Dancing With Myself🌈

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A/N: I'm finally back!! Last time I updated this was June 2nd of last year so I apologize for that and not following up with this book since I really wanted to continue wriring this. Pride month has finally started today so I will try my very best to update every week especially this month🌈🌈🌈🌈


"We are finally here!!" Aaron shouted in my ear and began shaking my shoulders roughly. He was being loud andhis happines was through the roof, everyone gave us weird looks since we were just outside the airport waiting for our taxi to arrive. I smiled looking up at Aaron, it makes me happy seeing him like this. I do hope he gets along with the other queens and most importantly, wins this seasons contest. Rupaul has inspired him so much.

The day was bright and sunny making the both of us also lean back in the shadows since we are pale and allergic to the light. I try not to laugh when he hisses when the sunlight hits his skin. "There it is!" Aaron smiled and grabbed his luggage while running up ahead of me and my mouth fell open when I saw what was supposed to be our taxi. 

"It's a limo?!" I shout excited and began jumping up and down. "Bitch quit jumping and come on in!" Aaron smiles running to my side and grabs my luggage and hands it it the driver and takes my hand and leads me inside. The inside was entirely black with fancy looking glasses and champagne, I was afraid of even touching them.

Aaron was quick and poured himself a drink and leaned back against the cushion. "You never told me we were gonna drive in a limo." I tell him and see him smirking at my reaction. I continue admiring the place and felt the driver close the door and began to drive us to our destination.

"I wanted to surprise you as always, May." Aaron winks at me and I try to hide my flushed face. Before I knew it Aaron opened the roof up and I chuckled when I heard him shouting and yelling excitedly.

"Make way for America's next Drag Queen super star!" I heard him shout at the people we passed through. He didn't care about the stares he got he felt special about it. "May may come here." I heard him shout. 

I was unsure but slowly got uo and stuck my upper half up and closed my eyes at the pressure of the window. "This is amazing isn't it?!" He shouts and I nod my head and tried to grab as much of my hair as I could. It'll hurt so much when I'll try to untangle it. Aaron held my hand and began to throw kisses with his other one. 


It didn't take much for us to arrive a our hotel room. There we both were standing at the entrance when none other than Rupaul appeared and opened his arms, smiling wide when he saw us. "Hello my loves, how are you both doing?!" Rupaul excitedky asked and first hugged Aaron and then me.

Rupaul was dressed at his finest like always. Aaron and I probably looked liked idiots smiling wide at his presence. 

"Tell me how was your trip? Did the driver give you any problem? If so he'll be fired." He says seriously, but a second later began laughing and pointing at our faces, "I'm just kidding. Follow me." Aaron and I grabbed our belongings and followed the queen himself.

"Mr Rupaul, sir. I-I can't thank you enough for choosing me and flying us both out here. Not to sound like an idiot, but i've looked up to you for years and because of you I'm the man i am today." Aaron began to praise Rupaul.

Rupaul waved his hands away glancing back at us both. "Nonsense! It was my pleasure bring you both here. You have something special in you, Aaron. I can see it." Rupaul said with a wink and the three of us stopped when we reached out room.

"Now all of these rooms have been customized for our queens. So, your friend Aaron and I got in contact and said you both have similar tastes. I do hope you enjoy one of our finest rooms here." Rupaul opened the door and I gasped when I saw our room.

It was way bettee than our room back then. The room was perfect for us both. Aaron nonetheless was super excited and threw our bags in and we both began to inspect the room. It was the perfect size for us both with a window near a couch/bed from which we could look outside at the trees and small river ahead. There were two guitars in the room with many band posters and canvas. There were two small tables with a lamp and notebooks on it. A large one sat opposite where we could write thihgs or eat. The bathroom was small but spacious with a single closet next to the bathroom.

There was also a small kitchen for us too. This room has everything we needed. Aaron and I are gonna have fun here. 

"Rupaul, thank you for everything. This room is beyond amazing." I thank the man and he smiles. "Anything for you both. Aaron and you must be tired so I better get going. Tomorrow we'll meet up with the rest and have a small chat. You are welcome to come, Maisie."

"Call me, May, please and thank you once again." I tell him and Aaron shyly smiles back and watch the famous man leave. I close the door and we both look at each other and shriek. I run to his arms when he opens them and he twirls me around and places me down on the carpet.

"This is fucking amazing! May order some pizza we're gonna have a party to ourselves." Aaron orders and begins to dig through his luggage and pulls out a record. 

Quickly I take my phone out and called Pizza Hut and ordered two pizzas, one completely with cheese and the other with pepperoni and bacon. Along with a side of swee wings, a pepsi and a box of brownies. Right when I finished the call I could hear the song Aaron chose. Dancing with myself by Billy Idol.

"Well, there's nothing to lose, And there's nothing to prove, well, Dancing a-with myself." Aaron sings and I join him. He jumps on the bed and begins to dance while I try my best dsncing in the floor, head banging my head and moving my hands around and singing to the lyrics.

Aaron jumps down and grabs my hand and continue to dance and sing. "Well if I looked all over the world, And there's every type of girl, But your empty eyes seem to pass me by, And leave me dancin' with myself."

We both look at each other and laugh when the song finishes and we fell down kn the bed by the window and stared up at the ceiling resting up a bit. The rest of Billy Idol's song playing in the background while we fell in comfortable silence and waited for our order to arrive.

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