Chapter 14 - Ritual

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I woke up and felt myself on a flat long table. My hands were tied above my head and my feet tied to the corners. Candles surrounded me, tracing an upturned pentagram around the table. I have a beautiful black gown in beautiful ebony with blood red lace. I look around and see I’m in some red cave or something, torches on every wall.

What is this place??

“Jade!!” a voice echoes from my left. I look and my heart stops. Kuza, still in his demon form, was chained to a wall not far away from where I laid, struggling to break free. He had a straight jacket on, like the ones in an asylum, and a sign hung around his neck that said “Hellbound.”

“Kuza, where are we??!” I shout.

“Isn’t it obvious, my dear?? You two are in Hell,” a voice echoes from my right.

I then feel a shadow over me and I look over and see who could be the alpha of all demons.

“Jade Meredith Carson. Its about time we meet face to face,” he said.

Oh no. Not him.

“Satan,” I said, my heart skipping beats and even stopping and restarting during each beat.

“In the flesh,” he said, stroking my cheek with his clawed hand. I flinch in fear, wishing I can just run away.

“You know, you were just a little girl when I sent my best hunter out to bring you to me. But it took him too long, and then I find out, he wants you all to himself. I least expected you two to fall in love, less to have sex,” he said, his voice saying he was not happy.

NO, PLEASE!! Please don’t kill Kuza!! Please!! Please!! I screamed over and over again in my mind.

“But enough running for the both of you. The Underworld needs a queen to rule with a king, and you, Jade, will be my unholy queen whether you like it or not!!” Satan shouted.

“LEAVE HER ALONE!!” Kuza screeches as he tries to break free. Hades and Beelzebub show up and then Beelzebub gags his mouth shut with tape and the two of them stand in front of him like guards.

“Don’t argue, Kuza. You can watch as you lose your beloved to me again,” he sneered, an evil smile on his face.

Kuza grew angrier and tried to charge, only managing to break one of the many chains that held him. The memory of Valora was painful for him, and I understand that he would kill Satan for that comment.

“Kuza, help me!!” I cried as I tried to break free and find some kind of inner strength I had inside of me. But I was bounded tight to the sacrificial alter I laid on.

Demons began to gather around and watch as Satan waves his hand, lighting all the candles that surrounded me and him. “Let the marriage ritual begin!!” Satan shouts, making all the demon’s cheer.

I spot Dementia, the demon girl. She looks like she doesn’t even want to watch this.

Kuza is screaming against the tape that gags his mouth. “Say goodbye to humanity, Jade. After this, you won’t be human anymore,” he said as he begins to place a hand on me.

But before he even touched me, an agonizing pain suddenly blooms from inside me, making me scream loud and silencing the entire crowd.

Confused, Satan puts a hand on my stomach.

What is he doing??

Suddenly, his face turns serious, like his most worst fear was looking him dead in the eye (even though it could be impossible for him).

“No. NO!! THIS CAN’T BE!!!” he shouts.

I look around and see every demon looked confused, even Kuza and Dementia and Beelzebub and Hades. The pain in my stomach was diminishing.

“She’s…. She has a child inside of her!!!” Satan shouts in anger.

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