Off To Los Angeles🌈

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(A/N: I've decided to write a book dedicated to my favorite drag queen, Sharon Needles. Since it's Pride Month I thought it was the best to publish this book. I know Aaron is gay but here in the book he will be bisexual so please do not attack me for this! To anyone who's willing to read this book, thank you! This book won't have that many chapters like most of mine so I hope you all enjoy it <3 and remember...If You Can't Love Yourself How In The Hell Are You Gonna Love Somebody Else?" 

And don't forget that "Love Is Not A Choice"


"May!! May fucking Robinson, get your ass in here!" I shot up from my seat when all of the sudden my friend who I share my apartment is came bursting into the living room not caring when he left the room open. "Aaron! What's wrong?!" I asked getting panicked and ran to his side if something bad happened to him.

"I'm in!! I'm fucking in!!" He shouted at my ear and pushed an envelope to my chest. I took it and opened it up, "Congratulations, You've been accepted into Rupaul's Drag Race." I read the entire thing and looked Aaron couldn't stop giggling.

"I can't believe it! Congrats!!" I excitedly told him and wrapped my arm around him, trying to hug him since he's taller than me. "Thank you, Maisie." I blushed and hugged him tighter. It's been a dream of his to compete in that show since it aired. Well, since he came out as gay and wanted to express himself some more, mostly considering that many people consider him as a freak. I remember us always together in high school though he was a few years above me.

"We'll finally be getting out of this dump, and if I win i'm taking you to Disneyland." I smile wide and hugged my best friend again. "Thank you!! But you better keep your promise." I tease and Aaron just nods his head.

"So when are you heading to L.A?"

"Tomorrow so pack your bags. You're coming with me." He said taking my hand and leading me to my room and putting some of my clothes inside the luggage. "Can I even go?!" "The ticket said 'bring one' so i'm bringing you." he continued filling my luggage up so I couldn't hell but smile at him being so happy. It's been a while since i've seen him like this. We both arent that different when it comes to the music we listen, how we dress, how dark and freaky we both are. He would always grab some clothes he liked from mine or makeup since I don't usually wear it, I mostly just do my eyeliner and that's it..

Aaron began talking on the phone while also getting his bags ready. "I guess I won't be able to sing tomorrow at the bar then." I muttered to myself and got my passport ready. To earn some money i've been singing at bars with my band, it's been a dream of mine to become even more famous and I will make that happen, with my friends. We've toured around but havent done a lot of cash.

But Aaron comes first no matter what. He's all I have, after I confessed to my family that I had a girlfriend, they kicked me out. Thing's have changed since then, i'm pansexual meaning i'm not limited with regards to biological sex, gender, or gender identity. Thing is I havent exactly told Aaron who thinks I only like girls. I've had a crush on him since forever but he's gay and doesnt like me.

I made dinner tonight and was delighted to see Aaron eating my food, "Seriously, May. If I weren't gay I'd marry you for this amazing food." that made me choke so I quickly grabbed water and drank it. Aaron on the other hand stared at me a bit concerned when my face went red. "Are you okay?"

I nodded my head up and down, "I'm..o-okay."

I got up and took his now empty plate. "We better head to bed since we gotta wake up way tomorrow." I reminded him so he kissed me on the cheek and I watched him to the end of the hall where his room is. "Goodnight, Aaron."


"Get the hell up! We're late!"

Was the first thing I heard in the morning, I groaned and rolled over in my bed ignoring my friend. But all of the sudden the door to my room was busted " and the sheets were also taken away from me, so I shot up from the bed and covered myself.

"Hurry up get dressed!" He shouted tossing me my Ramones shirt and half red and black skinny jeans. "Alright I'm almost done." I yawned and tried keeping my eyes open. I grabbed my backpack and reached for my other luggage but Aaron beat me to it and pushed me out our apartment.

"We're going to California, bitch, so buckle up my dear." Aaron said way too excited at this early in the morning. "It's 4 am..why we gotta go so early?" I whine leaning my head against the window and ready to fall asleep any second.

"Because I wanna explore the city, and then see how our hotel room will be like." I opened my eyes and turn to look at him.

"We gonna share a room?"

Aaron smiled and nodded, "Don't be nervous I won't bite that hard."

Oh my god this will be a long ass month. But while Aaron is working i'll be in our hotel room working on new songs and continuing to perform in bars. The rest of my band won't be able to come with us, but if someone notices me and likes my music, I'll make sure to also include the rest of my band. When we arrived at the airport, we headed to our gate number and the entire time Aaron kept holding onto my hand.

It's just a friendly gesture after all. Anyway I kept a smile on my face and held onto his hand, "I'll die if I don't drink my black coffee, I'll be right back Maisie." he said leaving the rest of his luggage with me and walking away to grab his coffee.

Few minutes later he came in with two cups of coffee and a few snacks on his other hand. "Brought two black coffee as dark as our souls and some snacks to stuff our faces in." I giggled and took one coffee

Seriously can I love him even more?

"Thank you Aaron."

"Now be sure to drink every single drop of that, cause I desperately need to remind you every second of how lucky I am to have been chosen." I smiled wide and placed my phone down and paused the song I was listening to, This Is How I Disappear by My Chemical Romance.


About two hours later we were let into the plane and we were flying off the L.A I couldn't help but stare outside and looking at the clouds passing by us. It's my first time in a plane which made me nervous but Aaron kept assuring me that everything would be okay. I unlocked my phone and took a picture of the landscape outside then turned the camera so it was facing me. I tiredly smiled at the camera and took two pictures.

I examined it and saw that Aaron was asleep in the picture. "I didn't even know you were asleep." I whisper glancing at him, he had his head on my shoulder and his right hand holding onto my left one.

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