Omake: Meeting with Death

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"Ah my poor Tsuna, you will be all fixed up soon!" Death exclaimed as it hugged and cuddled Tsuna.

"..." Tsuna decided not to say anything to the creepy spirit of death hugging him and instead cried. (He's only 5)

"Ah no don't cry what the mean old man did to you will be fixed up nice and you will see your mother again, so don't cry!" Death exclaimed starting to pet Tsuna's hair to comfort him.

"...really?" Tsuna asked in a small voice.

"Yes, yes you will be all better and the mean old man will be gone by then!" Death exclaimed as he continued to coddle Tsuna for the rest of the time Tsuna was in purgatory.

AN: Yes, Tsuna died due to the sealing of his flames here, I may or may not have that happen in the actual story. Death really likes Tsuna, Skull not so much...


"It's you again, *sigh* you're so much like Conker, damn squirrel..." Death sighed looking disdainfully at Skull who was just smiling at him in amusement.

"Hi again Death! Want to play rock, paper, scissors while we wait?" Skull happily asked.

"*sigh* Fine." Death sat down next him and they proceeded to play rock, paper, scissors for the next hour.

AN: Gotta love that Conker's Bad Fur Day reference. Anyways in this Skull had already died many times but hadn't really thought of how serious it was hence the playing with death.

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