Chapter 9 Professor Snape

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Guys i just wanna say im sorry and that so far this year has begun very bad because today we lost one great actor we all respected and loved which is Alan Rickman and about three days David Bowie died and it devastated all of us.I grew up with Harry Potter like tons of fans and hurts to see that one of our favorite professors has passed away so without more being said,Rest in piece Alan Rickman and our beloved professor Snape who will now be with Lily.

Its been a whole week since i joined Draco and his little trio so now ive been more mischievous and bad but i kinda miss hanging out with Hermione cause she was the only girl i talked to well things had to change sooner or later.I was reading a book and got really distracted with it that i bumped into someone and my book fell and i quickly looked up too see who i bumped into.

I felt a shiver down my spine once i saw who it was "P-professor Snape.Glad to see you." I tried to fake a smile but failed,he just glare down at me and crossed his arms "What do you think you're doing?" I looked around and saw that there was no one to help me on this.

"Well?" He's waiting for an answer aha i know "I w-was just studying some potions for the exam." I knelt down and grabbed my book "For your information miss Helling exams arent in two weeks." "Oh i know i just wanted to some more?.." I looked up at him again and met those cold eyes.He creeps me out sometimes.

He digged onto his cloak pocket and pulled out something making me close my eyes thinking that he was going to do something but opened them quick "You left this in class." He simply said as he held a ring with a big bright red stone on it.He threw it and i grabbed it with ease and stared at the beautiful stone "Professor but this isnt.." I looked up and saw he wasnt there "Mine." 

"Avery!" I flinched and behind me came Draco wrapping an arm around my shoulder "Yes?" "Crabbe and Goyle are about to eat an entire plate of pastries.Wanna see them puke?" "Of course i'll catch onto you then." Draco nodded his head and walked away.How can a kid so young already have such hatred for almost everyone sure im kinda like him since my real family were all Slytherins but i dont get why he's different.

******2 weeks later******* 

"You failed the test and you told me that you studied hard for it.Are you even lying to your teacher miss Helling?" "No.Professor i swear i studied." I saw as i rested my head against the desk and looked up at him who was in front of the classroom.Im the only one who didnt pass the exam and here i am getting lectures by my Potions teacher.

"I expected more from you,Helling." I didnt reply, to that so i kept listening."Your parents wouldve been ashamed mostly your father since he was an angry man." "Wait that means that you knew them!" I look up at him with hope.

"Don't shout!" I slid look down at my knees and felt like crying for a reason "I expect you to at least act like a true Slytherin..thats the only thing you have left." Professor Snape walked away without another word so i rose up from my seat and followed him and ran.

"Professor but who will tutor me?" I ask as i run up to him and ask him "Miss Granger will tutor you." "Thats impossible professors." He stopped and stared down at me "Impossible?" "Yes you see Hermione and i got into a fight and i can't talk to her right do you think Draco can help?" I waited for a few seconds and he didnt give me any answer.

"I already have a tutor for you.Meet me in class in ten minutes." 


I grabbed just one notebook,a pen and my potions book and headed to his class again "I do hope,i'll be able to pass the class." I say to myself.I enter the classroom and see nobody there but Professor."Uhh..Professor..where is my tutor." "Sit down." he grits his teeth and crosses his arms like always so i obey him.

"I'll be your tutor miss Avery so pay close attention cause i wont repeat myself." I could just nod my head as he began to tell me all about potions and i took notes of things i never heard of and for the first time i could see Professor Snape being nice to me since he always ignored me.I couldnt help but smile at him he's a role model to follow now i know when i grow up i wanna be just like him.

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