(Chapter 7) Dinner with Honey

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^u^ I'm so proud of myself



~Reader POV~

~and after school~

I was about to start my journey back to my house when I remembered I was going to go to Honey's house for dinner....now that I think about it where is he..?

"Maybe he forgot about you..?" I heard a rough demonic voice say.

I quickly whipped my head around just to see the staring guy again

"He forgot. He forgot. He forgot. He forgot. He forgot." He kept repeating the same thing over and over again! 'Man, you are really annoying....' I started to walk away I thought his words would get more quiet and distance since he just kept standing there but they didn't the words were following me...

I was about to scream the words kept getting louder and more vicious

"(Y/N)-chan where are you going? I thought you were gonna come to my house for dinner?"

"H-huh?" I turned around to see Honey, the words were gone and so was 'he' "O-oh yeah I was just stretching my legs a little"

"Oh ok, well come on (Y/N)-chan to my house!" He seemed to of bought it

~time skip~

we arrived at Honey's house not long after, most of the ride we talked about sweets! Once we got there it was still a little early so Honey and I just sat around, watched some tv, and talked to eachother

"Hey (Y/N)-chan I'm really glad you came over to my house, are you glad you came over too..?" Honey said with a little bit of pink on his cheeks at which I blushed too

"Y-yeah I am...It's good to get a change of scenery every now and then. A-and of course I get to spend some more time with y-you" 'AH! W-why did I say that!' my blush then decides to darken greeeaaat

"YAAAAAY!" Honey cheered still with pink on his cheeks and glomps me for the second time today...but hey i-im not complaining


Honey and I ate dinner and talked some more before the sun started to go down and I had to leave

"Hey, (Y/N)-chan maybe you can come over again sometime?" Honey asked as I was about to leave

"u-um, yeah maybe" I slightly smiled then walked out the door saying goodbye

Once I got home I went to my room but once I got there it seems 'things' were doing 'experiments' on another 'thing'

"HEY YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT THIS IS MY ROOM AND MY RULES!!" I finally snapped and yelled at the things not even bothered that it looked like they were sacrificing someone to the devil

"(Y/N)-SAMA!? what is wrong why are yo-who are you yelling at?!" One of my maids that were nearby asked frantically.

I turned around to look at her and when I looked back into my dark room they were gone

"O-oh nothing, nevermind its nothing for you to worry about" I said back trying not to loose it again

"But (Y/N)-sama I believe it is something for me to worry about"

"Shut up dont you have work to do?" I slightly snapped back at her in which she nodded her head "Then get to it" she then ran off probably scared by the dark tone in my voice

I then went to get ready for bed and try to sleep

I did succeed in going to sleep however I still had a disturbing dream

(WARNING I am currently listening to CREEPY vocaloid songs while writing this sooooo....this next part might be a little gory...if you don't like that stuff then just skip this next part hehe)

What I saw in my dream was...myself

but not just myself I saw many of those 'people' I have been seeing for the past few weeks...but thats not all they seemed to be closing in on me and I seemed out of breath as if I was running for hours!

One of them grabbed a hold of my arm and started twisting it in an unnatural way.

the me I saw was screaming and I could here bones snapping slowly ripping apart.

as gruesome as it was I couldn't look away, not in the way where its interesting or something like that, but I was unable to look away or move at all!

It kept twisting my arm until the flesh started to slowly tear, then I did something I thought I couldn't do I started screaming louder.

at this point 3 more things had grabbed the rest of my limbs and were holding me down.

I was starting to bleed and I could see my bones slowly separating until


And my arm was torn off

But it didn't stop the thing that tore off my arm ran away with it but the other three started to do the same to the rest of my limbs until I had none left

However it didn't stop

I wanted to wake up and was trying my hardest to do so but I just couldn't....

It was then a couple more things took a hold of my head and slowly tore off the top part separating it from my body and just leaving the jaw, from there the one that had my head started to rip out my (H/C) hair the strands having blood on them from my scalp, it also gouged my (E/C) eyes out and stepped on them making a gooey mess...

Ohoho I was long dead

As for my body the bottom part of my mouth was still intact along with some teeth but not for long....yep they started to rip out my teeth also

Oh gosh I looked so deformed...

I soon realized that the rest of the things had already torn open my body and were taking out my organs

I wanted to puke so bad

Blood covered gooey piles of meat were being torn apart and devoured right before my eyes it looked so real and I was getting even sicker to my stomach, if only I could look away, wake up, SOMETHING!?

There was nothing left my body was just a pile of blood and flesh I don't even know when they took my heart...

But then I realized the guy that always stares at me was there with a heart, my heart in his claw like hand...

He then opened his mouth inhumanly wide revealing many extremely sharp teeth ready to tear apart anything and anyone that was put inside his mouth, in this case....

my heart

After he ate my heart he looked over at me, the real me and started walking towards me

closer and closer he started to reach his claw-hand out but right before he touched me I woke up

(Gory part over :))

I didn't scream I just ran over to my bathroom to puke up a storm.

'What was that dream!?' I cried quietly to myself the rest of the night repeating the same thing over in my mind



Sorry most of this chapter was the gory/creepy stuff .-.

I still hope you all like this chapter I worked really hard on it


(lol it rhymed :P)

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