Chapter 2

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Nagisa's P.O.V.

I stared hard into the cool eyes of a familiar redhead. I haven't seen him since....since that incident. Just the mere thought of it made me blush.

"What are you doing here Karma? And please leave my class out of your mischief. This is a reformatory school. Not your personal playground."

He smirked and wrapt an arm around my shoulders. His lips played his usual devil smirk. The ones that make you feel as if you're at your last end of a string. "That's how you greet me? I've been working hard as a politician and this is the greeting I get from my -"

"Why are you here?" I repeated.

His smirk grew and said, "I just wanted to see how your class was. Among all the schools that you could've got employment, you chose this? "

"And here I thought you respected my decision."

"I do, but your old job was much more fun than this."

My students looked confused. Some were even whispering to each other. The note and the information Bitch-sensei gave me was coming back. I turned to my class and cleared my throat.

"Class. We are being transferred to another location for our lessons for the next few months. We are being transferred to the building at the top of the mountain."

"What?! I'm not going there!"

"This is bull**** ! Why do we have to go?!"

"This is so not fair!"

It went on for about 3 minutes before Karma spoke.

"Quit whining! Nagisa and I had to go up a mountain when we were in high school. And let me tell you, you all will have fun in that classroom. Don't you agree Nagisa-sensei? Why we have a surprise waiting at the top for you." Karma's eyes glinted with mischief.

So that's why he was here. But if he was here, and he knew. Was the others informed too? Or was it just me and Karma? I didn't have much room or time to think as my students were now firing questions at the devil-like red haired.

"Just who are you really?"

"Yeah! Who are you?!"

No no no! Not today!

From the corner of my eye, Karma smirked. I bet it was on the tip of his tongue to tell them just who he was. I glared at him.

He smirked, "I'm just a person close to your sensei. Name's Akabane Karma."

And there he goes. Karma doesn't usually use his family name unless it's necessary or he's showing off. Which is most likely the first reason. But it's obvious that it's the second reason.

"But anyway. Starting next Monday, we're going up to that mountain. Your parents are notified of this and that they are forbidden from going there without permission from me. They agreed and I don't want a peep out of any of you. Am I clear?"

Mumbles were tossed around.

"Am I clear?"

"Hai, Nagisa-sensei."

I nodded, "better."

"But who is he really?"

"Drop it!"

"H-hai sensei."

I rubbed my forehead but smiled at them. Really, I feel as if I'm somehow getting closure . Still, it's kind of funny. I was the one who killed him. The weakest among all my classmates despite what they say. In my opinion, it was Karma who was the strongest.


"Be sure to review pages 47 and 48, I'll be handing out exercises to prep you for your exam." I said, though I doubted they heard me with all the noise they were making.

I saw a certain student of mine who tried to escape, but I was quicker. " Todou-san, please stay behind."

She looked at her friends and nodded. With a blank face, she faced me. It was just us. Karma went with some of my male students to play basketball outside.

She sat down on a chair, placing her feet on top of the desk. "So. What am I here for?"

I sat down on my chair and grabbed a piece of paper tucked away inside one of my drawers. "It's about your English."

She snarled at the word. English, if memory serves, was her weak point. Not that I blame her. English was the 2nd most hardest language to learn. It even took me a while to learn it.

"Why do I even need it? Majority of the things we learn here is just going to end up in the dumps later in life." She shrugged.

"Maybe so. But still, learning is good for you. Who knows, maybe one day, you'll have to go to America for a project or because your boss told you to meet a client there. At least then you'll understand what they're saying."

"There's always translators." She tried to dodge.

"Not all of them are reliable."

She glared at me. Her dark brown eyes trying to shrink me. But I've seen worse.

"You're not even my English teacher. What? Did he complain to you? Saying I'm unteachable?"

I sighed, "no. He did not say that."

Though it was somewhat close. But she doesn't have to know that.

"But I could help you." I smiled reassuringly.

She snorted, "how am I sure your English is even near good?"

"I got 1st in English in my school."

"Prove it!"

"Miss Todou, please don't shout indoors. And don't ever doubt my teaching skills. And sit properly, I am sure you weren't raised in a barn. And a lady should not gape openly like that. Close your mouth, you'll catch flies."

She closed her mouth after gapping like a fish for a few minutes. "Shiota-sensei, where did you graduate from?"

I waved my hand, like I was chasing off a fly. "That's not important. But what is important is that you need help in English. So I'll be tutoring you Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Is that good for you?"

She nodded and left. As she was about to open the door, Karma entered. He nodded at her and walked pass and stood next to me. Her flushed face was the last thing I saw of her just as the door closed on her face.

Karma blew on my ear, making me shiver.

"Why are you still here? Who's going to pick-"

"I got Kayano to do it. Don't worry."

"I see. Is -"

"They'll be fine. Come on, we can't afford to go home late. Might as well get that old building to at least pass livable."

I groaned, "I forgot about that!"

He chuckled. I suddenly felt scared. His horns and tail was staring to be visible. "I'll obviously be helping in places where you can't reach. Which will be probably everywhere."

I blushed as red as his hair. "Karma!"

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