The First Encounter

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"I always thought that Charlie kid was an odd one," Sarah said placing her hands on Hiccup's bear chest, she took a deep breath in and then suddenly her hands started to glow green,

"What the-not you two!" Stoick shouted with wide open eyes,

"Relax, unlike Charlie I was gifted healing powers by the leaf dragon, I can heal just about anything," Sarah said,

"How?" Stoick asked feeling confused,

"We were all chosen, but with Charlie's father...he forced the spirit of the water dragon," Sarah explained,

"But didn't the leaf dragon only have the ability to create forests and other natural things?" Stoick asked, he really wasn't getting any of this,

"There's more to story than you know," Sarah said focusing on her hands,

", I'm guessing the blood inside him?" Stoick gulped pointing over to his son,

"Unfortunately yes," She said, suddenly the door behind them opened, and Astrid, Fiona and Toothless appeared,

"Mrrghh!" Toothless bellowed running over to Hiccup sniffing his hand, Sarah took a step back away from the dragon,

"Hiccup?!" Astrid yelled running over his body, she stroked his cheek with her thumb, "What happened?"

"Well you see-"

Suddenly Hiccup awoke and grabbed Astrid by the neck letting out growls and showed off his dragon like teeth and fiery eyes,

"Don't touch me!!!!" He yelled,

"Hic...cup!" Astrid cried gasping for air,

"Hold him!" Sarah ordered Stoick as she struck Hiccup's arm freeing Astrid, "Come on! Hold him still!!"

"ARGHH!!" Yelled Hiccup trying to break free of his father's and Fiona's grasp, "YOU ALL DIE!! ARRGHHHH!!!"

"Uh Sarah," Fiona said pointing over to a red mark slowly forming on his chest,

"ARGHHHHH!!" He shouted in pain, suddenly the mark formed in the shape of the a dragon, "ARRGHHH!"

Sarah quickly made her hands glow green and pressed them against his head, making him go unconscious,

"That should do it," she said panting,

"We need to get this thing out of him," Stoick said, "Please save my boy!"

"What's inside of him?! And how did you do that with your hands?!?" Astrid asked rubbing her neck,

"Do you remember what Charlie told us about how he's you know.." Stoick said playing with his hands,

"Yeah," Astrid responded feeling a little confused,

"Well Sarah here was gifted healing powers by the leaf dragon," Stoick said pointing over to her, "And Hiccup...."

"What?" Astrid asked begging for an answer,

"He has the spirit of the blood dragon within," Sarah said causing Astrid to take a few steps back,

"Mrghhh?!" Toothless moaned nuzzling his snout against Hiccup's hand,

"H-How?" Astrid asked,

"Well with your final battle with the Shadow Lord, Stoick destroyed the ring containing Sanguis's spirit, that ring controlled these two did it not?" Sarah began, as Astrid gave her a little nod saying that she was correct, "Well, I'm guess Sanguis did in fact latched himself onto Hiccup and he's feeding off of him. Bit by bit, until he's taken full ownership of his body. I fear what would come after that,"

"Well can't you remove it??" Astrid asked, she didn't want her boyfriend to become a ruthless killer,

"I wish I could, but it's too late for my powers, our only hope is to have Hiccup fight it from the inside," Sarah said as Astrid walked over to Hiccup, hesitantly she stroked his cheek, "Don't worry, he won't attack you again,"

'Come on Hiccup come back us,' Astrid thought,

"Why don't we leave these two alone with Hiccup," Stoick said escorting Sarah and Fiona out of Hiccup's room,

"Mmrghh?" Toothless said licking Hiccup's hand,


Hiccup's P.O.V

'Ugh, where am I?'

I look around, I'm in large room the walls are red and I hear a loud exhale followed by movement,

"I smell a familiar scent," spoke a voice, which sent shivers down my spine, it was deep, throaty, cracking with every syllable, dragging out his words with a little hiss at the end of his sentences. It was a demonic voice. I could hear large foot steps coming towards me, I quickly run around soon see that there was no escape. I was trapped, the voice then spoke to me again, "Yessss, I know this smell,"

'What the hell is this?!?' I thought as my head began to ache and heat up, I pressed my two hands on it trying to ignore the pain, but it never usual,

"Why do you linger in the shadows, come out," the voice said, getting louder and louder by the minute, "I won't bite, becuase if you die...I die as well,"

'Who is this?!' I thought trying to match the voice to a face, suddenly I left a massive amount of air brush against my back and my hair,

"There you are Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third!"

My eyes widen, my heart starts to beat fast as I felt warm air brush against my back with a foul odour that made my nose go numb. I gulped as I turn around to see the face that belonged to the mysterious voice,

"Well, well, I certainly expecting more from a chief's son,"

I stood still, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't bring myself to move, I felt paralysed. Right in front of me was-

"Y-Y-You're Sanguis....the..the Blood Dragon," I said hesitantly staring into his fiery eyes,

"Hah, I see I haven't lost my touch. Although I shouldn't be celebrating if I can make a runt tremble in fear," he said to himself. I took deep breath in, lowering my fear,

'Remember Hiccup, he can't kill you, he said it himself if you die he dies as well,' I thought, I cleared my throat and spoke, "Where am I?"

I watched as the mighty creature smiled showing off his teeth that were centuries old just like his scales, each of them were unique,

"Don't you know?" He asked, I felt as if he were teasing me, "Can't you see??"

I shook my head, my eyes wondered around the large room, but still I had no sense of where I was,

"Ergh, for a dragon master you're not at all bright," he scolded, as he started to circle around me. I felt like an ant at his presence, "We're inside your soul, Hiccup,"

"What?!?" I scream frantically looking around, Charlie...he wasn't lying, "How did you get inside me?!"

"When your father smashed the ring that caged me, I was free ready to go into the better the world. But I sent down into your retched body," he explained emphasising 'retched',

"I don't understand, why me??" I asked,

"Who would I know?!" He responded, I could tell that he wasn't in the mood to answer an more questions, "All I know is, whoever put me here...will pay!"

I took a couple steps back as he showed off his rage by sinking his claws into the red walls and breathing fire that licked against it. It was at same moment my chest started to hurt again, I pressed my hand against it as the pain overtook my senses,

"They'll all pay, my brother and my sisters will regret the day they turned their backs on me. As soon as I take ownership of your body, I will destroy every living thing!" He yelled,

"I don't think you'll go far with a body like mine," I said raising my hand in the air, "You said it yourself, I'm a runt!"

"Heh, you're not getting it aren't you?" He said giving me an uncomfortable stare, "Once I take over your body the fire and blood will protect me, SHEILD me from any attacks, I can transform your body into mine. I'll fly over the lands destroying anything in path, for nothing can withstand my dragon fire!"

"I'm not giving you my body with out fight!" I said firmly, "I'll do whatever it takes to get you out!"

'This kids got guts, no doubt about it,' he thought,

"I'll kill myself before you take over, now I order you leave my body!" I shout,

"Don't you see? You idiot, I can't!" He yelled, "I will take ownership of your body, I need to KILL, that boy Charlie!"

"What? Charlie?" I ask,

"Yes, my wretched brother is inside of him, he's the one who started that war," he explained,

'That does makes sense, since Aqua did have the ability to conquer water, but he started the war?!' I thought, "You expect to believe that!? That Aqua started the war?! No, no, it was you who-who started it!"

"The legend is wrong, there's more to it!" He shouted,

"Then tell me!" I shouted back, "Tell that the hero of our legend was the one who started the war!"

"You filthy child won't understand," he spat, "You turned dragons into lap dogs! It disgusts me!"

"No, they're not 'lap dogs'," I started, "They're showing something called LOVE,"

I glared over at Sanguis who stayed quite for a moment as if he remembered something, he then shook his head,

"You fool! Dragons and humans will never live to together in harmony!" He yelled, "Just watch, watch how your kind will turn on mine. Watch as the world will crumble, under your kind's hands, we dragons we're born to roam the skies not to carry dead weight!"

"No, you're wrong, just you wait! Someday Toothless and I will change the world for the good of both men and dragons!" I yell,

"Hmm, you seem so confident in this but not in taking on the mantle of chief, why is that?" He asked, I froze for a moment,

"H-How do you know that?" I asked,

"Ergh, mist I have to go over this again?! I'm living inside your soul, I see what you see, I hear what you hear, I smell what you smell, I hear your thoughts! A gift it may seem, I think of it as curse! Why you ask? Cause I see your scaring dreams!!!" He shouted placing a paw on his head, I start to blush in embarrassment,

"P-Pardon?" I ask leaning in,

"Goodness boy! And here I thought you were innocent!" He said covering his eyes as if he could see the dreams flash before his eyes, (he probably could),

"I-I-uh, have no idea, what you're-"

"Ugh! How descriptive was the birds and bee's talk your father gave you!" He shouted, "Or have you done it before?! Is this a distant memory?!?"

"Whaatttt??" I said in a squeaky voice avoiding eye contact and laughing awkwardly,

"Urgh, I knew I should have never given you my strength to save that blonde girl," he said in regret,

"Wait what?! You gave me that strength!?! Why??" I asked trying to change the subject,

"It doesn't matter, right now I'm asking you to stop with those scaring dreams of yours!!!" He shouted,

"I-it wasn't a mem- Is there a way for me to gain consciousness??" I asked,

"Just press you're hands together, and please never come back here! Ugh I can't even look at you anymore, I can't believe I'm gonna take ownership a body, with an incredibly dirty mind!" He yelled as he started to walk away. I watched as he disappeared further down into the room. I took a deep breath and pressed my hands together.

Hi guys!
I convinced my mum not to sell my iPad! It was a challenge but I managed to change her mind!
So anyway if you're wondering how I picture Sanguis, just think of Smaug from the Hobbit😋
I love that dragon to death! He and Toothless are just simply amazing!!
See ya in the next chapter!

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