Chapter 5 (actual)

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Ebisu's P.O.V.

Despite being only one and a half years old, I can understand everything. Well, not nearly everything but you get the idea. Mommy said that I got my genes from daddy. Which I guess, is evident given by dad's first place prizes and awards from both academics and arts. I'm not saying mommy is dumb. In fact, she can understand anything faster than that of an average human.

Right now, I'm with Aunt Kayano. Mommy is at work and so is daddy. They were about to send me off to day care when Auntie came and practically kidnapped me. And now here we are, at her movie set. Apparently, one of the child actors who was my age backed out last minute and so...

"Oh Ebisu! look at you! You are so adorable! I bet you feel great being a child actor."

All I fear is dread and boredom.

I guess my face displayed what I felt since Auntie huffed and placed her hands on her hips.

"Oh come on Ebisu! If you keep frowning like that, you end up looking like your father more so than you already do."

Somewhere with Karma


Karma grabbed his handkerchief and wiped his nose. Either I'm coming down with a cold or someone's talking about me.


I rolled my eyes. If Auntie Kayano keeps talking about daddy in that way, I won't be surprised if he's sneezing like there's no tomorrow. I pointed at my Kindle and it was given immediately thanks to one of the crew setting up.

I entered the simple password -101470365808100269- and I got in. All the books here were educational and I've read the more times than I liked to admit. Songs were filled about friendship and happiness. Times like these, I wished daddy would pick these types of things instead of mommy. Majority of the things I like, daddy likes too. And somehow that scares mommy.

I just clicked on a detective game and played while I ignored Auntie Kayano. Rude, but I don't care. I'm used to ignoring people aside from my parents. All the kids at the daycare are afraid of me because of that one harmless prank I pulled. All I did was put wasabi and chili in a caretakers food without her knowing. It so was not my fault that she couldn't take spicy food and fainted into a pile of Lego.

"Ebisu are you listening?"

Daddy, mommy, pick me up. Please. And I rarely say that word.

With Nagisa~

"Today, I'll be teaching you Serbian since Irina-sensei is sick." I smiled to my class full of girls. The boys were separated with Karasuma since they were training. This was our new training schedule. Girls with me and Irina while the boys are with Karasuma. The girl's training will be on the afternoon while the boys will be on the morning.

"Now, repeat after me. здраво драго ми је."

Mumbles were thrown around and I sweat dropped. "Okay, let's try to break it down, yeah? Okay, first you pronounce it as zdravo."

30 minutes later~

"Good! You've all done well saying the full sentence in correct pronunciation!" I smiled brightly at them.


My smile turned dark, "it's lunch time. Remember, after you eat your lunch, straight to the front yard. Tardiness won't be accepted. I hope you remember my last punishment."

They shivered in fear at the mere mention.

I had them do 80 push-ups, 50 jumping jacks and anyone who drops down has double the amount. And some of them had their monthly cycle at that time so I went easy on them and just made them eat eggs. Just imagine the pain.

And no. Karma is not rubbing off on me. I think.

====? P.O.V.====

I glared at the petit blue hair girl. To think that she among all people in the universe got my darling Karma's attention makes my blood boil. What does she have that I don't?! I'm pretty, I'm smart, and not to mention filthy rich!

I am a purebred of a high class family while she came from a broken home. Her parents divorced and I don't care if their back together. She came from Class 3-E! Sure my Karma came from Class-E too, but he was a delinquent, what's her excuse?!

I ducked as her head whipped to my direction. What she was doing here teaching a class on a mountain confuses me. Maybe I should dig deeper into this. Who knows? This could be her undoing.


I smirked in satisfaction at the man who cowered in front of me. He may be older than I was, but I had higher power than him. I let go of the thick folder I was holding, letting it drop onto my desk with a thump.

"Tell me, how did you expect this to slip by with me as your boss?"

He didn't answer.

"Gather your things, your assistance will no longer be needed."

"B-but sir! My daughter needs the money!"

I raised an eyebrow, "you often brag about your daughter. Saying how she's a smart girl. Surely she'd have a stable job."

He looked down in shame.

I smirked, "or maybe she doesn't. Tell me, did you not expect me to find out the culprit stealing money from my parents and from me? Not to mention countless of staff members. Deluding yourself and your daughter that you came from a prestigious family. And that you covered your wife leaving you by saying she died in a car accident."

He got up and slammed the door.

Still, an uneasy feeling sat in my stomach. I better call Nagisa to check if she's all right. And maybe Kayano if she's taking care of Ebisu. And she better not bad mouth me in front of my son. She better not be the reason for my sneezing.

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