Chapter 11 - Unknown Causes

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“Jade!! Damn, you had me worried!!” Alex said as Kuza and I entered the apartment. Once I stepped in, she had me in a death hug.

“Alex, I’m fine. I was with Kuza,” I said.

“Thank you, Kuza,” Alex said, shaking hands with him.

“Anytime,” he said as we all entered the living room.

“So, Jade. What happened to your hand and neck??”Alex asked.

Oh shit. Ummm…

“I got burned at work, and I slipped and scratched my neck with the counter at Kuza’s place. Kuza took me to the hospital,” I lied, shrugging awkwardly.

“Wow. Kuza, I am so sorry you had to deal with this klutz!! But thanks anyway. I owe you big, dude” Alex laughed, making me throw a pillow at her. She laughed and then got up and walked toward the kitchen. Kuza laughed a bit, too.

“So, Kuza. How long have you known Jade??” she called from the kitchen.

“I met her during her freshman year. She was in my art class. I was a senior,” Kuza lied.

“Oh cool. You graduated,” Alex said.

“Yeah. Jade and I kept a bit in touch since then,” he said, which I guess couldn’t be a complete and total lie, but it wasn’t really a truthful statement either. It was still convincing.

“Thanks,” I whispered to him. He nods and smiles at me.

We couldn’t tell Alex that Kuza was a demon who was supposed to take me to be Satan’s bride in hell and that we fell in love instead and probably angered an underground overlord who lost power. She couldn’t handle any of it.

Soon, Alex comes back with some pasta in bowls and some cans of Rockstar drinks. “Hey, Jade. I now you’re gonna be mad if I ask, but have you heard from Cameron by any chance??” she asked as she handed out the bowls of spaghetti. My heart literally skipped a beat when she asked that.

“Ummm, no. Why??” I asked, keeping calm.

“He’s all over the news. Check it out,” she said and turned on the TV to the news. Cameron’s face was plastered on the screen.

“Its been a day since the body of Cameron Damirez, 18 year old football captain of Rosewood High School, was found in an alley on 4th avenue. The identity of the murderer is unknown, but officials and forensics are baffled by Damirez’s cause of death. Autopsy results show negative on any signs of suffocation, burns, broken or fractured bones, poison, stab or bullet wounds, or even illness. However, a small amount of alcohol was found in his bloodstream.  It’s as if Damirez just “dropped dead” according to reports. Officials decide to say that cause of death was natural causes unknown and/or unexplained alcohol poisoning. A memorial for Damirez will be held at Rosewood High School this Monday. Now back to the studio,” the reporter said.

All I could do was mute the television.

“See?? Its creepy though. Who just dies like that??” Alex said.

“Maybe fear struck him. Fear can cause an adrenaline rush that can be really strong,” Kuza said.

“Could be. But who knows,” Alex said.

“Cameron and I broke up last year, but its still sad he died just like this,” I said. Kuza and Alex nod

Soon we finish our meal and Alex heads to bed, and after a while of watching some television, Kuza and I go to my room. We locked all door and windows in case Beelzebub or anyone else paid us a visit. Really hoping he doesn’t have any friends.

He sat on the edge of my bed and watched as I paced around the room and then to the window that out looked the quiet town. It was almost midnight.

“Kuza, how did you kill Cameron??” I asked him as I paced the room again.

“I attacked him. Slashed him and everything. He was all bloody,” he said, looking ashamed he killed someone, even if it was for my protection.

“But how does he not have any injuries and lacerations on him??” I asked.

“Old demon trick. Demons have the power to hide any clues or evidence of murder. Make him look healthy inside and out, but can’t revive him just like that. His body stayed healthy, but his heart stays dead. However, I kept some alcohol in his blood to make it look a bit believable,” he said.

I swoon at first, but I keep steady. I sit down next to Kuza on the bed.

“So what now??” I asked.

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