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'You know,' Hiccup said, 'I heard something about how you gave the Shadow Lord once wore a white cloak that made his entire body go on you still have that?'

'Yes......why?' Sanguis asked,

'Well...if we're gonna defeat Charlie, wouldn't it be reasonable to let me wear that cloak?' Hiccup replied,

'Oh no mister, that's only for the strongest of men,' Sanguis sassed back, 'I still don't get why Odin would seal me inside you, of all the people he could've chosen, he picked you.'

'I wonder how I can still put up with you,' Hiccup replied,

'Oh hahahaha,' Sanguis laughed sarcastically,

'What will it take for me to wear that cloak?' Hiccup asked,

'Nope. You're getting it,' Sanguis replied,

'Aw,come on!' Hiccup complained,

"Hiccup?" Astrid called, walking into his bedroom,

"Hmm?" Hiccup said laying on his bed, turning his head over, "Oh...hey Astrid," he then sat up as she walk over and took a seat on the side of the bed,

"You okay?" She asked,

"Yeah....I guess," Hiccup said avoiding eye contact. The room was engulfed by silence...and a uncomfortable amount,

"Hiccup, I know you must be worried and all, but don't lose hope, we'll find Toothless and put an end to all.....this," She said placing a supportive hand on his shoulder. Hiccup sighed brushed her hand off,

"I'm not not worried," Hiccup replied, "I know we're gonna find him but it's Charlie I'm worried about..." Hiccup said hopping off his bed, scratching his cheek,

"Hiccup, Sarah told me about Sanguis," Astrid said walking up to him, "If you can tame him, you...can defeat Charlie,"

"But how?" Hiccup said snapped, "Charlie's water, I'm fire. I think we know who the obvious winner is!"

"You once told me that anything's possible," Astrid said sliding her hand into his, "You can win,"

Hiccup eyes open wide sightly before look at her, "You mean....we?" And with that a smile grew across her face. Just he was about to plant a kiss, Sanguis interupted,

'PLEASE! Don't do what I think you're gonna, listen boy you're not ready to have children. So just back down and don't let your..........dreams turn into reality.....'

An idea came to Hiccup's head as he ignored him, smirking over at Astrid and gave a deep passionate kiss. Astrid wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist,

"Okay, okay, okay, very funny you stop now. Hehehe,"

Hiccup kept on kissing Astrid, ignoring Snaguis' pleads,

"Hiccup, come on! Yooouuuu, you and I go way back remember? Why don't stop this, do for your good old pal?"

Hiccup smiled trying to hold in his laughter, he slowly lifted Astrid up and placed her on his bed,

"No. No. No. No. It's starting. No. No. No. Hiccup I swear, you get off that girl right now!"

'Hmm, maybe but she's only thing that keeps me warm, have have something that can keep me warm?' Hiccup thought,


'Hehe,' Hiccup laughed, he knew he'd won,

'Alright fine, fine, you can-'

"Hiccup, come we've some good news for........" Stoick's jaw dropped, as Hiccup and Astrid came to a stop and quickly sat up. They both stared at Stoick who was shaking his hands uncontrollably,

"Dad." Hiccup said,

"Uhhhh," Stoick said,

"It's not what it looks like!" Hiccup said as his voice went high,

"Ppfttt....yeah..hahahaha!!!!" Sanguis saod laughing his head off, "Ohh, see what happens when you mess with a dragon? HAHAHAHAHA!!"

'SHUT IT!' Hiccup yelled,
"Y-You I could come back later....I just wanted to let you that...we found umm..." Stoick trailed off into silence. Hiccup looked down and noticed that black scales were in his father's hand,

"Dad! Is that Toothless'-"

"You know I can come back later, so you two can finish...." Stoick said slowly walking backwards,

"Dad!" Hiccup shouted running towards him, taking the scales off his hands. He examined them up close, "...I-I don't believe it!!! Where did you find these?!?"

"It was really Snotlout the others," Stoick awkwardly still trying to process what he saw,

"Come on!" Hiccup shouted running down stairs,

"Whoa, where are you going?!" Astrid shouted,

"Getting my armour!" Hiccup shouted jumping over chairs and bolting out the door. Astrid looked back at Stoick,

"Ahh, sir....heh, what you saw the full extent. We haven't gone beyond...that point," Astrid said awkwardly as Stoick stayed silent, "Marriage know..."

"I'm glad that you remember..." Stoick said, "But nether the less, you'll make a fine Haddock and fine grand-babies!"

"DAD!!" Hiccup yelled from afar,

"WHAT THE-.HOW DID YOU HEAR THAT?!" Stoick bellowed,

"THAT'S THE ONLY WORD I EVER HEAR COME OUT THAT MOUTH!" Hiccup yelled as Astrid blushed, before running over to Hiccup.

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