Chapter 6

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Ebisu's P.O.V.

Mommy strapped me on my seat while daddy talked to grandpa on the phone.

"Yes dad. We'll be there in 10....yes I am aware...yes Ebisu is with us...goodbye dad." Daddy hung up on grandpa abruptly.

Mommy turned to daddy, "we're ready to go. I got Ebisu's things with me along with mine. Yours are in the back with the party decorations."

With that, we drove a 3 hour drive to grandma and grandpa's place. Daddy would be hounded by grandpa trying to get him to take on the company while grandma would be talking to mommy and me. Grandma would always give me sweets and/or toys when they visit with me. Mommy said that they'll spoil me too much, but they replied that they'll just spoil me just right.

I looked to my side and watched as the scenery changes. I always like watching out of the window. It may be weird, but it feels soothing to me. It somehow gives me a perfect time to think.

What would happen in this 'family reunion' this time? Probably the usual.

Would my Aunt Rico be there? Hopefully not.

"Nagisa, tell me again why must we go there? You know that Rico would be there! And you know how that twerp acts! I swear, my uncle made a horrible decision of trying to gain custody of her!" Dad ranted.

"Karma keeps your eyes on the road! And besides, they're still your family. Look on the bright side, your parents will be there!" Mom smiled, trying to look at the bright side.

Dad sighed, "we'll only be there for 10 minutes and for lunch, and then we're all out the door. Agreed?"


Or maybe we should've feign illness to escape, but you two didn't think of that now did you?

I fussed around my seat trying to get mommy' attention. She noticed immediately and asked me, "what is it Ebisu? What do you need?"

I pointed at her bag.

Mom opened her bag and gave me my Kindle. I gave the password and read away. I could hear mom sigh but thankfully she said nothing.

It's not my fault that I like to read. And no, I don't care if I get carsick. That happens rarely anyway. Reading just helps me avoid talking or socializing with people I don't like. Really, most of the boys in the daycare are afraid I'll hurt them and the girls are so annoying. One of them even declared that she will be my future wife.


"Karma? Your mom just messaged me. Something about a new family member?"

"Ah, yes. One of their friend's died in a car crash and now they're taking care of his child. If I recall, he was in your class."

"I see. Do you know the name."

"No. I was in a bad mood when they told me so I didn't really hear anything."

Mom sighed and turned my direction, "Ebisu, sweetie, we're going to stop at a convenience store. You want anything?"


"Ebisu, you'll get candy when we're at grandma and grandpa's house. I don't want you  to get cavity. Anything else?"

I thought about it. "Milk."

I heard mom slap herself on the forehead, "right. I forgot your milk back home."

"But I thought you said that you had all of Ebisu's things with you?"

"I thoughts so too, but unfortunately not."

So after a stop at the nearest store, I had my milk and we were back our way to my grandparent's place. I wish I could say I was exited but I wasn't. Sure I loved my grandparents, it's just my other relatives I don't really like to see.

"We're here."

Just in time too. My battery on my Kindle was running out. It was done to 12%. But, to be fair, it only had 34% when it was handed to me. Mom picked me up and we went in while dad locked the car.

Just by looking at the outside, you could tell my grandparents were rich. They were owners of a company*. The inside was just as grand looking as the outside. Being here a handful of times, the effect wore off on me but I could still feel that one emotion dominating the others.


And the source of it was right in front of us. My Aunt Rico. She lifted her nose in the air as she saw us. She never did like mom that much to begin with. Ain't Rico wore her designer labeled outfit and jewelries adorned her that it made my eyes hurt when it reflect against the light from the chandelier.

Seriously. This is just a family meeting. Not a dinner with the president of Japan! But that was normal. Aunt Rico was always like that. She put on a fake smile and walked our way.

Maybe I should've have just feign sickness.

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