In the Beginning

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Centuries ago since the start of the first Viking tribe and when all the earths lands were connect, lived for four gigantic Alpha dragons which with their own special ability. The great Water Dragon, Aqua who was covered in scales that were blue as the heavenly sky, he had the ability to conjure water that was fresh and pure, creating the rivers, streams, seas and oceans. The great Leaf Dragon, Saltus, covered scales that were greener all the leaves of a tree, she had the ability to conjure vegetation thus giving the word forests, plants, and fruits. The great Light Dragon, Lux who covered with in scales that were white as snow, she separated day from night, created the moon, the sun and the stars.

Then came the infamous Blood Dragon, Sanguis, covered in scales that were red as blood, hence the name. He provided protection if Loki ever summoned things that were considered as threats to humans. He purpose in life was considered useless since nothing terrible ever did occur in the world. While his brother and sisters were praised for their magnificent talents he was dishonoured not only for his uselessness but also for his mind control/body possession gags he did with the vikings. The dishonouring kept on going and going for Sanguis, his hatred and jealously for his siblings grew stronger and stronger as a wretched fire in his heart caught ablaze.

On the day these four Alphas turned 300 years old, Sanguis' hatres and jealously took over and he started a war. The war went on for thirty days, many lives were lost including innocent children who were burnt to death in their sleep or in their mothers arms, it was gory fight between the four dragons who had now all turned their backs on one another. Their foul roars awakened Odin who finally put an end to this dragon war, he took out four rings, placed them on his fingers and pointed at the once great four Alpha dragons.

The rings glowed and sucked in the spirits of the dragons causing them to drop dead. Their spirits were sealed in these rings, which glowed brightly depending on what the colour each dragon. Blue for Aqua, Green for Saltus, White for Lux and Red for Sanguis who glowed brighter than anyone of them.

Odin then split the world into four individual lands separating the vikings and placed small feral dragons on these lands, in time vikings learnt to hate these creatures and to kill on sight, creating the war between man and dragons. He then sent four brothers down from Valhalla to rule each land. They were each gifted with the for rings and mistake Odin would soon come to regret. The youngest was given the Water Dragon, the second was given the Leaf Dragon, the third was given the Light Dragon and the oldest was given the Blood Dragon.

Years past and the brothers ruled their tribes peacefully well three of them actually. The oldest brother was having difficulty maintaining the ring that sealed the blood dragon. In his sleep he felt like he was sleeping on fire and a deep, throaty, cracking with every syllable, dragging out his words with a little hiss at the end of his sentences, a demonic voice , spoke to him.

"I hear your desires...."

"I know your pleasures of living...."

"I can give you this....."

Every morning the oldest would wake up in a pool of sweat covered with bruises and gasping for air. He would always have an urge to wear the ring and look at it, it kept glowing brighter and brighter day by day. After all many of his people would seeing him talking to it,

"How do I become immortal?" He would asked,

"Take the remaining rings, I will tell you rest after,"

It was at that very moment the oldest made the biggest mistake of his life...he fell under the subduction of Blood Dragon allowing it to take ownership of his body. The oldest brother then killed his younger brothers taking their rings and placing them all on his fingers, as the Blood Dragon said he became immortal and took the name The Shadow Lord. Odin searched for hundred's of years to put an end to him, due to his searching the four lands kept on splitting creating islands and archipelagos. He never did find the The Shadow Lord, and returned back to his kingdom.

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