Chapter Sixteen: Deathbringer

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"Can you get it?" He whispered, his breath coming out in small gasps. Morrowseer had shot him in the leg with a smirk, and he probably was going to torture him until he died of blood loss.

She had done everything she could, but she wasn't a doctor. her know as to kill, not heal.

She winced. "I'm close. Have patience for a moment."

He shook his head, closing his eyes. He was bleeding badly, and he felt even greater pain inside. "It's impossible, Greatness. There's nothing you can do."

She picked on the lock again. They chains that wrapped around him lie a snake- choking and trapping him- was impossible to get free of.

"There must be something," she hissed frustratingly, pushing her dark hair out of her eyes. " why didn't you just kill her? What was her name? Glory? Everything would have been simpler if you did. Then Father won't be mad. He used to love you, Deathy."

"I don't know," he said, answering the first question and looking away. Greatness didn't catch the uncertainty in his voice; she stared at the lock as if it would break if she stared at it long enough.

Greatness Absher was, as many of his friends often said, beautiful: her silky black hair and beautiful, cold gray eyes. She was Morrowseer's daughter, almost like the princess of the assassins. She has skilled enough to earn the title-- she would kill anyone that stood in her way. She was as good as I've and as powerful as the night- greatness- and all the boys gained when She came into the room. She had shown him interest since they were little, and, although he didn't know why, he had quickly taken it as an advantage.

Did he love her? Morrowseer would kill him if he didn't. Greatness was certainly pretty and smart enough. Everyone told him they would grow up and marry someday and create pure-blood assassins.

It had always seemed to him like a crappy future, since he wasn't even interested in marrying and "settling down" whatsoever. He had told everyone that many times, but nobody believed him. Nobody ever listened to him, anyway.

The thing was: what was love? Was it a feeling? He didn't know-- he hadn't loved or gotten loved by anyone. He had always felt love was a puzzle, and if he got the pieces right he would complete it.

He had used it. used love and killing people when their guard was down. It was so easy to do- so many people were fooled- and nobody ever suspected he was just acting. Nobody thought it was possible to use their love against them.

Except Glory. It was hard enough to even talk to her and get her to think he Was interesting enough for her. Was that love? The lightness, the thrill, the sudden joy in living?

He shook the thought away. Whatever it was-- it was over now. Glory didn't love him anymore, even if she had before. She was just another doll he had used, another mouse that had fallen in his trap.

When he was done using it, he would throw it away.

Greatness stared at him, her grey eyes searching his black ones. "You're such an idiot, Deathbringer."

He sighed, although it hurt whenever he did that. "Calling me an idiot doesn't help me in this situation." Nothing does, he almost added.

Her eyes sparkled. She leaned down so they were face-to-face, and he had no choice but to stare back. "That's what I love about you, Deathy," she purred. " you're interesting. You have the guts to do anything, even stand up to my father. "

Actually, it's probably blood loss, he thought, but he didn't say it. "What are you saying, Greatness?" She had said that many times before, and he had just escaped the situation.

There was no escape now.

She ignored his question. "You're so alive, Deathbringer," she mumbled excitedly. "So fearless, so wild and so reckless. Whenever I see you, Deathbringer, I just...."

This wasn't going well. "G--" We don't have time for this! he tried to say, but she still ignored him.

She got a dreamy look in her eyes, which made Deathbringer feel even more queasy. This could only lead to danger.

"I just feel so like myself whenever I'm with you. You don't care if I'm the Leader's daughter. You see me"

Deathbringer inhaled deeply. Blood seeped even more out of his wound. Bursts of pain blinded his vision for a moment. "Greatness, please-"

"We're almost adults now," she declared. " what are you going to do with your future, Deathy? Don't you ever feel tired, finishing someone's dirty work when it doesn't involve you at all?" She clenched her fists. "I don't want to do this anymore. I'm so tired of it, Deathbringer- are you?"

He tried to answer: this was my past, and this is my present, and this will be my future!

But she didn't wait for an answer. "I want to be me." She reached out and rested her hand on his shoulder. It felt cold. "I want to explore the world. There are so many things to see- but, Deathbringer, I want to do it with you."

He winced. No, no, no.

She looked at him hopefully for an answer, and he bit his lip. I don't want this.

This isn't my destiny.

He suddenly had a picture of a girl with blonde hair and green eyes- Glory? No, it couldn't be.

"I don't know what you mean, Greatness," he hinted. " I don't think this is the time-"

"Don't you get it?" She breathed. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was more excited than ever. "I love you, Deathbringer!"

He shook his arms, trying to struggle free of the chains, but they stayed firmly on him.

"Greatness," he gasped, begging. " I don't think I feel the same way. I - we don't have time-"

She got a glint in her eye, a dangerous, unpredictable one. She smiled thinly. "Father did this to you for me, did you know that?" she whispered in his ear. She sounded like a lioness ready for her prey. Deathbringer suddenly remembered how dangerous she could be whenever something stood in her way. "You can't escape me any longer; what's your answer, Deathbringer? Would you give me your love, or die? "

He clenched his fists. "I like you, Greatness. But I don't love you, and I doubt I ever will. You're wasting your time."

Greatness snarled. "If you don't love me, I'll make you love me!"

She grabbed his chin and jerked his lips to hers, her eyes flashing hungrily, and, at that exact moment, the door banged open.

It was Glory.

YAy! Finally updated! Special thanks to lukey-macaroni119 for always supporting me and my crappy stories!

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