Fight Me!

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"Hold on!" Shouted Hiccup, as Astrid hugged him tight, the bola twirled around them. Locking, Toothless' legs, wings, and tying Hiccup and Astrid down. The fell to ground with a large thud, as they rolled to the side,

"Who in Thor's name is doing this!?!" Astrid yelled, trying to break free,

"I don't know, but we've gotta get out of here!!" Hiccup yelled,

"Wrrohh!!" Toothless bellowed, also trying to break free,

'WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU IDIOT?!?! GET US OUT OF HERE!!!!!" Sanguis yelled, giving Hiccup a painful headache,

'Just give me a second!' Hiccup told him, trying to reach for the dagger that was only inches away from his finger tips,

"Hiccup!" Astrid yelled staring at two figures which started to move closer and closer to them. Suddenly an excruciating pain started to grow on Hiccup's chest causing him to scream in pain, "Hiccup? Are you okay?"

'Sanguis what the hell are you doing?!' Hiccup shouted, only to get the reply,

"You'll thank me in a few seconds,"

Hiccup then fell unconscious,

"HICCUP!" Astrid yelled, she started feel Hiccup's body starting to get warmer and warmer. Using all the strength that was in her she pulled herself up, away from him. The ropes around her started to weaken as her face went red, suddenly her attention went to the figures, who finally appeared from the shadows,

"You're those guys from the peace treaty," She said as her body started to shake, giving into the force of the ropes,

"We're not here for you don't you worry," Harry said staring at Hiccup, Charlie stayed quite as his eyes went over to Hiccup, who had his eyes closed, not moving a muscle. He heard the growls of Toothless,

Suddenly, Charlie felt a cold sensation on chest, colder than any ice in existence. He fell onto his knees, scrunching up his shirt,

"Charlie!" Harry held coming to his aid,

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" He yelled stretching out his arm, causing a wave of water to come out, which drenched Harry and made him loose his footing, 'Aqua what do you want?! I promised you fresh blood didn't I?!'

"Blood? This guys a creep," Astrid thought, then all of a sudden with no warning, Hiccup immediately lifted up breaking the ropes that trapped them. He got off Toothless' back and fell to dirt, and then all of a sudden lifted his chest up high, and a red light appeared, Astrid stumbled back, as Hiccup let out a terrifying war-cry. Charlie then copied his actions, he lifted his chest up high and a blue light appeared,


"It's been a long," said a cold, deep voice,

"I'd say the samething!" Sanguis said stepping out from the shadows, "What business do you have with this boy?"

"Well that's surprising, you've come to care for runt, how ironic. This is caring behaviour coming from a dragon, who made a man turn on to his own brothers!" Suddenly a large dragon appeared with scale as blue as the ocean,

"You and I both know, the legend you speak of is a lie, I had no choice. I knew," Sanguis shouted, as they walked around in circles, never letting their guard down. Sanguis growled as a devilish smile grew on Aqua's face, "I knew, what you wanted, you were going to make the fourth son, kill of the others. My only option was to beat you to it,"

"Hah, you certainly haven't forgotten. Brother. But the only proof you have are your words, and only your words. You're fiendish mind control gags destroyed the trust of humans who had in you, and I'll make sure it stays like that!" Aqua shouted as he opened his mouth to let out boiling water,

Astrid was frozen with shock, she didn't know what to do. Suddenly the beams of the red and blue lights started to move closer,

'Come on Astrid do something!' She thought, she tried pinching herself, but that do her any good at all. Suddenly Toothless let a lethal plasma blast, stopping the lights from getting any closer. He had remembered what Sarah said, if the energy coming from both Hiccup and Charlie intersected, it would kill them both. He let out a vicious roar, as he jumped in front of Hiccup, who suddenly gained his consciousness. He moved his head around in all directions to see what was going on,

"CHARLIE, REMEMBER WHY WE CAME HERE!" Harry yelled running towards him, suddenly Charlie got up and grab him by the neck,

"If you try and stop me, I won't hesitate to kill you," He said in his usual cold voice, "I promised him fresh blood and I'm gonna give it to him!"

He stared over Hiccup, was being protected by Toothless, who growled loudly,

"Hiccup!" Astrid shouted running towards him,

"Astrid," he said weakly hugging her, "What...happened?"

"A red light came out from your chest," she said pressing her finger on it,

"Hahaha," Charlie chuckled, catching their attention, Hiccup weakly got up,

"Look, I don't know you want, but we're leaving," He said firmly,

"I was right, we are the same," Charlie said, confusing Hiccup,

"What?" Hiccup asked, how we be like him?

"You and I were both outcast, we both have monsters within us, we were both disowned by our own father. The only difference is, you think you have a place in world, that's you're ticket to death. I kill because I must it reminds me, of my purpose....the purpose kill and live," Charlie continued, causing Hiccup's eyes to widen,

'H-He was an outcast.......he's been living his life alone, j-just Only I found....,' Hiccup looked over at Toothless, who was still growling, he then looked back at Charlie, trembling with fear as he realised, '.......I-Is....this how I would have ended up?'

"Now! Help me, remember why I'm alive!" Charlie yelled as he put his hand in front of him, a row of tin water appeared. Which slowly froze in razor sharp icicles heading straight for Hiccup's body. Hiccup was frozen stiff he couldn't move, just as the icicles were only inches away, a wall of fire shot up in front of him, causing to stubble back,

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?!?" Sanguis yelled,


'Snap out of it and fight! They're here for your dragon! Now fight! I'll lend you my energy,' Sanguis yelled,

Suddenly a large fireball exploded, in front of Charlie, but that was no ordinary fireball, Hiccup looked up,

"Dad!" He shouted, he then realised his father wasn't alone, Sarah, Fiona and the rest of the gang were right along side him, ' Sarah actually on a dragon???'

"SNOTLOUT! SNOTLOUT! OI! OI!" Snotlout screamed, as Hookfang let out a stream of fire,

"Stormfly! You're all better now!!" Astrid shouted running up to her dragon, as Sarah quickly jumped off, while Fiona slowly slid down,

"Man, so that's what it's to fly!" She said,

"Don't even speak of it!" Sarah snapped, hugging her stomach,

"How did you find us!?" Hiccup yelled as Stoick embraced him with a hug,

"This Skullcrusher, you're talking about! And I'm you're father for crying out loud I'll always be there to push you out of harms way," (A/N I'm such a terrible person...)

Charlie watched in distance, as the sphere of water which was protecting him, dissolved. Suddenly an agonising pain came upon his forehead, he scream making everyone's head turn towards him,


"There will be no fighting here, we're leaving!" Stoick said standing in front of Hiccup,

"Backing down from a fight? That's what I expected from the little embarrassment!" Challenged Charlie as water drooled from his mouth. Hiccup made a fist shaking lightly in anger, he felt his body getting warmer,

"CHARLIE THAT'S ENOUGH! WE HERE FOR THE DRAGON! DO YOU NOT WANT TO BE FREE?! TO BE ACCEPTED?!" Harry yelled, pointing over at Toothless who crouched down,

"If you wanna get that dragon, you're gonna have to go through me!" Hiccup shouted as he stepped in front of his best friend.

Yes I haven't updated in 3 weeks I'm so sorry!!
It's just with this new school
And a little essay incident, that I'm recovering from
Don't laugh xxwhoareyouoo

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