{3} Demonology

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"Demons," the professor spoke. "What is a demon?"

A few hands went up and he pointed at someone.

"Uhh, an creature from Hell?" he tried.

"Yes, but there is a more descriptive definition of one," he said. "A demon, ladies and gents, is a form from hell, and come in many different forms, most known form being spiritual form. They are said to be many powers, including possession. The practice of studying demons is known as Demonology."

"Is it true that there are many kinds of demons?" a girl asked as I took notes.

"Absolutely, Monica. There are a large variety of demons in mythology, varying in forms, powers, and cultures. For example, the incubus and succubus, male or female demons who attempt to have sexual relations with their prey while they sleep... Strigoi demons, which are also a form of vampires... Satyrs and centaurs, believe it or not are also considered to be demons as well."

The idea of mystical creatures has always fascinated me. My grandmother is a Pagan witch. She's always taught me and Alex about the elements and earth, how the moon is connected to many things, and how powerful it can be, as well as how to avoid abd protect ourselves from any evil. I felt that expanding my knowledge of that evil will help me understand more if what I should protect myself from. Grandmother thought it was a good idea to expand my knowledge a bit more.

I looked up as he clicked on slides "But the worse kind of demons are those who can transform into humans, blend in among us. Legend says, however, the demons I tell you about, hold the ability,  but not many hold the specific ability to look human."

I scrunched my eyebrows as I looked up.

"Angels of death. Familiars. These will be referred to as Hybrids There's a chance someone in this room or someone you even know is a demon," he said. "Angels of death, are said to be the worst, coming to Earth to bring the souls to the land of the dead... bringing souls to Hell to serve Satan in any way he wishes."

I frowned as I then recalled something.

"How can you usually tell if a person is a Hybrid?" a male student asked.

"Nobody can be so sure, but religious sources say that they can have horns, most of them have strange colored eyes, but a demon's mark on their back is said to be the perfect way of knowing a demon," he said.

I sat, thinking about it when suddenly the bell rung and brought me from my thoughts.

I jumped a bit and sighed as everyone started to get their things.

I gathered mine and decided since my next class isn't for another half hour, I'd get something to eat.

I walked over to the food court of the college and look at a menu, when I felt an arm around me.

"Sup, Jadey?" a voice smirked.

I groaned and pushed Cameron away.

(Picture: Cameron Bates, portrayed by vine celebrity(?), Twan Kuyper)

"Oh come on, babe, are you seriouslt still mad at me?" he chuckled.

"Considering you cheated on me, yes," I snapped, shoving him as I turned to leave. "Now leave me alone!"

I then felt him grab my arm hard and pull me close, making me yelp and drop my things. "Who the hell do you think you are, bitch?!"

"Let go of me!!" I snapped, slapping him and making him drop me.

"Fuck! You bitch!" he snarled, raising his hand. I flinched and looked away, expecting the impact, but then heard some gasps at the onlookers.

"WHOA! Where did that goth dude come from?!"


I turned and gasped at rhe sight before me.

A tall man in dark clothes held Cameron up in the air by the throat.

I gasped in horror as the man then turned around and smiled at me.

Those... Those eyes.....

(Picture: Kuza)

"Are you okay, Jade?" he smiled.

My heart stopped. His voice... It is him...

I couldn't find and words.

He's real.... It wasn't just a dream...


"Hey, fuck off! Let me go!" the man about to strike Jade snarled.

"You obviously don't know how to properly treat a female," I snapped. "If I ever catch you near this girl again, it will not end well for you," I sneered.

I then threw him a few feet into a nearby garbage can, everyone laughing as he landed and was covered in trash.

Never liked him. Not even a little bit.

I smirked victoriously, before turning to see Jade on the ground, speechless.

I reached my hand out to her.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"I... I-I.... I'm alright," she mumbled, meekly taking my hand as i helped her up and everyone dispersed, the worm of a human I launched into the trash storming off.

I helped pick up her things and make sure she had no injuries. Sadly, some bruises were beginning to form on her arm when he grabbed her.

"Thank you," she said, still in shock at my existence.

It hurt that she had passed me off as a mere dream, but understandable that she needed to, since she felt the urge to grow up, and I was forgotten.

However, that never stopped me from ever trying to protect her, especially now that time was almost up for Dementia's spell.

"You.... You're him...." She said.

I smiled, nodding.

"Jade!!" a voice shouted.


I turned and saw Alex run up to me.

"I heard from Hailey what was going on. Are you okay?!" she asked frantically.

"Oh, Uh, I'm fine. He save me," I said, turning to face the man... But was shocked to see he wasn't standing next to me.

In fact... The food court area was now almost vacant.

"He... was just here a second ago," I said.

"Come on, let's get you home," Alex said. "You could use some rest."

She took my hand and we left.


"Reckless," Dementia scolded to me.

(Picture: Dementia)

"I'm sorry, but I wasn't going to stand by and let him hurt my Jade," I said, snapping a bit. "He's lucky I only tossed him out like last week's trash instead of breaking his neck."

"Its not too late," Dementia shrugged as a black cat  approached her, meowing contently at her existence.

"Must there always be a cat near us?" I asked.

"I'm a feline demon. What else are you supposed to expect?" she said.

I rolled his eyes as the cat began to rub against her, and she smiled and pet him.

"I know soon enough, I have to be closer to her than before," I said, then turned to Dementia. "Please don't leave my side, Dementia. I can't manage without you or Lucifer."

"You know I'm on your side, anything to protect Arson and Beelzebub," I said. "Its Lucifer who has to be very cautious, for Princess Amelie's sake. Its a miracle she even has her purity at this point. None of her sisters even made it this far without getting killed for it."

I shuttered as memories flooded back of the bloodbath he witnessed before, and having to be the one to clean everything up. "We will take back Underworld, make it safe again."

She nodded. "I know..."

Let's hope I am right.


Currently on Sapph's playlist:

Zedd ft. Ke$ha "True Colors"

(Yeah, I'll definitely put it like that. 😄)

♡~ sapphire.

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