Give Him Back

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Hiccup, Astrid and Stoick crept through the cave, icicles from above dropped droplets of rain that would give even make the warmest of men shiver. Hiccup lead the group lighting a ball of fire in his hands, the light reflected on the ice giving over various tones of red, orange and yellow.

"Do you even have a plan?" Asked Sanguis,

"," Hiccup responded, "What was with that question about the full moon?"

"Water spirits rise with the moon, while we rise with the sun," Sanguis explained, "Whatever sin he has installed for Charlie to commit, he has to harness the power the moon,"

"You're telling me this now?!" Hiccup asked infuriatingly,

"Hiccup," Astrid whispered placing a hand on his shoulder making the flames in his hands ignite brighter, he turned around,

"Wh-" just before he could finish, Astrid laid a finger on her lips signalling him to be quiet,

"Listen," She said softly,

Hiccup did what he was told, he then Charlie's infamous cold voice,

"How long is it gonna take?!" His voice echoed through the many tunnels of cave. Hiccup then heard Harry as well,

"Y-You need to be patient," he said,

"I cannot wait any longer!" Charlie yelled,

"Charlie......." Harry said, "Once the spirit takes over the body of the dragon....what then?"

Hiccup clenched his fist tightly as his eyes were narrow,

"I care not of what happens the dragon, I care what will happen when all of this is over, when people will start treating me like an equal instead of fearing me as if I am nothing but a shallow monster, who kills out of pleasure," Charlie spoke. Hiccup had heard enough as he bolted over to the men,

"Son!" Stoick yelled making the icicles above them rattle,

"Come on!" Astrid said running after Hiccup,

"W-What on earth was that?" Charlie asked turning around,

"If want Toothless, you have to go through me first!" Hiccup said standing tall with his chest up high...well as high as it went. Toothless let out a delighted groan, seeing that his friend hadn't giving up on him,

"You'd honestly give your life to creature that has the life of many?" Charlie said with a devious smile, "Why who knows maybe one he'll take the life of another?"

"That will never happen!" Hiccup yelled, "You either stand down or fight,"

"Pfft, and this comes from a peace keeper," Charlie mocked, "Your words don't reflect on your actions, you think that one day you'll reunite the broken bond between men and dragons, you think you'll...achieve something your previous chiefs have not? You cower away from such responsibilities and hide them away, concealing them away to the back of your mind, hoping that it wouldn't bother you, but your wish will never be granted, it will haunt the rest of your life,"

"Stop it, stop it, stop it!" Hiccup yelled over squeezing his head,

"The folktales were right, a spirit sealed away in a poor hopeless soul share the same gruelling weight of cowardly burdens" Charlie continue secretly forming a sharp icicle behind his back,

"Sanguis maybe portrayed as the blood thirsty beast everyone speaks of, but you and I both know the legend is wrong. Sanguis can be self centred, annoying, full of himself but there's more to him than what meets the eye," Hiccup said firmly,

"Self centred? I not self centred!" Snaguis complained,

'Not now!' Hiccup yelled,

Suddenly Charlie threw the icicle like a spear, it spun around elegantly. Hiccup immediately put his hand in front of him and stream of fire escaped, melting the icicle just in time. He the ran over to Toothless, only being stopped by a deadly blast of ice. Hiccup then started to pant heavily as his skin got hotter and hotter, he looked down with his eyes closed,

"Giving up already?" Charlie asked, Hiccup then faced him. His eyes were red as blood and his pupils turned into slits, he was no boy anymore,

"Frightened are we?" Sanguis spoke through Hiccup, "I know you're in there Aqua, come out and we can end this once and for all,"

Charlie's head immediately fell down until his chin touched his neck, moments later his eyes glowed bluer and his pupils turned into slits as well,

"Yes we shall," Aqua said through Charlie, "Only this time I'll make sure you stay dead!" Charlie then let out boil hot water from his hands. Hiccup dodged the blow, his pressed two fingers against his lip breath out fire. Stoick and Astrid finally caught up to him,

"We've gotta free Toothless," Stoick said,

"But Hiccup-"

"This is his fight Astrid," Stoick said cutting her off the two then ran over to Toothless,

"I don't think so," Harry said drawing out a sword, he then brushed off the ice on his shoulders that fell once he broke through the cage that imprisoned him. Stoick the drew out his,

"Oh you don't wanna mess with a viking," he said as the two started to walk around in a circle. Astrid then quickly with all her strength, pulled on the chains. Stoick and Harry fought fiercely, their swords clashed together and then scraped off only to be clashed together again,

"Mrgh?" Toothless moaned as he watched Astrid try and break the chains,

"Need a hand?" Asked a voice. Astrid turned to see Sarah and the others,

"W-What?" Astrid said in shock. Snotlout and Fishlegs both with a sword and axe smashed the chains with all their strength. Astrid then turned to see the twin admiring the fight between Hiccup and Chalire,

"Whoa, who knew Hiccup could that violent?" Tuffnut said,

"I thought he had green eyes," Ruffnut said, they then shared a high five,

"SWEET!" They said at the same time,

As Stoick fought, he heard a snap, he turned to the chains that held Toothless go loose and slide up to the icicles above him. They then fell,

"Look out!" He yelled,

'Now's my chance!' Harry though he then charged over to Stoick, who quickly stepped aside. Harry tripped and fell to where Toothless was imprisoned, the icicle then impaled his chest and face. Harry was gone...forever. Everyone around his corpse turned their faces away in disgust as the battle between Hiccup and Charlie continued,

"We've gotta stop it!" Sarah said,

"But how?" Astrid asked. Suddenly Hiccup crashed into a fall and fell hard, his eyes turned normal. His vision was blurry but slowly cleared, he then Toothless and the rest of the gang. Toothless immediately ran up to him and embraced him with a lick,

"Toothless!" Hiccup said, "Oh you're okay!" The two then shared a hug as Charlie looked up to see the full moon,

"Yes!" He shouted, making Toothless growl and shield Hiccup. Grinning Charlie's chest turned blue and beam of blue light flashed. Toothless with a nudge of his head pushed Hiccup out of the way, taking the blow. The blue light sunk in his scales,

"Oh no.." Sarah said softly,

Toothless growled in pain shaking his head violently, the cracks in his scales allowed the light to shine all over him,

"Toothless!" Hiccup yelled, as the dragon then opened his eyes that glowed blue,

"I'm finally free!" Charlie yelled in triumph, "I'm finally..." Suddenly he felt his heart ache, pressing hard on it with one hand he kneeled to the ground. Screamed in pain, "What's happening?!"

"You're clueless little boy, did you really think getting rid of me will free you in that way?" Aqua joked through Toothless,

"But you-"

"You will free from this world," Aqua continued, "Never again will you have to suffer the consequences of being treated differently, you'll be in other world far from here!"

"You...You.." Charlie then fell the ground as his eyes closed shut..forever, (A/N yay?)

Hiccup had a disheartening look on his face, all this time Charlie just wanted to be accepted...just like him. Was this really how he could've ended up like? Unable to love, to have friends, or to have a family that loved him deeply? Hiccup then realised that Charlie's action were never done for pleasure, he was seeking for acceptance and he was willing to kill, just like himself when he came across Toothless. The only difference was Hiccup gained something, Charlie never got the chance to have, friendship. Charlie had spent his years alone being treated like dirt, with no one who cared, he'd had been stuck in a deep dark corner, just like Hiccup only he'd spent his entire life in that corner. He then looked away,

"You know, if we weren't in this situation, you and I could've have been friends.." He said to Charlie's corpse, Sarah then ran up to him,

"Hiccup," she said placing a hand on his shoulder, "I-"

"Pathetic!" Aqua said with a disgusted tone, making the two turn around to see Toothless possessed, "We could've have been friends? Friendship is for the weak!"

Hiccup clenched his fists, he then remembered something,

"Sarah," He said, "You said so yourself, to free someone from a spirit like Aqua, another would have to have to clash his dragon spirit,"

"What are you saying?" Sarah asked,

"It's the only way," Hiccup continued pressing against his chest,

"You're not seri-"

"Fiona told me about Benji, and....I'm sorry I caused you all that pain," Hiccup walking towards Toothless, was growled, "I'll tell him that you said 'Hi',"

"Hiccup wait!" Sarah said grabbing ahold of his arm, "There's gotta be another way! You can't just give your life away!"

"Then how are we suppose to free Toothless?!" Hiccup shouted, "Huh?! Don't you see there is NO other way!"

Sorry for not updating in a long time! I just finished my NAPLAN tests. If I don't get a band 8 or higher I have to do...OLNA. And if I have to be it, a couple of sheets of paper aren't gonna stop me from walking through the DreamWorks campass no way! Someday you're gonna see my name up first on the credits!
Well I better go, I accidentally started another fan fic on instagram, please don't ask me how because I have no idea either 😅
See ya!

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