Staying (Biff x Reader)

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Thank you to @WW11girlfor the idea, I hope you like it! 

Your POV 

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I heard as I put my brush down on the small dresser in the room that Doc had let me use. Marty was across the hall. Turning to the door as I heard the voice, I sighed gently and nodded. 

"Maybe with me going to the dance with Biff, it'll make things easier for Marty." I said and he nodded gently. Watching Doc step in he looked at me before he smiled gently. 

"I know that I haven't known you for long, and that my future self has known you longer, but I want you to know that I'm proud of you." he said. 

Looking at him and smiling I stepped  over to him and pulled him into a hug. Humming a little as we held it for a second before we made our way down the stairs. Getting into the living room there was a knock on the door. Raising a brow as I looked at Doc, he shrugged before he went to answer it. 

"Biff?"  I heard and I made my way to the door as I peeked around it to see him standing there. His hair a mess, his clothes were disheveled. Smiling when he looked at me, he was leaning on one of the columns on the porch. I watched as he leaned too far over before he hit the floor. 

Gasping I watched as Doc knelt down to check on him before he called for Marty. I watched as they carried him into the house and put him on the couch in horror. Looking at him wide eyed as my hands were still over my mouth. 

"What the hell happened?" Marty asked as he looked at the two of us. Doc shook his head for a second as he thought. "He might be exhausted, the dance is tomorrow right?" he asked and we nodded and glanced at each other. Looking over at Biff he was asleep on the couch, snoring gently.

"I wonder why he showed up here?" Doc mumbled before he went off towards the garage. "Let him sleep and he should be fine." he said before he closed the door gently to work. Looking at Marty he smiled a little before his hand rested on my shoulder. 

"Don't worry, Doc says he'll be fine." he said before i nodded and watched as he went towards the garage as well. Helping Doc with the time machine. Stepping closer to where he was asleep slowly, I sighed gently as  I frowned before sitting on my legs on the floor next to him. Moving some hair from his face, I noticed the beads of sweat he had on his forehead. Getting up again, I went to get some cold water and a wash cloth, and a blanket. Putting the blanket over him, I dipped the wash cloth into the water before wringing some of it out and dabbing it against his forehead.

He moved a little and made a small noise as I jumped. Seeing as he didn't wake up, I continued to move the wash cloth around before I put it in the water again and moved his arm so it wasn't hanging off the couch uncomfortable. Walking towards the end of the couch, I took his shoes off and turned off a few of the lamps that were on, leaving one on that I could sit next to and read while I waited for him to wake up. Listening to the sound of his breathing as the rest of the house was quiet. A clock clicking in the distance. 

~16 Hours Later~ 

I was startled awake with someone grabbing my arm. Looking around as I woke up slowly my eyes landed on Biff as his blue eyes looked at me. He smiled gently before he let me go slowly. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked and he looked around before he nodded gently. 

"Better. Where am I?" he asked as I sat up and moved the blanket that I had on me a little and looked at him. "We're in my Uncle's living room. You showed up here yesterday and then fainted on the porch. We brought you in here and you slept for about 16 hours or so." I said. 

He turned to look at me before he sighed heavily. "16 hours? My Grandma is gonna kill me for being gone." he said as he sighed. Grabbing his hand he stopped to look at our hands before he turned to look at me. Smiling gently as a small blush danced across his cheeks. 

"Why were you so exhausted?" I asked gently as I was concerned. He looked down at our hands before his other one came to hold my hand between both of his. Looking up at him as I waited for him to answer he glanced at me before looking away, ashamed. 

"I um, was really excited for the dance and to be able to see you, so I wasn't able to sleep for the last couple of days. I was busy planning everything, and before I knew it I ended up walking up your porch and then that was the last thing I remember." he said and I smiled gently. 

"Biff, honey. You could have said something sooner, there's no reason for you to make yourself so exhausted." I said and he nodded gently. "I know that now. I feel like an idiot." he said before I giggled gently. He turned to me and smiled, his dimples showing up as he looked at me. Leaning over I kissed his cheek gently. "Are you hungry?" I asked before his stomach growled. 

Smiling again as I heard it I nodded gently. "I would take that as a yes. Come on, I'll make you breakfast." I said before I got up and pulled him along towards the kitchen, making him a quick breakfast and watching him chow down while I sipped my coffee. 

Let me know if you wanna part two! 

(1019 words)

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