Chapter 7 The Troll

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Avery's pov

Right now we all went to have Charms with Professor Flitwick, I sat next to Draco and his friends "Alright class, Today we will be learning the Levitating spell. Now everyone, after me,Swish and Flick." he said as he swished his arms and flicked his wrist..We all did it.

"Now, say Wingardium Leviosa" we all repeated the spell as he said it

"Wingardium Leviosaa."i heard Ron say and started flicking his wand around.

"Stop, stop, stop, stop,You're going someone's eye out,And besides, it's Levi-oo-sa not Levios-aa." she explained as i saw Ron looked annoyed by her

"Well let's see you do it if you're so clever,Go on, go on!" he told her as if trying to see if she really can hpmh i know that she will do it since shes the smartest here

"Wingardium Leviosa" she said and her feather floated in mid-air i saw the rest of the Skytherins trying okay well im going to try it also if Hermione can than so can i.

"Wingardium Leviosa" I said and my feather floated up, Hermione looked at me and grinned as i also did it

"Well done Ms.Granger! Well done Ms.Helling" Professor Flitwick congratulated i saw Ron laid his head on his books looking angry so did Malfoy as he snickered "this class is so annoying i couldve done it but i didnt wanted to do with a stupid feather" he whispered the Crabbe and Goyle as i just shook my head

"Wingardium Leviosa" said Seamus, Didn't work he isnt going to do it right hes repeating it over and over i continued watching him Until- BAM! His feather exploded...His hair was sticking up, He was covered in ashed, and is feather was a floating stick thingy i tried not to laugh as i heard Malfoy and the others couple of Slytheins laughing

"I think we need another feather over here Professor" Harry said.

*After Charms*

I was walking by myself as i walked outside of class until Ron and Harry talking about something i couldnt quite hear what they were saying but then i saw Hermione pass them looking sad and angry but mostly sad "what happened to her?" i asked frowning as i looked at her.

"ill tell father to later tell professor Dumbledore to switch these classes so i dont have to share them with muggles,right Avery? you can also join me if you want?" he asked as he faced me as we were eating "maybe but ill keep in mind and tell you" he just nodded as he spoke to his friends i really dont know if i want muggles to disappear from Hogwarts i have to say ive grown up to them since i met Harry,Ron,Hermione,Seamus,Neville even though hes quiet scared at me cause im not a Gryffindor but still ive learned things from them.

Then the Great Hall door slammed open and Quirrell came running in interrupting my thoughts as the

entire hall became silence as he ran "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!!" he yelledwhile running down the hall to Dumbledore,He took a moment to breathe.

"I just thought you'd like to know." and he passed out and Everyone freaked out but not me i laughed as i saw Draco and e others screaming hes a bloody chicken "hahaha" i laughed until Dumbledore stood up.

"SILENCEEEEE!!!" he ordered,The hall grew so silent you can hear a pin drop.

"All prefects please escort your houses back to their tower, Teachers will follow me to the dungeons." he said as Gryffindors, Slytherins, Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws all rushed to get to their houses,I saw Snape go through the back door not following the other Professors,I didnt follow my house until i felt something grab my sleeve "what are you doing are you bloody death?!" Draco said "ill be right back" i said as i got out of his grip and ran to where i saw Harry and Ron.

"Harry,Ron wheres Hermione?!" i asked running towards them.

"dont know were trying to find her" then i started remembering where she left

"i saw her running the girls bathroom! lets go!"

"but why are you helping us!" Ron said as i stopped

"because im here to show you that shes my friends and that most Slytherins arent cruel like other" i hrbabed their collars as we ran to the bathroom.And there stood a gigantic troll okay they are huge okay now im scared Ron tried to distract him as i also did then i ran to Hermione and helped her out until to troll hept smashing around right where we are "HERMIONE!" I motioned her to move to the next sink,We both hurried.

It smashed the sink that we were just under, It was about to swing again but Harry ran and jumped on it's head and it started thrashing around violently. Harry then took his wand and stuck it up the troll's nose...Ewww..It finally got hold of Harry's leg "Harry!" I yelled at him as the troll swung but missed.

"DO SOMETHING!" Harry screamed at us mostly Ron

"What?!" he asked wondering what to do as he was clueless

"Anything!" Harry hollered hoping not to die. Ron pulled out his wand

"You can do it Ron! Concentrate!" I called yelled to him,He nodded and pointed his wand at the troll

"Wingardium Leviosa." he said and as the troll was going to swing Harry probably going to kill or knock him out,It's club flew out of it's hand and stayed in mid-air.

"Wicked.." Ron mumbled to himself as he stood in awe still hanging the wand in mid-air...The club finally dropped onto the thing's head and it dropped Harry. Harry scurried out of the way because the troll was swaying and knocked out. Harry got his wand, but it was full of buggers gross.The the professor came "Are you alright?" She asked full of concern,I nodded and Professor McGonagall, Snape, and Quirrell came in. McGonagall gasped and put her hand to her heart and the other over to her mouth as she saw the beast.

"Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed

"E-explain yourselves!" she screeched. Harry and Ron were about to tell the truth but Hermione looked at me as i shook my head "It was my fault Professor.." Hermione lied,McGonagall looked horrified "Miss Granger" she gasped

"..You see...I went looking for the troll and thought i could handle it...But it seems that i was wrong.." She said looking down..Ron and Harry's face were shocked and relieved.

"Well, that was a rather foolish thing to do. 5 points from you!" She said then she looked at me "Mrs.Helling what were you doing here also "w-well i wanted to help them you know make friends and show them that im not as rude as other kids here" she knew who i was referring to as she gave me a nod then she looked at Ron and Harry.

"As for you two 5 points...Will be award to both of you and you two mrs Helling" she said

"No first year has ever taken down a full grown mountain troll" she smiled and left...I noticed a cut on Snape's leg...He quickly covered it and left...Quirrell congratulated us and left this looks so weird Snape caught me looking at him also i asked Harry if he saw it also and he did whatever is happening here ill help these guys out.


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