Love Conquers All

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Hiccup stared into the blue eyes of Toothless, there was a strange mark on his forehead and glowed bright blue. It must have been where Aqua was releasing his power. The spikes on the sides of his legs extended and were joined together by thin, blue, and translucent skin. His mouth was glowing at the very back of throat and his spikes glowed blue as well,

"Toothless," Hiccup said calmly reaching his hand out, "It's me bud, your old pal Hiccup," as he spoke these words a snarl escaped from the dragon and then a furious roar. "I'm gonna get that thing out of you, I promise." Hiccup then touched his chest, it glowed bright red,

"What are doing?!" Aqua shouted in distress, making Toothless lunge forward to make a kill. Just in the nick of time Hiccup clasps shut his jaws and made sure his chest was in line to the blue mark on the dragon's forehead,

"What is he doing?" Astrid asked as she and the rest of the gang walked up to Sarah,

"He's gonna sacrifice his soul for his dragon!" Sarah explained,

"What!?" Stoick bellowed just as was about to run over to Hiccup Sarah grabbed ahold of his muscular arm,

"You can't stop him," Sarah said firmly,

"And why is that?!" Stoick yelled looking back at his son who was wrestling Toothless,

"'s what he wants and.." Sarah then trailed off into silence,

"And?" Astrid asked giving Sarah an angry look,

"It's the only way to free Sanguis, and Saltus, the dragon within me," Sarah confessed,

"Didn't you say that when two the four dragons intersect it will kill both vessels they're kept in," Astrid said,

"Not in this case, Hiccup is making sure that both powers affect him and only him," Sarah explained, the three then glanced over at Hiccup. Astrid stared at him longingly and Stoick clenched his fists fighting back his emotions,

"There has to be something we can do!" Astrid yelled, she bit her lip and fought back tears as she watch Hiccup,

"Do you, do you remember what life was like before all of this mess?" Hiccup asked to Toothless with tears escaping his eyes, "Do you remember flying through all the clouds going where no one went?" Toothless' pupil dilated for a short few seconds and then back slits, "And on Berk, you always waking me up to go flying?" Toothless let out a small moan as if we was saying 'yes', "I wish things could've stayed that way," Hiccup stared deep into Toothless' eyes that were dilated again. Sanguis was dumbfounded by what he was hearing, never had their been a man we had come across be this selfless, being able to give his life up for those he loved. Hiccup then made his hand glow red holding onto Sanguis' spirit and pressed hard on the mark on Toothless' head. He felt Aqua's energy being sucked into him, he felt as if he was in freezing cold water.

"What?! No!!" Aqua yelled as he stared at his paws, they were crumbling away like dust, "Nooo!!!!" (A/N yay?)

Hiccup's heart beat got weaker and weaker - then suddenly a blinding bright light appeared in the centre between and Hiccup and Toothless.

"What's going on?" Stoick asked trying to shield away the light. The bright light suddenly got brighter and brighter and then all of a sudden, Hiccup, Toothless and Sarah had....disappeared!

"Hiccup?" Astrid asked, "Toothless? Sarah?!"

"Where did they go?" Stoick asked scanning the entire area.


Hiccup, Sarah and Toothless all lay flat on a white surface, their eyes started to flutter opened, they then see three pairs of boots. One was white/sliver, the second was green and the third Hiccup looked up to see two women, the one had blonde hair with a thick white cloak and wore a white gown with silver patterns to it, she had blue sapphire eyes that hight lighted her face. The second wore the same but with a green cloak and green gown with small patterns of trees and leaves at the very bottom, she too had blue eyes that hight lighted her face and she had red straight hair. The man had long flocks of hair that was matched the colour of Hiccup's, he had a small beard, and wore a cloak as red as blood and armour that was also red with patterns of fire. He kneeled down reached out a hand to Hiccup, who was confused and frightened...was he in Valhalla? He hesitantly grabbed a hold of the mysterious man's hand, once he had got to his feet the man placed a hand on his shoulder, Hiccup looked down and then back up at him. The man's lips parted and and smiled showing off his ultra white teeth, followed by a chuckled. Hiccup stayed silent, what was so funny?

"You really are slow aren't you?" The man said through his chuckle, Hiccup's eyes widen slightly, that sounded so familiar,

"W-Who are you?" Hiccup asked feeling awkward and agitated not being able to figure who the man right in front of him was. But before the man could answer the two heard a moan coming from behind, Hiccup turned to see Sarah being helped up the other two women. He then turned back to the man who was still smiling at him,

"You're really not at all that bright aren't you?" He asked again, Hiccup then froze....he had heard those exact same words from Snaguis...SANGUIS?! But how?! Why?! Hiccup's mind exploded as all these questions filled his head,

"S-S-S" Hiccup stuttered,

"Keep going," the man replied shaking Hiccup's shoulder gently,

"Sanguis?!" Hiccup said both shocked and confused, "But how?! Why?! You were a...a...a..a..a-"

"Don't you remember what I told you before?" Sanguis said putting an arm around Hiccup, "The legend you were told as a little child was wrong," he then walked Hiccup over to his sisters, who were petting Toothless,

"Toothless!" Hiccup yelled running up his friend who came came jumping up to him, with his body close to the ground. The two halted a few paces away from each other, Toothless sat up and gave Hiccup a little whipper, who then embraced him with a heart warming hug, "You're okay!" Toothless then with this wing wrapped around him, "We're okay!"

Sanguis, his two sisters and Sarah watched as the two best friend shared a moment. Hiccup then pulled away,

"If you weren't dragons then....who are the four great dragons?" He asked,

"In the beginning, we were spent by Odin himself. The world was made of heartless men and women, Odin transformed us into dragon to set peace into this world. As the four dragons our duty was show people compassion, kindness selflessness, and friendship, the qualities," Lux then pointed to Toothless, "Any dragon shows to those he or she loves. It was our duty to show all what love was and how powerful it can be. That was until our brother Aqua saw darkness in our talents and other dragons. We had failed the task and were prisoned in rings as a punishment, which lead to the origins of the Shadow Lord-"

"Who I have no one to blame but myself for," Sanguis interrupted, "It then lead to you Hiccup,"

"What?" Hiccup asked,

"You destroyed the eldest son owner of the four rings. In doing so Sanguis was prisoned inside you as another punishment," Lux explained,

"But what about me?" Sarah asked,

"You are one of my disciples, Sarah," Saltus said, "I was...very fond of your bloodline, your ancestors were on if the very few who understood the good and bad,"

"But how is Sanguis out of me?" Hiccup asked,

"He," Lux began, "He learnt is lesson,"

"But he did no harm, Aqua must have been in involved in the origins of the Shadow Lord!" Hiccup protested...even though it was already too late take on the strike,

"I...placed him inside you young master Hiccup," Lux admitted make Hiccup go pale as if he had seen a ghost,

"Wha-Why?!" Hiccup asked demanding an answer,

"I've been observing you since the very beginning of you ever since you became a 'Masked Hero'. Never have I seen a man who's heart was a pure as gold and soul greater than a dragon's. When the time came I wanted to make sure Sanguis learnt the meaning if love and friendship, so sealing him inside you was the perfect way for to learn. I'm sorry for any distress I may have caused," Lux confessed. Hiccup stayed silent for a while, he then turned to Sanguis and asked,

"So...did you learn your lesson?" Sanguis then smiled, and placed both hands on Hiccup's shoulders,

"You taught me things that not even the wisest of men could," He said, "Thank you...and I'm....sorry for being very.....self centred..."

Hiccup then gave him a smile, never would he have expected THOSE words to come out of Sanguis' mouth. Suddenly he a felt a gush of wind, his eyes widened as a golden portal formed. Lux and Saltus then swayed their hands gesturing the two to come,

"Where...where are we going?" Hiccup asked,

"Valhalla," Sanguis said. Hiccup then looked down, so it was true...he was was Toothless...and so was Sarah. He went numb, taking the step into the portal meant that he wouldn't be able to be with his friends...he wouldn't able to be with his father....he wouldn't be able to be with Astrid. "You want to go back don't you?"

"Sanguis...I'm so sorry, but I can't go," Hiccup said,

"I understand," Sanguis said, "You want to go be with your friends, your father...and start a family with her," Hiccup the blushed a little, he never really thought about starting a family with Astrid, he then walked over to Toothless,

"We'll stay," he said firmly, "Come on Sarah," Hiccup then realised that Sarah's attention was to the portal, "Sarah?"

"I'm going," she said, "I'm going with them Hiccup,"


"It's better this way, you have so much to live for Hiccup. The world is bright for you but...not for me," Sarah interrupted,

"Don't say that!" Hiccup argued, "Benji and Fiona would want you to live your life to the fullest,"

"My life will be full in Valhalla," she then walked up to Hiccup, "Before I go, promise me that you'll make sure that men and dragons co-exists peacefully,"

"....I...promise," Hiccup said fighting back tears,

"I wanna give you something that'll make sure you keep that promise!" She said, "You're gonna have to close your eyes though," (A/N anyone know where this is going???)

Hiccup then closed his eyes, he felt tears sliding down his cheeks, suddenly he felt a warm pair of lips on his forehead. He opened his eyes to see Sarah give him a heart warming smile, he then smiled back and crossed his heart to confirm that he was going to fulfil his promise. One by one Hiccup watched Lux, Saltus and Sarah walk into the portal and disappear. Just before Sanguis could step into the portal Hiccup called out his name, he turned around and saw Hiccup lunge himself onto him. The two then shared one final hug, Sanguis then felt tears escape his eyes...the first set of tears since Lux sacrificed her life for him. He had felt it again, he had felt love once more,

"I'm gonna miss you," Hiccup said as the parted,

"This is no farewell Hiccup, someday we will meet again. I promise." Sanguis then stepped into the portal, Toothless nudged Hiccup's arm and let out a little moan. The white space they had were in faded away and they were back in the ice cave.

"Hiccup!" Stoick yelled, running to son with Snotlout, Fishleg, and the twins hot on his heels thefive embraced him with a huge group hug,

"Good to see you too guys!" Hiccup said gasping for air as the broke apart,

"Where's Sarah?" Fishlegs asked. Hiccup went silent and looked down,

"She's...ah...she's gone....home," he said with a little nod,

"Will ever see her again?" Snotlout asked,

"Yeah...someday," Hiccup replied glancing up, he then looked over at Astrid who walked up to him. Her face was stained by her tears, Hiccup then put on a brave face and using his thumb wiped away her tears,

"I thought you were-"

Hiccup then placed his finger on her lips,

"Shh," he said, "You can't get rid of me that easily," the two then shared a long passionate kiss. Astrid wrapped her arms around Hiccup's neck, while he wrapped his around her waist pulling her closer,

"Here we go again!" Snotlout said unenthusiastically, Toothless then using his tail slapped the back of Snotlout's head and growled. Hiccup and Astrid then pulled away with their eyes still locked on each other, just before Hiccup could say anything else, Toothless jumped on him and started to licking him to death,

"AWW TOOTHLESS YOU KNOW THAT DOESN'T WASH OUT!" He yelled will laughing along with the others.

Everything was back to way it was and peace was restored.

We've come to the end! Please don't ask me to write a third! Because I really have no idea how to continue the story. It's done! If you're wondering why it took me so long......well.....apart from being on a little LOTR marathon I was busing writing another book (😱😱 IKR) but here's the thing...........It's not HTTYD related (😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱) This is book will reflect something that I've been meaning to get off my chest for a while. It'll also shut the foul mouth of a fandom which I will not speak the name off because it leaves I bad taste in my mouth....some of you may know...if you follow me on Instagram and have read my.......infamous rants.......
Anyway if you are're gonna have to wait a LOOOOONNNGGG time for it's release. I'm planning on writing the ENTIRE book out first. It'll help me with the character arcs and all that, it'll also have you all the pain of waiting for my updates!
So by for now but not forever!

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