Chapter 41( season 2)

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Avi warned sid not to tell anyone about what he saw.

Now back to story.

In India

Vaishu was sitting at the corner of her cell which was alloted to her. She was sitting with her knees supporting her head and she was hugging her legs and staring at the wall opposite to her. There was written ABHISHEK &SIDDHARTH on the wall. She was staring at that with a huge smile on her face.

Vaishu: Abhi…..u know what abhi….I really don’t know why I was having this life before meeting u. The only purpose of my life was Sid….. but after u came into my life, u changed it upside down. I still remember the day I first met  u. U came to save me from those boys who bullied me. Even though I punished them in my style after that incident, I still remember how u punched him in front of the whole college just to save me. U just attracted me towards u. I just came to finish my deal for sake of Sids life but as soon as I saw I determined to save U also as well Sid.

Even it was so difficult to being rude to u when I captivated u, I did everything for u,for ur safety. And now I am really happy that u are safe and also u became mine and I became yours even without my knowledge. And I am sooo happy for that…..

Sid….. u are my life….after mom and dad left us U were the only one reason for me to be alive. They trusted me that I will take care of u and I tried my best to keep their trust. Still the last words of our mom is ringing in my ears…. “take care of Sid vaishu….from now he is ur responsibility, take care of him” these were the last words she told me….

I know I failed once from saving u from that bastard. He made u suffered a lot. But I think I have given him a good punishment for making u suffer. I am missing u  sid….terribly….but I know studying in London was ur dream even when parents were alive. So be happy always and finish ur studies. I want to see u as real grown man when I come out of the prison after my punishment finishes…..

She was got out her own sid and abhilands when someone shaked her….

Vaishu: hey Mithu di….good eve….

Mithu: drowned in ur abhiland…..? She asked teasingly.

( Mithali the prison wardner. She is of age nearly 40s she knows each and everything about vaishu as she was the one who took care of Vaishu)

Vaishu: not only abhi but also my Sid….

Mithu: ohhh….missing them already…..

Vaishu : haa di….I have to wait 2 more weeks to meet abhi as he met me already 2 time this month.

Mithu: yeah… don’t worry he will be fine….

Vaishu: I know di he will…actually I am thinking about sid….I having some bad vibes that he is not good there….

Mithu: what do u mean he is not good there…he went to study only…he will be fine….

Vaishu: yeah di…Di…can u do me a favour…

Mithu: what

Vaishu: next time when Abhi comes to meet me…may I talk to sid over phone please just for 5 minutes….

Mithu: ok…I will try….

Vaishu: thank u di….

After she left the room and vaishu laid down staring the wall again.









To be continued.

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