Chapter 7

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Karma's P.O.V.

Cousin Rio. That fake smile on her plastic surgical face would not fool anyone. Ever since she came to the family, that girl was money and attention hungry. She cat walked, though it looked like she waddled, over to us.

"Cousin Karma! Hey! How are you? Oh! And Nagi-chan! Good to see you! And little Ebisu, I see that you're well." She said.

The jewelries that adorned all over her body, made my eyes hurt from the light it reflected. Ebisu seemed to glare at her. Nagisa smiled, and I know it was fake. Nagisa maybe be a good actress, but I know my fiancée.

"Nagi-chan, Auntie needs you in the kitchen and Uncle said he'll watch over the kids in the living room. Now, shoo. I need alone time with my dear cousin."

Nagisa looked at me unsure. I smiled and squeezed her shoulder gently in assurance. She gave a small smile to me before heading inside the house. But not before sending Rio a dark look behind her back.

Once Rio was sure Nagisa was out of ear shot, she began her usual speech. "You know Cousin Karma-"

Never punched a girl before, but I'm willing to make an exception. If only mom didn't make me promise not to cause a scene every family day. I'm sure a touch of pain is what this girl needs.

"Having a baby outside marriage nearly tainted our sacred family name. No one said anything just because they're afraid of you. And besides, Nagi-chan may be cute, but maybe it would be best that you get back with that other girl. What's her name? Okude? Okuda? Whatever! Just claim that the baby isn't yours and discretely hand over child support once a year! That way our family name will be restored."

A tick mark appeared on my face.

"You do realize we're in the modern age right? And that no one cares about that sh*t anymore. So why don't you shut your mouth before I shut it for you." I hissed with a smile on my face.

She humphed. "I'm only doing this for the best of the family! She could and probably is a gold digger!"

My bangs covered my eyes. No one. And I mean no one talks about MY Nagisa like that! I could hear faint footsteps from some of my family members. They must've sensed my aura. If only Rio was not that dense.

"I mean, she didn't have any accomplishments in her life! Unlike me, I had to have my  walls reinforced because of the trophies hanging from it."

And now she's bragging. Let's see how high and mighty she is when she learns the truth. But no. I'll save it for later when I can really embarrass her. No one messes with Akabane Karma and gets away with it. My name is Karma for a reason.

"And did you know? I just won yet another beauty pageant yesterday!"

But maybe I should just scare her a little. Just a tiny bit. My devil tail wagged at the thought. Oh yes, you should never play with me. Karma will bring karma to you.

"I would shut up if I were you. Did you know that the more you talk, you wrinkle your face? The cost you spent on plastic surgery will be ruined." I smirked.

"No! You're absolutely right. For once. Shutting up now." Rio clamped her mouth shut.

Ah, my favorite sound she makes: when she doesn't say anything at all.

Ebisu's P.O.V.

I am being mocked. I just know it! Just because I am a year and a half doesn't mean that I belong here! A play pen, really? There's nothing to do here! Toys are boring, coloring books just makes me want to tear it, and the music around me just makes me wish I was deaf.

I could just cry to get mommy's attention and pick me out of this hell, but no. I had too much pride for that. And for that, I blame daddy. Mommy did say I got my pride from him.

"Find out next time on Winter Mystery on who killed Mrs. Frailly." The television blazed next to this dump.

"My bet is that it was that Sora guy!" Uncle boomed.

"No way, it was totally that Hikari girl!"

'Am I really related to these people? It was the butler!'

That's it. I can't take it anymore! "WAHHHHHHH!"

Desperate times call for desperate measures. And besides, I could always blame the noise. No one will question me since I'm still a 'baby'.

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