So what really happened?

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---3 days later--- (Cue the dramatic low 'thud' sound, if ya know what I mean....)

Hiccup sat on grassy land, staring over at the seas, he pull small amounts of grass every once and while and let them be carried by the wind to Thor knows where. He let out a sigh, then gulped, and then stared down to the ground,

'Where are you Toothless?' He thought. Three days, three days had passed, Sarah didn't speak a single word after the incident. Hiccup had tried many times to try and talk to her, but she kept on avoiding him. Stoick told him not to take personally, he told him that sometimes, people need to be left alone during times like this, just to get their thoughts rights. Hiccup didn't have any conversations with Sanguis either, there were times where he'd forget there was a dragon living inside him, but when reality hit him, it him hard.

Astrid and the others did their best to help Hiccup try find Toothless, they had searched everywhere but not even single scale was found. Memories of his times with Toothless, the one who'd accepted him and gave him something that he couldn't find back in the village made him get a little misty eyed,

'Toothless,' he thought again, before burying his face in his hands,

"Ergh, would you stop moaning 'Toothless' just for one second?!" Sanguis bellowed inside Hiccup's head, causing him to jump a little,

'What is it that want?' Hiccup asked,

"Stop saying 'Toothless' even dragons need their sleep, sheesh!" Replied Snaguis,

'Oh, I'm sorry, I guess someone like you hasn't felt the warm goody feeling friendship and love,' Hiccup sassed back, he waited for Sanguis to yell back something about his graphic dreams, but all he got was silence. He sighed and began to pull out grass again while staring at the seas,

'I will find you bud,' he thought,


Sanguis' P.O.V

'The warm goody feeling friendship and love,'

Those words didn't stop repeating in my head, why? What is it that I don't get? Why is feeling this way over an animal? Why? Why don't I understand!

I pounded the walls with my paws, the head ached as the words kept on repeating, not long after a tear escaped from my eye,

"Why do you have to cause me so much pain?!" I asked looking up, I slowly then made my way over to the middle of the room, laid down and closed my eyes.

End of P.O.V

---Flashback--- (Yes! Finally I can do his backstory! Hopefully your feelings towards this character will change...)




"You saved us!"

"You took out the sea monster!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, you don't have to bow down at my feet," Lied Aqua giving off bad looks to Sanguis secretly,

"Show off," Whispered Sanguis to himself,

"Okay, that's enough! Shows over," Saltus said, she was fed up of Aqua's constant bragging and not treating humans equally,

"Alright fine!" Aqua said with a disappointed scowl, he walked past Sanguis and whispered, "Jealous?"

With a growl Sanguis jumped on Aqua pinning him down, and bit hard, very hard. With a roar of pain Aqua kicked him off, Sanguis crashed into thorny bushes,

"Is this what you want? Fine let's do this!" Aqua challenge, he turned over to the crowds who yelled,

"Kick his scaly butt!"

"You got this Aqua!"

"Kill him!"

Shaking his body, thrones flying off, blood oozing out of his scales, Sanguis growled mercilessly accepting the challenge. He glanced over at his two sisters who looked at him disappointedly,

"Come on Sanguis! Prove to me that we came from the litter!" Aqua yelled, making everyone laugh. The two brothers fought viciously eye to eye, fang to fang, claw to claw, Sanguis put up a good fight but Aqua was stronger. With a quick dodge he sank his teeth into his neck, with a moan of pain, Sanguis fell to his defeat, Aqua then pressed his front foot on top of his brothers head pressing hard as the crowd cheered, "Hah pathetic!"

Aqua then walked off and dived into the oceans to celebrate his victory with the humans right behind him. Sanguis stayed flat on the dirt surrounded by blood, his eyes looked over to see his two sisters walking up to him,

"You know better!" Saltus said, she always like the mother figure to all three. She breath green fire over her brothers wounds, healing them. "There,"

"Hey Saltus can Sanguis and I have a moment?" Lux asked shyly, as Saltus gave her a look, "Please?"

"Okay," She said walking off, "I do need to make more fields, if you need me, you'll know where to me,"

"Thanks," Lux said watching her sister walk off, she then turned to face her brother, "Sanguis, yo-"

"No! Tell me I know better, Aqua has been getting on my nerves since the day we found out we were brothers!" Sanguis snapped moving his head over away from her,

"Is that the real reason?" Lux asked getting lower making sure that he could her,

"....I just want people to accept me." Sanguis confessed, "What does he have that I don't?"

"Well.....maybe it's because you used your mind-control power to force people into doing stupid things?" Lux said,

"Hey come on that synchronized ice skating was pretty funny," Sanguis said making Lux laugh,

"Haha, yeah you've gotta point," she said,

"I just want people to start looking up to me and give some respect," Sanguis said,

"It will come Sanguis, you'll find your purpose soon enough," Lux said reassuringly,

Oh please, that'll be the day when Aqua shuts up," Sanguis said looking down,

"You just have to show people a little love," Lux said,

"Love?" Sanguis asked confused,

"You know that weird, funny but great feeling? Love," Lux feeling a little concerned about the fact that her brother doesn't know about love,

"Oh....that," Sanguis said,

"Come on don't tell you haven't felt it," Lux said in a quirky way,

"How could I? I can't exactly have kids with my sisters...." Sanguis said,

"What?! No!!" Lux said in disgust, "Love isn't just found romantic relationships, it's also in friendships, and most importantly family, THAT'S the kind of love we share,"

"Thanks for your input but I'm fine with not feeling it or ever wanting to," Sanguis said in a subtle way with a cheesy smile, making Lux's smile fade away, with a sigh she said,

"You're immortal, so am I and the human race has only just begun, odds are your bound to feel it at some point in your life!" Lux said walking away Sanguis, who was puzzled.


"ADMIT IT! IT WAS YOU WHO SUMMONED THAT DEMON!!!" Sanguis yelled furiously with glowing red scales,


"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Saltus yelled, "BOTH OF YOU EN-"

Before she could finish Aqua used his water abilities to trap her into a mini water prison, excluding her from any oxygen,


"LET HER GO RIGHT NOW!" Sanguis yelled as he released a tornado like stream of fire, Aqua deflected it with a wall of ice,

"There's no use, water will always beat fire!" Aqua mocked, as Sanguis growled in frustration he looked over at the labd that was the home of millions now destroyed, he then looked over at Saltus who had reached her limit. There was only one way of saving her but it mean that either he or Aqua would die, but it was the only option. He closed eyes, concentrated all his flame power to his head, moments later large armour like fire covered his forehead, "Is that so?"

Aqua did the same thing, "Prepare to die,"

The two charged at each other like bulls but just before they clash, they heard a familiar voice,


Sanguis glanced over to the side, it was Lux...running straight toward them,

'Crud! I can't stop myself!' Sanguis thought trying to pull his body away...but it was too late. Lux jumped in between the two taking the life-ending blast. The two brothers slid backwards, as the dust cleared Sanguis' felt something sharp impaled his chest, as he saw his sister's body surround by a massive pool of blood, "No,"

He ran up to her, she was taking only small, short breaths,

"No, no, no, no, no," Sanguis kept saying gently pressing his head against hers. Lux then felt something wet fall on her snout, she looked up,

"Sanguis....your crying!" She said weakly but joyfully,

"This isn't the time to be joyful, y-your-" He looked up to see Saltus free from the water prison, ""

Saltus didn't move, she was frozen in shock from what had happened,

"No..come on! H-Help me!" Sanguis begged, but his begging wasn't working at all was stiff,

"D-Do you feel something hurting your chest?" Lux asked,

"Stop asking me stupid questions! You're wounded badly!" Sanguis snapped,

"Sanguis, you and I both's too late," Lux said, her eyes on the verge of closing....forever, "Answer my question,"

Snaguis' mouth quivered as more tears escaped from his eyes, "....Yes.........."

A weak smile grew on Lux's face, "D-Do know you why?"

"Why?" Sanguis asked, his chest was aching more than ever, was this the last conversation he would ever have with her? A conversation on why his chest ached?

"You felt it!" She beamed lifting her head up slowly,

"Felt what?" Sanguis asked, but just before Lux could answer a bright light emerged from the skies, making it's way down to them and everything went black.

---End of Flashback---

Sanguis suddenly woke up, his cheeks were wet, his eyes were sore and his chest was aching,

'Love.' He thought.

Hello everybody!
There here you go another update!
It will take quite a while fore me update again but hey at least you a long chapter right?
Anyway hope your feeling towards Sanguis has changed, and if this got you wait till ya get Charlie's backstory......🙊
See ya in the next update!

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