So is This a Date?

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Sun had gone to sleep, as the moon awoke with her stars that shone brightly. The sky was dark blue, with long ocean blue streaks, that formed near the constellations. It was truly one of the finest nights on Berk, with the tides gently crashing against rocks, and small waves sliding up and down against the fine sands of the shores. Hiccup, Astrid and Toothless flew above the seas, up into the clouds. As Toothless flapped his wings, the clouds around them danced and drifted slowly away, revealing Berk's true beauty. Small torches that were light very night looked, so beautiful, they lit Berk up. Reminding Hiccup and Astrid how lucky they were to be born on this 'wet heap of rock' (A/N what I'd give go live on Berk!😌 DreamWorks you should really consider making some sort of HTTYD land like they did with Harry Potter)

"So, I was thinking," Hiccup said nervously, "A lot lately and..."

"Yeah," Astrid said, encouraging Hiccup to continue,

"Umm, well we've been a...couple for about a month now," Hiccup said struggling say his speech, as turned his head over to face her,

"Yeah," Astrid said again,

"We've never actually been on a....d-date, as an official couple yet, so..." Hiccup then trailed off into silence as he got lost in her eyes. Moments later she chuckled, as he looked at her confused, what was so funny to her?

"So that's why you ask me to come," she said, Toothless then snorted and laughed as if he were to say 'busted'

"Pfft, whhaaatt?" Hiccup said in a high pitched voice, as Astrid gave him a 'really?' look,

"Hiccup, every minute I spend with you is amazing. My life with you is the best 'date' I could ever ask for," she said, as she spoke these words, Hiccup's lips parted in shock, and then slowly formed into an adorable smile, Astrid smiled back as she tightened her loose arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder. Toothless watched lovingly couple have their moment, he looked up and various different lights, lighting up the clouds. He flapping his wings faster, raising up higher and higher passing through the clouds. Hiccup and Astrid looked up in awe as the Northern Lights danced around to their far left,

"Brings back memories huh?" Hiccup asked, petting Toothless,

"Yeah," Astrid said staring at the lights in awe,

Just before Hiccup could say anything else, Sanguis interrupted, 'Ergh, pathetic!'

His voice caused poor Hiccup to jump slightly,

"Whoa, Hiccup? You okay?" Astrid asked,

"Umm, yeah! Just give me one moment," Hiccup said closing his eyes, and pressed his hands together,



"Why, this is turning out to be quite boring, but at least you're not..." Sanguis then trailed off into silence as if a horrid image appeared into his head, Hiccup knew very well, what he meant,

"For the last time! WE ARE NOT GONNA DO IT!!" Hiccup yelled, glaring straight into the dragon's fiery eyes,

"OOH, I'm finding this hard to believe. You my friend are still going through the...stage, I can tell through your soul, that you are having incredibly powerful urges!" Sanguis giving him a disgusted look,

"Ppfttt, yeah like you would know," Hiccup responded crossing his arms,

"I was inside the ring of another! I felt his urges, and you what happened? I GOT A FRONT ROW SEAT OF THE ACTION!" Sanguis bellowed, "I've seen it once, I don't wanna see it again!! YOU HUMANS ARE DISGUSTING!"

Just before Hiccup could say anything, the room they were in started to shake,

"Ahh, what was that?" He asked struggling to keep his footing,

"How should I know?" Sanguis said as he started to slide around the room, as if he was on ice, he sniffed the air. He then revealed his powerful set of teeth, I know that smell,

"What?" Hiccup asked,

"Hiccup, get out of here! Right now!" Sanguis bellowed in a worried voice, "Whatever happens, just keep on flying in the opposite direction,"


Hiccup then pressed his hands together, he returned back into the world,

"HICCUP?! What on earth we're you doing asleep?!" Astrid asked,

He looked around and noticed that Astrid was in front,

"What?" Hiccup asked, looking around, "What's going on??"

"Bolas were flying everywhere!" Astrid replied allowing Hiccup to move in front, "What were you going?!"

"I'll explain later, right now we have to turn around!" Hiccup said flicking his prosthetic allowing Toothless to fly in the opposite direction,

"Ahh, Hiccup!!" Astrid yelled pointing over to the bola that was flying towards them.

Hey guys!
I just wanted to tell you that I'm starting my new school tomorrow (I'm freakin terrified!!😰😰)
So I won't be updating until Friday's come along
So anyway bye!

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