Full Moon

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"Are you sure this is the way?" Hiccup asked,

"Son, this Skullcrusher we're talking about!" Stoick looking over at Hiccup holding on Astrid's shoulder,

"Right, right," Hiccup replied, as he touched his chest,

'Hiccup...is today a full moon?' Sanguis asked,

'Yes...why such a random question?' Hiccup replied back making Sanguis go quiet, 'S-Sanguis? Hello?'

"Hey, what's going on?" Astrid asked looking back,

"Eh..nothing..." Hiccup replied with an awkward smile, 'Sanguis, talk to me!'

"Hiccup!" Stoick shouted, "We're here."

Hiccup peeking over Astrid's shoulder, the final battle was about to commence. 'Toothless...I'm coming for you bud,' he said to himself as Astrid flew Stormfly over to the cave, 'I'm gonna get you back, no matter what it takes...'

Meanwhile back on Berk, Sarah was packing up all her belongings. She couldn't bear staying on the island seeing more and more of her memories flash before her very eyes. Memories of Benji and Fiona, she'd already made a boat which was floating in the shores of the beach. With a stuffed and worn out bag she made her way over into the woods and then out to the shores of the beach. But just before she could enter the woods, Meatlug stopped her in her tracks, she jerked backwards as the big dragon let out a small grumble.

"What do you want?" She asked rudely, she couldn't stand being face to face with the creature. She spent most nights hating herself as well, she hated wielding the powers of the Green dragon. Even the word brought a bit her lunch up to her throat. It was these creatures that took away everything that she had hold dear to her heart. Now she was alone with nothing to live for. Deep in the back of her she had a plan, a foolish plan one might say. Her plan to sink into the ocean and to disappear from the world for good. A plan to spend all eternity with her brother Benji and her friend...her only friend, Fiona. "I don't have time for your shenanigans, step a side and let me continue my path!"

Meatlug knew that Sarah was up to something and she held her ground not moving a muscle. Dragons can see through the eyes of a human after all it was one of their gifts passed down from the four dragons themselves. Meatlug dug her claws firmly into the ground and banged her deadly tail into the ground. Sarah took a deep breath in and turned around and then quickly ran around the dragon who let out a ferocious roar. Her heart pounded harder and harder as she ran through the woods dodging branches and fall logs. Just as she reached the beach she slid against the soft sand only to find Fishlegs, Snoutlout, Ruffnut and Tuffnut all crossing their arms giving her a dismissive look.

"Where do you think your doing?" Snotlout asked,

"Home." Sarah said firmly,

"What's in the bag?" Fishlegs asked,

"What do you think?" Sarah asked standing her ground,

"Oooh, oooh don't tell me I know this one!" Tuffnut said blocking his ears,

"Stuff?" Ruffnut answered before suddenly being punched by her brother,

"I SAID DON'T TELL ME!" Tuffnut yelled,

"Leave me be, I'm leaving," Sarah said trying to get to her boat,

"Unauthorised departures without a chief's permission is strictly against the laws of Berk." Fishlegs said,

"Since when?" Sarah snapped,

"7 generations ago to be exact," Fishlegs answered only to boil Sarah's blood,

"Look Fish-face I don't know who you think you are but I'm-" Just before Sarah could finish a painful headache come over her. She dropped her bag and landed onto her knees crushing her head with her hands letting out cries of pain. Her eyes were shut tight as voice whispered,

'S A V E H I M'

'S A V E H I M'

'S A V E H I M'

Suddenly a small montage of visions flashed brightly in her head, a full moon, a bony hand, a dragon being overtaken by a mysterious blue entity, a red flash followed by fire and then Hiccup's body laying lifelessly on snow that was stained red. This final image toyed with her brain as Hiccup would instantly change to Benji and then back again. Sarah banged her fist against the sand as she then saw Fiona with a worried look. The visions came to a close the same voice filled her head repeating the exact same words,

'S A V E H I M'

'S A V E H I M'

'S A V E H I M'

'S A V E H I M'

'S A V E H I M'

'S A V E H I M'

Suddenly Sarah came back to sense as the teens stood petrified,

"Are you okay?!" Fishlegs shouted running up to her,

"W-W-We have to help Hiccup," Sarah said,

"What?" Snotlout asked,

"We have to help him!" Sarah yelled getting up onto her feet, "Come on!"

Sorry for the late updates.....😅😅😅😅😅 hehehe....
It's just that these past few weeks I've been thinking about my future with Wattpad and I came to the conclusion that...........this is gonna be my last book before I...............'retire'......


That was until I read a sweet little comment by Synix17 on my book The 'L' word. It's thanks to this amazing user that knocked some sense into me. I've gained so many views for a reason, and I'm not gonna stop writing. You all make my books a part of your day and who am I to put an end to it? I've a book that I'm still planing out (it's HTTYD related😱😱😱 shocker I know) except this something I'm doing for the sake of writing a fan-fic. This book is for people who want to listen, for people who want to understand why I cannot stand the poor efforts put out by Disney. I hope you all check it out when I publish it....but for now let's just get this story finished shall we?
See you in the next update!

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