been very mindful to not draw attention. You had been friends with him for years now, and his sense of protectiveness over you was well established even if you didn't really need it. You could feel your mind and body calm with the touch of his hand on your back to lead you out, with Clark and Steve not making a sound in argument for the first time.

In fact, they wouldn't be saying anything to each other for the foreseeable future after this.

"Oh, wait," you stopped your friend, "you're forgetting something." He released you willingly, watching with a trained eye as you passed your failed suitors and moved to the table where the rest of the team still sat. There was an audible gasp as they watched your hand slide down the handle of Mjolnir, each of them holding their breath in excited expectation of what was about to happen. "Have a great evening, everyone," you smiled, lifting the hammer easily to the roar of laughter and exclamations of shock.

Clark and Steve weren't taking part in the reaction, however, the two men looking smaller than the men you had first met, their statures broken and their eyes avoiding you. As you rejoined your escort and again took his hand, you wouldn't allow yourself to feel bad about how they were feeling; they had brought this situation to themselves, and it wasn't your responsibility to maintain their egos.

"Do you think she can lift it or did she mimic Thor?" Tony whispered, assured that you couldn't hear him, but you most certainly did.

"Tony, you can believe whatever you want," you smiled politely, "but I know my value. Anyone else's opinion really doesn't matter."

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