#45 Cam Fowler (SURPRISE!!) Anaheim Ducks

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Cam's POV*

"So she doesn't know I'm here?" I asked Manca's mom for the millionth time, she laughed and shook her head resting her hand on my shoulder.

"Cam don't worry baby doesn't know you're here only problem may be where to hide you." I nodded and smiled looking around the house my girlfriend grew up in, there were pictures of Manca and her sister all over the walls. The baby photos were my favorite.

"Mam was sure cute then," her mom smiled adoring the photo with me. Manca was missing a tooth holding up a small sign that read 'lost my tooth on the ice.' Taking out my phone I snapped a photo of it sending it to Josh and Rachal.

"I take it from that sign that she's always loved hockey," I chuckled looking at a photo of her in pads standing on the ice the same toothless grin from the picture before, her mom nodded and tears pricked her eyes.

"My baby turning 20. Cam you make her so happy her father and I want to thank you for that, we love seeing Manca with a smile." Tears of happiness, joy, and appreciation falling.

"Aww mama!" I coo hugging her a giant grin on my face and that's when we heard her.

"No (your sisters name here) I'm not doing your homework today it's my birthday! Why don't you try writing a story for once!" Mama and I exchanged looks and next thing I knew I was being shoved into the coat closet as the door opened revealing the love of my life and the little sis.

"Mom who were you talking to?" (your sister's name here) asks taking off her coat and tossing it on a chair. Manca rolling her eyes.

"Don't you remember we have a coat closet?"

"yea so?"

"So, go put your coat away." (your sister's name here) hand was on the knob about ready to open it when her mom jumped in,

"It's okay Manca! I'm breaking my own rules for a day!" She smiled tossing her gloves onto the table.

"Oh okay well I'm gonna go upstairs and see if Cam and I can skype, call me when dinner's ready!" She shouted heading up the stairs. Once out of view and hearing her mother opened the closet and I tip toed out her (sisters name here) squealed running and jumping into my arms. Hugging her close we got to work decorating and making her favorite cake and dinner.

Manca's POV*

I was upset. I tried calling Cam on skype four times and he didn't answer any of my calls. Was he mad at me? Did I say something? Was he playing? Maybe he was sleeping, yeah that was it he was sleeping. The time difference here and California completely different, we still managed to make it work though. We loved each other and after a full two years our love was stronger than ever. I knew when he woke up he'd call me, right when his eyes opened. Sitting on my bed I grabbed my laptop and typed in his name smiling at all the pictures of him my heart fluttering just at the sight of him. I continued to check skype and look at pictures of him and us together. A few moments my mom called down for dinner.

Cam's Pov*

My heart was beating so loud I was worried it was going to jump out and land on the floor. One more stair and she'd see me. After five long months of skype and phone calls at odd hours I was finally going to be with her again. The second she hit that step her eyes widened, my heart's beat picked up, her mouth fell open, my hands grew sweaty, her eyes filled with tears, a grin spread across my face as Manca ran for me. Opening my arms she jumped into them her arms and legs wrapped around me.

"Surprise! Happy birthday!!" I exclaimed making her grip on me tighten. Her face was hidden in my neck breathing in my scent. My hands ran up and down her back holding her tight. Manca pulled away looking me over as I set her back down on her feet, still holding onto her hands.

"This is real right? It's not some cruel dream." I chuckled pressing my lips to her forehead.

"Nope! I'm a hundred percent real!"

"So if I wanted to ki-" before she could finish I pull her into me my lips meeting hers in a soft kiss. Pulling away Manca's smile was as big as the Atlantic ocean.

"Come on love birds it's time to eat!" Her father called making us laugh and blush. Sharing one more kiss we headed into the kitchen my arm around her lips pressed to the side of her head. Once dinner was finished we took a walk outside in the falling snow hands together fingers intertwined. I smiled and stopped walking when we got one of her favorite spots, pulling my hand away Manca looked at me raising an eyebrow.

"Manca I need to tell/ask you something." She gulped.

"What is it?"

"I love you and I was wondering would you do me the honor of being Mrs. Cam Fowler?" I asked dropping to one knee her hands flying to her mouth.

"Oh my! Of course!!!!!" I smiled slipping the ring onto her finger standing up Manca jumped into my arms. Losing my balance we fell into a fresh pile of snow laughing, turning onto my side I smiled and leaned in pressing my lips to hers. Happy birthday Manca <3:).


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY OTHER BESTIE NeverStopDreaming95 I love you so much!!!:) <3


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