Sorcerer Supreme (Stephen Strange x reader)

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Medieval AU

The woods behind the palace had been forbidden for you to enter since you were a little child; it was the one rule that had never changed in generations, and there were no signs of it changing in your years either. Your parents had told you stories of monsters who roamed there in the night just waiting to prey on wandering children, ready to eat them without a thought. It didn't help that your room had been facing the menacing forest, the moonlight casting shadows that left you with many nights sleepless and filled with the terror that they were the beasts just waiting to clamp their jaws around your young frame and drag you into their lair.

But as you grew into adulthood and your parents had left the kingdom in your keeping as its Queen, those fears waned and faded, though only somewhat; the stories had been fairly gruesome and persistent in their presentation, and the traces of those memories stuck even now. Each night you would stand on your balcony, looking out into the dark foliage, trying to convince yourself to walk into them the next morning, but the walk was yet to happen. You were about to resolve yourself once more when something deep in the woods caught your eye; a swirl of orange, sparks, and then...nothing.

"Your majesty, trouble sleeping?"

"Um...yes," you replied hesitantly, turning to your Lady-in-Waiting as she stood by your door with hands clasped and an almost stern look. "I believe that a walk shall do well to soothe my unjustified energies. I'll return shortly, please, do not wait up for me." You hurried back into your room, passing by her and into your closet, slipping on a pair of boots that were hidden by the hem of your nightgown, and a heavy shawl to cover your shoulders, yet large enough to pull over your head in the event of inclement weather or a need to hide your identity.

"Majesty, I must insist-"

"I must insist that you don't," you answered curtly. "I've made it perfectly clear that I'll return shortly, so do not challenge my decision again."


The sounds of early fall crunched beneath your feet, no matter how much care you were taking to move slowly and to step lightly. There were the beginnings of a chill in the air, leaving you to wonder if you should have taken more care in your choice of cover as your hands began to shake. You weren't paying them much attention, however, as your sights were trained to the center of the forest, where you had seen the strange colors light up the darkness and just as quickly disappear. Your drive to find them had left you filled with inquisitiveness, leaving your years of fear nearly forgotten. You had reached what had to be the center, where you were certain that you saw the lights originate, when you began to decide that maybe you hadn't seen anything at all, and turning back was a wise idea.

"Who are you?" Came a quiet whisper, but you couldn't see from where. The voice seemed to come from all around. You jumped with a yelp, slapping your hand over your mouth quickly to muffle it before any palace guards might hear it and hurry to your aid.

"Who are you? What are you doing in the forest at such a late hour?"

"I might ask the same of you, Majesty. Wandering into the woods alone must be ill-advised."

"If you know that I'm the Queen of these lands, then why do you ask such an inane question? Also, knowing that I am Queen answers your second concern as well, as I am free to roam wherever and whenever I so choose."

The man took a cautious and slow step closer to you, and when you didn't flinch, he took another, and another, until his features came into view under the moonlight. He was of tall stature, with dark hair streaked with grey at the temples, a well-groomed beard, wearing heavy robes and a cloak that seemed to have a mind of its own. "My name is Sorcerer Supreme Stephen Strange," he finally introduced, though quietly, "and I'm sorry to have drawn your attention. It wasn't my intent."

"Then what was your intent, Sorcerer?"

"Merely to find solitude in which to practice."

"If you're the Supreme, why do you need practice? Surely, you are the master of your craft?"

"Hmm, well," he smiled coyly, "just because something works, it doesn't mean that it cannot be improved."

"While I do find myself in agreement, sir," you answered in kind, "you are aware that there are laws that prohibit sorcery within the kingdom boundaries, correct? I could have you arrested and held for court martial."

"Yes, you could. But I am confident that you won't."

"How is that?"

Stephen took two more steps in your direction, bringing the space between you to a mere few feet, now within arm's reach of each other. "Because I am very observant. I see you looking towards the forest every night, wondering what mysteries and horrors are found beneath the treetops, but hesitant to come out from beneath the veil of your fears. Now that you have found that which you seek, you now find yourself needing to learn more, and to have me arrested would put a halt to your own needs far more than my own."

" have...a point," you stammered; standing so closely and within his intense gaze left you feeling uneasy and studied. "But I must warn you, tonight you were easy to see, with whatever spell it was that you were trying to cast. You need to use caution."

"Caution is not within my prerogative."

"Then what is?"

"As I said, to practice."

"You're lying. Tell me why you're really here, and why you know me so readily. I believe that our meeting is not by chance at all, but by predetermined actions which you will share with me immediately."

"Very well," he conceded, "I'm here with a very specific purpose, and I ask that you come with me. I can show you far more readily than I may be able to explain." Stephen held out a hand for you to take, and before you obliged him, you noticed the heavy gloves that covered them with a questioning brow raised. "My bare hands are not worthy of touching royalty, ma'am."

"You're lying again."

"You're very confident, aren't you? You didn't even take a breath of hesitation."

"A queen must always be prepared for those who may be a threat, and it has given me a trained eye for falsehoods."

Stephen took a long breath and lowered his hand. You thought that he might be rescinding his offer to show you whatever magic he was about to perform, and you worried for just a moment that you had insulted him, until he pulled the glove of his right hand away and once again held it out for you to take. You could see in his expression that the appearance of it bothered him, and maybe even the flash of embarrassment in his eyes just before they met yours again. "Please?"

Without a word, you reached out and took it, allowing him to pull you a step closer. "I must insist that you not let go," he whispered, turning away with a raise of his open hand out before him and towards the darkness of the woods around you. A bright glow emanated from it, just as it had when you had seen him from your balcony, but this time, the truth of it was right before you. "Don't fear," he offered, tightening his grip, "I will remain at your side until we return to this very spot."

"Return from...where?"

The sorcerer answered you with a step into the circle that had formed before you both, pulling you along with him. It was an instantaneous change in location, to a place you had never seen, with sights that left you confused, thrilled, and terrified all in one motion.

"Where are we?" you gasped, fighting your own adrenaline and anxiety that screamed within your body to turn back and run. A bright sun filled you with warmth, and the humidity of the air around you left you sweating almost instantly beneath your shawl. You could see buildings in the distance; they were taller than anything you had ever seen before, and they reflected the sun beautifully to sparkle against the glass of the others around them, as if the city were made of crystal and diamonds. At the limits of your sight, you thought you saw something take to the air and just as quickly disappear into the haze, but you were so disoriented, you surely must have been imagining it. "Sorcerer, tell me where we"

"Majesty," he sighed heavily, "this is the future. This is a country known as America, in the state and city of New York."

"The...t-the future?" you stammered. "What do you mean? That's not...that's not possible."

"My dear, you have no idea what's possible, and you have something that we need. Desperately. The fate of the universe depends on it."

You took a cautionary step back, shaking your hand free of his grip with wide eyes and your breath held out of pure fear. "Your manner and speech have changed," you noted quickly, "you are not who you say that you are. I have nothing that you need, and I insist that you return me at once."

"Don't be afraid, we're not going to hurt you, I swear it. Once we have what we need, I will return you home and clear you of the memories you make here with us."

"What is it that I have that's so important to you? What is of such unimaginable value that you should bring me here to prove it's worth?"

"Your necklace," he nodded curtly towards your jewelry, "the stone within it. You're wearing an Infinity Stone, and you don't even realize the power it contains. That, (Y/N), is the soul stone, and I'm sorry, but you'll be returning home without it."

Part 2

"An Infinity Stone? I certainly have no idea of what you mean," you answered, aghast. "This necklace has been in the possession of my family for ages. As far back as the history of my lineage is known. It is merely an heirloom, and you're mistaken."

"(Y/N), there's a reason why it's been in your family for so long," Stephen explained, his tone growing more urgent. He looked out and towards the city again, and then to the sky; you could see the tension building in his muscles, even beneath the heavy garments that covered them and you began to follow suit. "Your family's lineage is what allowed me to find you. Listen, please, there's a threat coming to destroy the universe, and the stone that your family has been passing down through the centuries has been to protect it. Your bloodline was meant for this moment."

The man certainly seemed convinced of what he was saying, and the fact that he had pulled you into what he called the future left you feeling uncharacteristically vulnerable; you were the queen of your own country, and there you never doubted yourself. Here, this person was in control, and as much as appeasing him would be the easiest hope of getting back home, your nature wasn't one to allow it so readily. "Sorcerer-"


"Sorcerer Strange," you continued, your spine straightening as you pointed at him harshly, "you will listen to me. You've clearly made a mistake, and I insist that you take me home immediately. Whatever trickery this is that you've created here to confuse my mind won't work. As I've said, I won't divulge your illegal practices to Viceroy Stark, but you will remove yourself from my kingdom and shall never be invited to return."

"Did you just...did said Stark," he gasped.

"Yes, I did."

"I know a Stark, here, in this time."

"Easy to say, difficult to find belief," you shrugged.

"He's working with me to protect other stones like the one that you are wearing. Like the one that I possess as well," Stephen paused, pulling his cape aside just enough for you to see the glow of green from the time stone beneath it. "In this century, he's also known as Iron Man."

"Hmm," you smiled to yourself, "I'm sure that Anthony will be impressed with the future's assessment of his worth."

"Anthony? Oh my god, don't you see?" Stephen jumped forward, grabbing your arm before you could reflexively step back. "Here he's Tony. Tony Stark. Can't you see the correlation? Can't you see that this is the only way? I need your necklace, (Y/N). Please, allow me to have it, and I'll return you without any further discussion, and you'll never see me again. I came to your time only for this."

The portal that he had created to bring you to this place, or at least created to confuse you, was still sparkling and swirling behind you, and you could see the woods of your kingdom that you had stood in only moments before. You could try to turn and run back, but he would likely only follow, and even though you had skills in battle that could possibly hold him back for a time, it began to creep into your mind that perhaps he was telling the truth. You had no idea why; he was barely convincing, and you had never seen him before, but something in his presence and the depth of his eyes drew you in and begged you to believe.

"If I give you this," you began slowly, "and should it not serve the purpose that you believe it might, will you return it to me?"

"Yes," Stephen answered immediately. "I promise, I'll bring it back, because you've clearly come from a long line of worthy protectors."

"Then here," you paused, looking at the silver casing of the pendant and the faint orange hue that began to glow as you held it, "I appear to have been given no other choice, as I cannot remain here. Take it, Strange, but know that this responsibility is now yours, and it should not be taken lightly."

Stephen's hand extended with no hesitation, but you could see a very clear tremor in it as he opened it for you to set the necklace within it. He gasped aloud, and his shoulders dropped in a clear sign of relief as it touched his skin, closing his fingers around it quickly as if you might change your mind.

"Believe me, Majesty, if you've believed nothing else before this moment," he whispered, staring intently at the treasure in his hand, "I am fully aware of my responsibility."


One step through the Sorcerer's portal and you were back home, your feet touching the soil as if you had never left. It was a relief when the gateway closed behind you and Strange was nowhere to be found, but the sensation was fleeting when you put your hand to your chest and the familiar had become foreign. You had worn that pendant around your neck since you were young, and a sadness came from its loss; the only hope you had to hold onto now was that Strange had promised that he would return it to you when he was finished with whatever he had to do with it.

"Your Majesty!"

"Barton? Is something wrong?"

Your Archer broke into a run across the grounds and into edge of the forest where you had emerged, looking as if he were riddled with panic that was only able to be quelled by seeing you. He practically threw his quiver to the ground as he reached you, grabbing your arms to believe that you were real, before realizing his break in etiquette and letting go. "Where have you been? We've been searching for you for weeks!"

"Weeks?" you gasped. "What do you mean, for weeks? I went for a walk only a few moments ago, ask Natasha, she was there when I left."

"It was the Lady who alerted us to your disappearance. Constable Rogers has sent a group of his knights out to search beyond the kingdom, and they have yet to return. I need to send word that you've returned, but might I ask, where were you? Everyone will insist that they know."

"You may not ask," you snapped, pulling your shawl closed so that he would not see the missing jewel from your neck. It was well-known to the Queen's guard that the item was of the utmost value and was to be guarded as much as any member of the royal family, and you had no urge for more questions. "I'll just take my leave, Archer. Good night."


It would be five years since that night when the Sorcerer appeared in the forest behind your room, before you would see him again. You stood on that same balcony every night of those years, your eyes trained on the very spot that you had seen him before, only to be disappointed each and every time.

On the night when Stephen finally made his arrival known, it was the night that you had decided would be your last to watch; it was as if he knew this somehow, and made his return with a dramatic flair that seemed to be his norm from what you had seen of him thus far. Once again, you wrapped that same shawl around your shoulders and ran towards the deep foliage, coming to a fast halt when he appeared in front of you as if out of nowhere.

"Where have you been?!" you chastised him, slamming a fist into his chest. "I waited for you every night for five years!"

"Five years?" he asked with a furrowed brow. "No, that can't be right...I was here only two days ago..."

"Are you calling me a liar?"

"No! Of course not! I believe you, I just can't understand..." he faded away, his eyes darting around as he searched his mind. "The time stone must have altered the path between portals. It's been acting up lately, since we retrieved it from Thanos."

"Thanos? How do you know of Thanos?"

"How do you?" Stephen asked urgently, taking a rushed step forward. "That is why I took the soul stone from you, to hide it safely away before he could find it himself. With the collection of all six Infinity Stones, he could have destroyed half of all life in the universe."

"But you were able to stop him? In your future?"


"My family has handed down the story of the Mad Titan Thanos, and his desire for rule and domination that would come one day when his power reached its potential. I had no idea that the pendant worn by me every day had such a tremendous role in that end. What did you do with it?"

"I'm sorry, (Y/N), I know that I promised to return it to you, but we had to destroy it," he sighed, his voice soft and truly apologetic, "but I have this." Stephen extended his hand and offered the pendant that had housed the stone, looking worn and bent, but still intact and wearable. The silver looked as if it had been scorched, the shine gone and the metal discolored with a dark hue marring its once vibrant reflection. "I did the best I could to repair it-"

"Thank you. You did well. I shall have my friend, Sir Odinson see if he can bring life to it once again. His Apprentice is quite skilled, and between them both, I have optimism that it will be almost as good as new. Parker is to be a blacksmith in his own right very soon, so this shall be worthy practice."

Stephen could only bring himself to shake his head in disbelief, allowing the first sound of his laugh that you heard, leaving you to wish that you might keep hearing it if you could convince him to stay a little longer. He was charming when he wasn't trying to steal your jewelry with barely an explanation, and when he wasn't leaving you counting the days until his return.

"I find it so remarkable that the names of those in your kingdom are the same as those I know in the future. This truly is amazing, but it would be unwise of me to argue the wisdom of time, I suppose."

"Speaking about time, Stephen, are you able to spare any so that you might stay for a while? I should like to hear more of this future you're so fond of, and your friends who bear the names of mine."

"(Y/N)," he smiled softly, clasping his hands in front of himself almost nervously, "I would like to tell you that very much. When we're done, I would then like to show you, if you let me. I have nothing but time."

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