Maybe Then People Will Accept Me

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In a cave deep with the northern parts of the ice waste lands, Toothless was strapped tightly with chains which were connected a large barrier of ice and sharp icicles were above him, ready to fall at any moment. He let out a loud bellow in the hopes that someone would hear and come to his rescue. Charlie walked up to him full of glee as a demented smile stretched across his face,

"Soon," He muttered,

"Charlie," Harry said as he hesitantly walked up to him, "Are you sure this is gonna work, because if you think about it. That dragon can't exactly handle the wa-" just before he could finish his sentence Charlie grabbed him by the neck, his eyes were full of hatred,

"You listen to me," He said in a demonic voice grinding his teeth, "I don't care if the dragon cannot handle it, I don't care if he dies. What matters is that I'M free of this curse!"


"I don't want to heat your excuses, it was YOU who proposed the idea! Why back down NOW?" Charlie asked as he eyes turned into a pair of dragon like eyes, "What matters now is that, I'm free and then maybe people will start accepting me as their leader!" He then threw Harry a feet away from him and imprisoned him in a ice cage, he then turned over to Toothless who snarled. "Heh, all my life I never thought I'd see a night fury this close,"

Charlie looked over to see Toothless' mechanical tail covered in frost, "Why befriend the man who disabled you?" Toothless roared snarling in even more threatening manor. "He took away the one thing that keeps you alive," Charlie paused for a moment as if something came to his mind, "...Yet you still protect him with your life," His mind then came to the time were Fiona had scarified her life to save Hiccup, 'Why sacrifice your life for someone else?' Toothless awoke him from his thoughts with another roar as if he was demanding to be free, "Friendships and love make you weak dragon. Strength only comes to one who loves himself and himself only. I know that more than anyone in this world..."

---Flashback--- (Hehehehe........)

"Hey over here!" Cried a little boy to his friends as they played around the water with their ball,

"Over here!" Shouted girl, but as the ball came flying over to her...She missed and ball went over to the restricted area,

"Aww man!" Another girl shouted, "Nice job!"

"It's not fault!" The girl said in denial. The kids watched as their ball floated around the restricted apart of the village where sea-shockers swam around waiting for a meal,

"Now what are we gonna do?" One boy asked. Suddenly a massive wave formed in the restricted area a boy with blonde hair glided down with the ball in his hands,

"Hey it's that creepy kid," whispered one boy, "What's his name again?"

"Charlie," one girl answered, she stood still as Charlie glided down in front of her,

"," he said in a innocent voice holding the ball in front of him, the girl looked back and notice that the rest of her friends had already began to retreat,

"Ahh.." She said walking backwards,

"Here, take it," Charlie insisted, " I join?" He then smiled while closing his eyes, just as he noticed at the girl was running away from him, he panicked, "No! Please!" He reached his arm out, and a stream of water started to tailgate her and wrapped around her leg, "NO!"

He closed eyes as he heard the girl's screams, he then hesitantly opened his eyes to see his uncle who had stopped the blow with his bear hands...he was covered in blood and so was the girl's leg,

"Charlie stop this!" He begged as he arms began to shake,

"Uncle Ben..." Charlie sobbed, "I'm s-sorry,"
A few hours after the events that in the afternoon, Charlie was in his bedroom wiping away tears as held a small painting of his mother, his fingers traced around the carving lines that form her face. He placed the painting to a side and lifted up his pillow pulling out a small knife. He grabbed it started at it, his reflection brought him to tears as he could see half of his face while the other was the Water dragon's. He the stretched other arm out and tried to cut it, but a wall of water formed preventing the knife from sinking into his flesh,

"It doesn't matter how hard I try...the water always gets in the way," He mumbled,

"Having difficulty sleeping?" Said a familiar voice, Charlie turned around to see his uncle wearing a sling and bandages, "I know how you feel,"

"Uncle Ben!" Charlie said forcing a smile, "S-Sorry about what happened earlier..."

"Hah, it's okay...W-What are you doing with that knife?" Ben asked with a concerned look on his face,

"Oh..." Charlie said looking down, "Uncle Ben...can I ask you question?"

"Anything," Ben said taking a seat on his bed,

"W-What does pain feel like?" Charlie asked, "You see I've never felt it before," just as he was about to try and attempt to cut himself again, Ben stopped him taking the knife out of his hands,

"Pain..." He said staring at the knife, "It's hard to describe...but it doesn't feel good I'll tell you that. Pain comes from wounds like this," he then lifted up his sling,

"Oh..." Charlie said looking down full of guilt, Ben then used the knife and made a cut on his index finger,

"But," Ben said making Charlie look back up to him, "Wounds can be healed by medicine, right?" He then showed his bloody finger to him,

"Yeah," Charlie agreed as he watched his uncle wrap his wounded finger with a white cloth,

"However there are some wounds that can't be healed through medicine, for example a heart," Ben said,

"A heart?" Charlie asked,

"When someone's heart is wounded, nothing can heal it but the person himself," Ben explained, "But it's not all that easy, when a heart is broken it can be put back to together, but sometimes it can go crooked and the person you once thought was good can be the very end of you," Charlie shivered in fear, Ben then placed his hand on his nephew's head, "But that rarely happens don't you worry, a heart can be fixed if it is nurtured right and the person is surround by those who are special to him. Just like you are to me Charlie," Charlie then smile and turned over to the painting of his mother, "I wish you could see that what you have is a gift not a curse,"

"What to do mean?" Charlie asked, "My mother's dead...because me,"

"Hey," Ben said putting a supportive shoulder on Charlie's shoulder, "I can still see her,"

"Where?" Charlie asked,

"," Ben pressed his finger onto his nephew's tiny chest, "I think of your life like this. When you try to hurt yourself, the water stops you right?"

"Right," Charlie said,

"Well, maybe every drop of water you have within you is your mothers love, protecting you from any harm," Ben said as moved the knife closer to Charlie's skin as a small barrier of water formed, "See, it's your mother's love protecting you," Charlie then felt something warm in his chest as hugged his uncle,

"I'm glad I have you uncle Ben," he said as Ben hugged him back,

'I mustn't let my true emotions show.' Ben thought to himself, 'I mustn't'
'Uncle Ben's right! Maybe that girl can forgive!' Charlie thought as ran through the village hold a bag of medicines. He reached the home of the girl and knocked on the door,

"What to do want?!" She asked rudely limping outside of her home,

"I-I'm sorry about what happened earlier," Charlie said blushing as he held out the bag in front of her, "Here, I brought some medicine, it must have hurt a lot, I'm sorry,"

The girl snatched the bag from his hands and slammed the door shut without even saying thank you, leaving Charlie depressed. He walked away from the house and went passed many other peasants,

"Hey it's that kid!" Many whispered cause Charlie to walk faster. He suddenly came across a drunk man who waved a mug full mead,

"Hey it's-" just before he could finish Charlie glared over at him and steams of water turned in icicles all of which were heading straight towards the drunken man's screams. His mug fell to floor breaking into millions of pieces followed by blood which splattered all over the floor as well. Charlie continued to walk, he walked past a tall man who had a disappointed look on his face. Charlie looked down,

'Father,' he thought as continued to walk a lonely path up to the roof of his house. Once there, he sat near the edge sobbing uncontrollably into his hands, 'Why won't people accept me?!'

Suddenly within the shadows four daggers headed straight towards the back of him. Luckily a large barrier of water stopped the weapons in their tracks, Charlie turned to see a masked man,

"Who are you?!" He yelled firing out multiple balls of water before finally getting the mask man, he watched as the man crashed onto the floor. He walked up to body his heart snapped as dropped to his knees, the man he had just attacked had a white cloth wrapped around his index finger, "Uncle B-Ben?!?!"

"Charlie," he muttered removing his mask,

"But why?!" Charlie sobbed, "I-I thought you were..."

"It was an order," Ben said in a weak voice, "I was kill you,"

" had no part in this? You were forced to this?!" Charlie ask trying to find something positive about this situation,

"You're...." Ben then started to cough up blood,

"What?! I'm what?!" Charlie asked demanding an answer,

"You're wrong," as Ben spoke these Charlie froze sliding a few paces away from his uncle,

"Why?!" He sobbed,

"You see Charlie, deep in my heart....I hate you....with a burning passion," Ben confessed, "You took my sister away from me. You were an experiment done by your father who sealed the water dragon's spirit within you, he thought that you'd be our greatest weapon. But're nothing but a curse to this village, my sister never wanted any of this, she ended up being a human sacrifice. Seeing you everyday makes me sick and only makes me hate you more, you did you get to live and not my sister?!"

"Stop it!" Charlie begged as tears fell from his face like a fountain, "This isn't you! Knock it off!"

"Remember this Charlie," Ben instructed, "No one in this village will ever accept you unless you get rid of the monster within you. If you wish to survive in this world, love only yourself and fight only for yourself..." Ben eyes then closed never to open again, leaving Charlie in a pool of his own tears. Moments later he smashed the ground with fists as he got to his feet, his eyes were cold and stared up to skies. His heart was wounded and slowly forming into a crooked one.

"I love only myself and I fight only for myself." He vowed clenching his fists.

---End of Flashback---

Charlie whipped away his tears facing Toothless who kept on snarling,

"Today WILL be the day I'll be accepted, I promise you that dragon!" He said grinned his teeth.

I'm sorry for not updating in like a few weeks.....
I can write long rants about Big Hero 6 and Disney on Instagram but not update for you guys...
So what did you think about Charlie's backstory???
Anyway I've gotta go and practice for....*shivers* NAPLAN.............😰😰😰
See ya!

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