It's up to Me...

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Have you guys seen this interview?????
Omg it is so funny!!
Smaug is amazing (as always)!!!
I couldn't stop laughing
Expect when he mentions Toothless....

Hiccup opened his eyes, gaining consciousness, he breathed heavily looking around seeing that his was in room. He tried to sit up, but noticed something was resting against his chest. He looked down to see Toothless fast asleep, he also noticed that Astrid was dangling on his back a sleep as well, her head resting on the dragon's it was a cute a moment for Hiccup,

'Oh these two...' He thought as he stroked Toothless' head, who then started to flitter his open, "Hey bud,"

"Mrrgh!!!!" Toothless bellowed lifting his head up, unknowingly sending Astrid flying off his back,

"Woooaaahhh!!" She screamed as she hit the floor with a massive thud,

"Mrrgh?" Toothless said said turning his head quickly over to Astrid who was rubbing her forehead. Hiccup bit his bottom lip trying to hold in his laugh,

"Toothless!" Astrid shouted getting up, she then suddenly realised that Hiccup was awake, she gasped softly running towards him and embraced him with a loving hug, "Y-You're alright!"

Hiccup slowly raised his arm up and wrapped them around, burying his face into her shoulder,

"Of course I am!" He chuckled as they parted,

"Hiccup, there's something you need to know," Astrid said looking down at his chest where the mark was, Hiccup followed her eyes down and the mark. His eyes opened wide a bit as he placed his hand over it,

"I-I already know," he said closing his eyes, leaving Astrid shocked,

"Wha-how?" She asked,

"Because, I met him, while I was out cold," he continued with his eyes still closed, "I know what's gonna happen to me, but I'm not gonna let that happen. There's gotta be another way out of this!"

Hiccup then opened his eyes and noticed the worried look Astrid gave him,

"Mrrghh?" Toothless moaned nudging his snout against his hand, he smiled and scratched the dragon's chin. Suddenly the sound of a door opening filled their ears,

"Oh you're awake," Sarah said bringing him, his breakfast with Fiona behind her, suddenly Stoick came running in,

"My boy!" He shouted lifting Hiccup up from his bed spinning him around hugging him,

"Nice to see you too dad," Hiccup said gasping for air,

"Oh," Stoick said putting his down,

"Haha, eat up. We have to talk to you," Sarah chuckled handing him over his breakfast, she looked over at "And make sure you wear a shirt after,"

Hiccup smiled, scratching the back of his head blushing,

"Hehehe, you got it!" He said taking a bite into his bread, "Oh-ho wow, you're gonna make on heck of a wife someday, Sarah!"

Astrid suddenly jerked her head down, making a soft whimpering noise. Hiccup turned his head noticing what he had just done,

"Argh! No I-I didn't mean it like that!" He reassured Astrid putting his out in front of him and tilted his hands from side to side, as she gave him a lethal punch,

"Well, well," Sarah chuckled, "No offence Hiccup, you're a little too young for me,"

Hiccup turned his head and gave get a blunt look,

"You know what I meant," he said rubbing his shoulder,

"Come downstairs, when you're done," Sarah said walking out of his room,


"You mean to say, that you actually had a conversation that Sanguis??" Sarah said astonished,

"Yeah," Hiccup said holding onto his left forearm with his right hand, "Why hasn't anyone ever done that before??"

"No, usually the dragon, attempts to kill the victim to gain ownership of the body," Sarah explained,

'If you die, I die as well,' recalled Hiccup in his head, 'This doesn't make any sense,'

"Unless," Sarah said scratching her chin,

"What?" Hiccup and Stoick said in unison,

"Unless he was sealed in you for reason," she said, "What exactly did he tell you?"

"He said that the moment he was free, someone sent him over and sealed him in me," Hiccup explained, "He said something about, taking ownership of my body and transform it into his, to destroy everything in his path,"

"Oh my gods," Sarah said softly covering her mouth,

"You have to take him out of me," Hiccup begged, "Please,"

"T-There's nothing I can do," Sarah confessed. Hiccup's heart broke into millions of pieces, "It's up to you Hiccup, you're the only one who can bring him out,"

Hiccup's eyes widen softly, "What?"

"Even with my healing powers, there's nothing I can do. If I did the outcome would be that we both will die," she said staring at her hands,

"Wait, healing powers?" He asked confused,

"I was given the leaf dragon's healing powers, when I was just a little girl," she explained,

"If we did try, how would we die?" He asked,

"Because if my healing powers crosses way with Sanguis powers. Powerful shock waves will take over our body, stopping our hearts," she said avoiding eye contact, causing Hiccup to shiver lightly. He then felt something warm against his arm, he looked down to see Toothless trying to comfort him,

"Don't worry bud, I'm gonna be fine," he said placing his hand on his best friend's head. He then looked over at the others, "Don't worry, I'm gonna get Sanguis out, you can count it!"

'More I look at him, the more I see Benji,' Sarah thought smiling at Hiccup.

Hey guys!
Sorry didn't update for a couple of days, I got a bit...distracted😅
Anyway, I went and saw the Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies and I died of feels!!
For those who've seen it, you might know which scene I'm talking about
See ya in the next chapter!

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