Chapter 19

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Abhi’s father received an mail while he was talking with Bantu.

Now back to story.

Bantu: what is that uncle..

Dad: don’t know an mail from unknown source

Bantu: open it uncle it may be something related to abhi.

Dad : yeah…he opened it and it contained a video.

Dad: it has a video Bantu.

Bantu: play it uncle wait lets play it on laptop.

He took the laptop and opened his mail id and played the video.

Dad: Ramprasath malhothra…..he was shocked to see him.


It started with RM speaking.

RM: hello CM sir….I hope u are fine…because it’s time for making a deal. Ouch sorry I forgot to tell. I know u are searching for ur son secretely. But don’t worry he is safe. He is fully safe with me. Want to see him…..he said and gestured the camera towards abhi

Abhi was standing there with RM’s men holding his arms tightly and he was struggling to get free. RM went to him grabbed his back neck showing his face to the camera.

RM: now u can see ur son right. Ok let me come to the point.

He then turned to Abhi.

RM: do u know what I want from ur dad for ur life. A signature. That’s it. If ur father signs the documents which I sent him…I will set u free.hows the deal CM sir….he asked looking at the camera.

Abhi got shocked and then spoke

Abhi: I am not a kid Mr. Malhothra. I know how much valuable is a single signature of my father. If u are threatening him to sign ur documents for exchange of my life means then ur motive is surely not a good one. And don’t u think he will sign it for me…… then he turned towards the camera and spoke.

Abhi: papa….please don’t sign anything that he sends u… I know I am important for u but our country is more important than me please don’t sign it ple—he was cut off by a tight punch in his stomach.

RM: u shouldn’t have talked liked this kid….now u will see what it costs….he looked at his men and they started beating him.

RM turned to the camera.

RM: I think u came to know what will happen to ur son if u deny to sign….he said turning to his men and signalled to stop. They stopped beating him and made him to stand he was bleeding  at the side of his head and at the corner of his lips. RM turned to camera.

RM: I know u will be thinking why I was not putting my demands before. Because today only I got hold of ur son. That Queen kidnapped him before I could and kept him away from me. But u know I am RAMPRASATH MALHOTHRA I got him now…..he went to Abhi and grabbed his hair at the back and made him to look to the camera and spoke

RM: I hope u will sign the documents CM sir….and I will give u 3 days….


Abhi’s father was in tears now so did Bantu.

Bantu: uncle who is he what does he wants

Dad: it’s a secret Bantu I can’t share it with u. It’s official

Bantu: ohh kk…uncle but did u noticed that what he said.

Dad: what.

Bantu: he said Vaishu kept abhi away from him and he got hold Abhi today only. And also abhi didn’t get any hurt at the starting. He only harmed him now in the vedio.

Dad: it means vaishnavi kidnapped him to keep him safe.

Bantu: yes uncle we have to find her to know what happened.

Dad: yes u right.






To be continued

Guys here is ur next the story has reached 1.4k reads, from now I going to set goals for u all.

Goals for this chapter is
*15 votes
* 15 comments from different accounts.

After the goals are completed only I will post the next chapter. So don't forget to vote and comment...see u all in the next chapter....
Untill then bye ....😉❤️

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