Sacrifice Pt. 1

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"Hiccup, no! We're going!" Stoick yelled just before he reach his son's shoulder, Hiccup stopped him, at lighting speed. He squeezed his father's hand, making Stoick wince. He then turned to face him,

"I'm not Hiccup." He said in cold tone, Stoick's jaw dropped slightly as he stared into Hiccup's fiery eyes. He then let go of his fathers hand, and pushed him back,

"Oh no," Sarah whispered,

"What?!" Astrid asked begging for an answer,

"The seal, isn't broken right?" Fiona asked,

"No, just loosened," Sarah said, she then turned to Astrid, "You know about Hiccup's condition don't you?"

"Yes," Astrid replied, Sarah slowly moved her head down,

"The power of the Blood Dragon, is rushing through his veins, if it reaches to it's full extent, Hiccup will become a cold blooded killer, nothing can stop him," she said,

"Well we have to stop them from fighting!" Astrid yelled but just before she run up to Hiccup, Sarah pulled her back,

"There's nothing we can do, it's all up to Hiccup," Sarah said avoiding eye contract, Astrid stayed quite and stared over at Hiccup,

"Sanguis, this isn't the answer!" Hiccup yelled, "Let me, deal with him, please you're endangering everyone around us!"

"You listen to me, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment. To clear my name! I must go to that better place, where my sisters are! I see now why she placed me into your body, I'm must kill him, in order to enter that better place!" Sanguis yelled,

"She?! What better place?!" Hiccup shouted confused,

"You wouldn't understand, right now all I must do is the boy, then I'll be free!" Sanguis shouted,

"No! Murder won't get you anywhere in life! I won't allow it!" Hiccup yelled,

"HAVE YOU NOT FORGOTTEN WHAT HE ALMOST DID YOUR GIRL?!" Sanguis yelled, "He's after you're dragon as well, and the way of stopping him, is by murder!"

"No! I know I can figure this out through words! Not swords, or fire!" Hiccup yelled, he then pressed his hand together, and closed his eyes, "ARGHH!"

Hiccup opened his eyes, he was back into the real world, he breathed heavily

"Well what's the hold up? Fight me!" Charlie yelled,

"No," Hiccup said firmly,

"Fight me!" Charlie yelled as water around him boiled,

"No, we fight with words," Hiccup said firmly, "Why do you need Toothless?! Why put Sanguis in so much pain!?"

"Hahaha," Charlie chuckled, "Weak as usual,"

Hiccup growled he was unaware that he talking to Aqua, "Answer me!"

"Sanguis, my brother, his blood belongs to ME!" Aqua yelled,

"Give me Charlie! Now Aqua!" Hiccup yelled finally realising that it he wasn't talking to Charlie, clenching his fists, "And you haven't answered my question on why you need Toothless!"

"Oh, that won't be necessary, all you need to know, that your dragon could very well fulfil my wishes!" Aqua yelled, "Now I think that's enough games for the day! It's a little late, why don't you go to sleep?"

Toothless jumped out in front of Hiccup letting out a ferocious roar,

"Why don't you go to sleep instead?" Hiccup said in a cocky voice, he look up and to see that Charlie gained control over his body again,

"Tough guy huh?" He said in his cold voice, even though his lips formed a smile, his eyes didn't, suddenly four sharp icicles flew out of his hands. Toothless let out a lethal plasma blast, making the icicles shatter into small pieces, "His very fond of you, why?"

"That's none of your concerns!" Hiccup yelled,

"You two are friends? Friends. I think of them as dead weight, he will be the end of you Hiccup!" Charlie said firmly,

"That's a lie!" Hiccup yelled, "He's so much more!"

"Just you day he'll take away everything you love (A/N why am I such a terrible person?) But here, let me get rid of him for you!" Charlie then raised his hand up to the sky, and a large cage made of ice fell on top of Toothless, trapping him. He let out a plasma blast hoping it would break....but it didn't, "Try all you want, you're blast are no match for my ice cage!"

"Toothless!" Hiccup yelled trying to free his friend, "Hang on buddy!"

Suddenly Toothless let out another roar, signalling Hiccup, he turned his head and saw icicles flying towards him. He placed his hands in front of him creating a large cross, suddenly a barrier of fire shielded him from the harmful ice, he lowered his hands in shock,

"Come on let's help him!" Stoick shouted,

"No this is his battle!" Sarah yelled,

"Are you nuts, Hiccup doesn't know how to control Sanguis' power!" Fiona shouted,

"The only way he can learn is through experience," Sarah said, making Fiona snarl and look away,

"A simple a shield of fire won't do you any good!" Charlie shouted,

'How did that happen?' Hiccup thought,

'You really aren't bright, that's all I can say,' Sanguis said, 'Follow my lead,'

As Charlie let boiling water, Hiccup dodged them one after the other, his hands let out streams of fire, but with each blow he felt as if he was getting tired by the minute,

'Nothing can with stand my water," Charlie said, "It'll protect me, nothing can touch me!"

Hiccup breathed heavily and he pressed his hand against his chest,

"He's reached his limit," Sanguis thought, "If he keeps on going he could die,"

"I've gotta keep going, Toothless needs me, if I could just get him once!" Hiccup thought,

"Hiccup," Stoick thought,


"Come on!" Hiccup shouted in a tint voice, trying to lift up an axe that was twice his height, "Come on! I have to me just like dad, the greatest viking there every lived!"

Using all his strength, he managed to lift the axe one millimetre off the ground,

"Come on!" Hiccup yelled, tears fell down his cheeks, and his face went red, "Please,"

He then heard chattering among a crowd a few metres away from him,

"Hah! Stupid,"

"I can't believe our future lies within....that!"

"Stoick little embarrassment,"

"We shouldn't waste our time with him,"

Hiccup pressed his head against the handle on the axe, a river if tears drenched the wood, he then heard laughter. Growling he faced the crowd,

"Just you wait! I'm gonna be the viking, I am gonna fill my father shoes when I'm older! Just you wait!" He shouted pointing at them, more tears escaped from his eyes, and his face was bright red. The crowd of vikings then walked away laughing and talking to each other. Stoick watched in the distance as his little son continued his efforts to lift up to the axe,

"Hiccup," he thought,

---End of Flashback---

"PREPARE TO DIE!" Charlie yelled as he reached his hand out, and large, sharp icicle the started fly towards Hiccup, who was to weak to move, he fell to floor accepting his defeat,

"I'm sorry bud," he thought he then closed his eyes,


Suddenly the sound of a sharp object slicing through flesh fill Hiccup ears, he then opened his eyes, in shock,

"No..." He whispered.

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