Confrontations and a Troubled Past

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The Great Hall was buzzing in positives vibes, Stoick spent the past couple of hours telling his guests about how Hiccup united man and dragons and his heroic deeds,

"Haha, yep that's me," Hiccup said scratching the back of his neck, blushing a little,

"Come now son, there's nothing to be embarrassed about," Stoick said patting him on the back, "You're a hero!"

"Mrrghh?!" Toothless snorted feeling left out,

"Of course!" Hiccup said hugging Toothless, "I couldn't have done it without you bud!"

"Mrrghh!" Toothless bellowed happily,

"Well, well, you two certainly have done amazing things together," Fiona said smiling,

"So what exactly happened to that Shadow Lord?" Sarah asked looking down, avoiding eye contact,

"Well, with one blow of my axe I destroyed the ring that was controlling these two and with that he died," Stoick said mimicking action with his hand. Sarah let out a soft gasp, luckily no one noticed,

'That explains it,' she thought, she when glanced over at Hiccup, 'Could the blood dragon actually be sealed inside this boy? If so...why?'

Charlie, sitting next to Sarah was examining Hiccup's every move. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, moments later he opened his eyes. They were glower bluer than ever before, he could see through everyone skin, he could each and every single one of their souls. He turned his head over to Hiccup, he gasped softly as he could see a burning red entity within him,

'Impossible!' He thought as he made a fist,

"So I'm guessing you two are passionate about peace huh?" Fiona asked,

"Yep, we're gonna bring peace to this world! One small step at a time!" Hiccup exclaimed in pride as Toothless scooped him up head onto his saddle,

"Rroogghh!," he bellowed as Hiccup hugged his head and scratched his chin,

"Hahaha, can't wait to see how it turns out!" Fiona said chuckling,

Sarah looked down, making two fists, her eyes started water and her legs started to shake,

"Hey you okay?" Hiccup asked hoping off of Toothless,

"Peace is ridiculous!" She chocked through tears,

"What?!" Hiccup said in disbelief,

"What good is it to try and bring to two worlds together, when you now that these beasts are gonna turn a against you!" She yelled. Hiccup's blood started to boil as he made a fist, "There will never be peace in this world only blood thirsty monsters with wings!"

"Take that back!" Hiccup yelled, "Dragons, they are kind, amazing creatures that can bring people together!"

"Or take them away!" Sarah yelled slamming her fists on the table,

"Alright, calm down!" Stoick said holding Hiccup down, "Come on your all acting like children!"

"I'm gonna prove you wrong! There will be peace in this world and I'm gonna bring it!" Hiccup yelled,

"Knock it off Sarah!" Fiona said,

"Oh please," Sarah said rolling her eyes, "Tell me, why are you protective over dragons and peace? Huh!?"

Hiccup then finally escaped from his fathers grip, he walked over to the side of the table where she was. He glared at at her and so did she,

"Because unlike you, I admire these creatures and I want a world free of hatred and war! To change this world for the good of both men and dragons...that is my dream!" He growled,

Sarah gasped, her eyes opened wide as that one sentence kept repeating in her head,

"And I'll never go back on my word! I'll my life on the line for Toothless and all dragons!" Hiccup continued,

'Oh no,' thought Fiona as she stared over at Sarah who's face was covered in tears,

Sarah's P.O.V

'To change this world for the good of both men and dragons...that is my dream!'

'To change this world for the good of both men and dragons...that is my dream!'

'To change this world for the good of both men and dragons...that is my dream!'

End of P.O.V


"Happy Birthday Benji!" Sarah shouted hugging her brother,

"Hahahaha! Thanks sis!" He said hugging her back,

"Now I want you to close your eyes, I have something for you," she said reaching to her back pocket,

"I'm twelve, don't need any toys!" He said closing his eyes,

"I'm sure you'll love this!" She said holding a small green box, "Open your eyes!"

And with that, Benji opened his eyes at first he was confused but as he opened the box he gasped. He looked at his sister who gave him a warm smile,

"YOU'RE THE BEST SISTER EVER!!!" He yelled hugging her again, "Are you really gonna let me have it?"

"Of course, it was our fathers lucky dagger, I'm sure you'll take good care of it!" She said as he pulled it out of it's box. He looked closely at the design, the handle was green with golden vines and leaves that wrapped around it. At the bottom was their fathers initials engraved,

"This is amazing!" He said holding it tightly in his left hand, "With our fathers good luck, I'm one step closer to changing this world!"

He had his over to the edge of the balcony at they were standing, looking over at his people,

"This placed meant the world to our parents and I'm gonna take good care of it!" He said proudly, "I'm gonna change this world for good of these people and dragons!"

"Haha, you always did say a real man never goes back on his words!" Sarah chuckled,

"Yeah!" He replied, "To change this world for the good of both men and dragons...that is my dream!"

Sarah smiled at her brother, she had always adored his confidence,

"Benji!" She said,

"Yeah," he responded,

"Come here, I wanna give you something that'll make sure you achieve your dream!" She said, "You're gonna have to close your eyes again!"

"Okay!" He said closing his eyes again. Sarah then slowly leaned down and planted a kiss on her brother's forehead, Benji opened his eyes the he felt the kiss, he blushed as his sister laughed,


"Be careful next time Benji!" Sarah said patching up her brothers wounds, "Now when we have another dragon attack I want you to get inside and keep safe!"

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" He yelled, "What good will that do?! I was so close into making peace with a dragon, if that man didn't interfere we would have made peace with the dragons already!"

Sarah then flicked his forehead,

"Ow," he whined rubbing his forehead,

"Just please don't get hurt!" She pleaded,

"Don't worry about me sis!" He said with a smile, as she chuckled,


"Where is he?!?" Sarah yelled making her way through the crowd, "WHERE'S MY BROTHER!"

"Sarah..." Said a man looking down, as the rain drenched everyones clothes,

"Where's Ben-" she trailed into silence as the man took a step the left revealing a body covered by a white sheet. Her legs trembled as she walked over to the body, she dropped to her knees and slowly lifted up the white sheet, "NOOOOOOO!!!"

---End of Flashback---

"What's wrong? Yack got your tongue?!" Hiccup mocked,

"Hiccup!" Yelled Stoick,

"I need some air," Sarah said walking out the Hall, with Fiona right behind her,

"Hiccup!" Stoick said slapping his son's head, "That was uncalled for!!"

Hiccup stayed silent and avoided eye contact,

"You better apologies!" Stoick shouted,

Hiccup walked over and took a seat, Astrid then took the seat next to him,

"Well that was....something," she said trying to find a way to cheer him up,

"Don't even bother trying," Hiccup said avoiding eye contact,

"Boy, that Hiccup kid sure is naive," Harry said to Charlie, who didn't respond. He stared over at Hiccup with his eyes still glowing, "What are you-"

"Shh," Charlie said as he continued to examine Hiccup, he could still the red entity in him, 'Do you see him? He'll make a tasty treat for you,'

"Charlie! Remember to stick to the plan!" Harry whispered, he knew very well what was on Charlie's mind, "Don't let that thing out until the right moment!"

"And who is it that I need to get first?" Charlie replied in a cold voice,

"That blonde girl he's sitting next to, if you get her will get control over the boy," Harry said pointing to Astrid. Charlie made a fist, he was ready to unleash what he was capable of,


"Sarah," Fiona said taking a seat next to her on the ground,

"Don't talk me," she replied turning away from her,

"I understand what your going through, they are incredibly a like huh? Not just in their physical appearance," Fiona said,

"Would you just shut up already!" Sarah yelled, as more tears fell down from her face, "You have no idea how a like they are!"

She then hugged her legs and buried her face in her knees, as Fiona gave her sympathetic look,


Hiccup stared over at the floor playing with hands, he suddenly then felt the same in chest. It caught him by surprise and he quickly using his right hand pressed against his chest as he grinned his teeth together in pain,

"Hiccup!" Astrid shouted placing a hand on his shoulder, "You said that this no big deal!"

"It's not Astrid," he responded fighting back the pain, "It's not!"

He let out a cry bring everyone's attention to him. He fell to the ground still holding his chest and image of a fiery eye flashed before his eyes again and again, (refer to image)

"Son!" Stoick shouted rushing his son's aid,

"Mrrghh?" Toothless asked walking over to his best friend,

"Get away from me!" Hiccup yelled in pain, "Arghh!"

"Perfect!" Harry exclaimed, "Charlie, do it!"

Stoick then turned his head over to see Charlie conjuring up a large amount of water in hand,

"What the-"

Suddenly Charlie pushed his hand in the direction where Astrid was, the water then swirled through the air and turned into ice, before Astrid had the time to react it was to late. The ice trapped her body, making her unable to move, she screamed in pain as the ice tightened around her. Charlie with hand then pulled her closer to him,

"Arghh!" She screamed in pain,

"Astrid?" Hiccup said looking to see what had happened, "Toothless plasma blast!"

Toothless then shot out a blast hoping it would free her, it made little impact,

"What?" Hiccup said, 'A blast like should have freed her'

Suddenly the pain in his chest grew stronger and stronger, he got up to his feet ignoring the pain,

"Why are you doing this?!" He yelled,

"Just give us-"

"It's my purpose," Charlie said interrupting Harry,

"To hurt people!?" Hiccup shouted, loosing battle to the pain,

" kill them," He said, tightening the ice around Astrid,

"How are you doing that?!" Stoick shouted, "Let her go right now!"

"Why on earth would you think your purpose is to kill?" Hiccup asked weakly,

Charlie closed his eyes for a while and opened them, "My father wanted make sure that I would grow up to strongest man in the world. So he conjured the spirit of the water dragon and sealed it inside me before I was born. In doing so I killed the women who gave birth to me, I was born a monster. My father attempted to try and teach how to control it but gave up. Many of my people feared me and sent assassins to try and kill me but ultimately failed as the water surrounding me, protected me from any harm. It was then when my own father tried to kill me, the water protected me again and showed no mercy towards my father. Through all this hatred I realised my purpose in life was to kill, it reminds me my purpose of living. I love only myself and a trust only myself, don't bother with your weapons, my water will shield me,"

'What the hell's wrong with this guy?!?' Hiccup thought, "Where's all this water coming from?!"

"It's simple, unlike you my body is made up entirely out of water," Charlie responded, "So tell me, have your dreams of blood been pleasurable?"

"What are you talking about?" Hiccup asked, the pain in chest increased and he let out a small cry,

"Don't tell me you don't know," Charlie said giving Hiccup an evil grin,

"Know what?" Hiccup asked,

"The blood dragon is inside you, idiot!" Charlie shouted, as Hiccup's eyes opened wide,

"W-What did you just?" He asked,

"Why do you think you get those chest pains?" Charlie asked as Hiccup stayed silent, "I don't understand why a dragon like that would take the body of runt,"

Hiccup felt anger flowing through his veins, he felt his hand warm up,

"Shut up," he said softly,

"Why did the blood dragon choose you? A scrawny, helpless little boy?" Charlie continued,

"Shut up," Hiccup responded a little louder than the last time,

"Why did it choose an idiot with no strength always relaying on a stupid dragon!" Charlie said, tightening the ice around Astrid,

"I SAID SHUT UP!" And with that a stream of fire came out from Hiccup hand, wall of water shielded Charlie but melted the ice that trapped Astrid. Stoick ran to aid lifting her up and taking her to a safe place,

"Charlie!" Harry yelled pulling on his hand, "Stop this! Stick with the plan!"

Charlie ignored him and stared over at Hiccup who was panting and looking down to the ground,

"Impressive," He said with the same cold voice,

Suddenly Hiccup raised his head up revealing his fiery eyes, the same eyes he kept seeing. His teeth were sharp and pointy, Charlie took a step back as Hiccup inhaled and exhaled loudly,

"Charlie enough is enough, let's go!" Harry yelled pulling him over to the door,

"We'll meet again," he said over to Hiccup,

"I'm not done with you yet!!" He yelled in a demonic like voice, a stream of fire came out of both of his hands. A wave of water shielded Charlie again and a gigantic cloud of steam filled the Hall,

"Now's are chance!" Harry yelled as they ran out of Hall,

"What's going on here!?" Fiona yelled running in with Sarah right behind her,

"I can't see a thing!" Sarah said, moments later the steam cleared and the two gasped as they saw Hiccup's state,

"Sarah..." Fiona said fearfully, it was at that moment Hiccup collapsed unconscious,

"Son!" Stoick yelled checking his son's heart beat, "Oh thank the gods,"

He looked up at Sarah,

"You're gifted in medicines right?" He asked,

"Yes," she replied, "Don't worry I'll help him,"

"A-And also her as well," Stoick said pointing over to Astrid who was laying on a table unconscious,

"Yes, Fiona will tend to her care," Sarah said taking Hiccup into her arms, "Don't worry they'll be alright, now tell me what on earth happened here?"

Hey! I just wanted to tell you guys that I might not be updating for a while since my mum read this article about how electronics will ruin this generation, so she's selling my iPad. I would continue writing on our computer but it keeps on crashing. So I guess this is...good bye?
P.s. It was an honour meeting all you dragon fans

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