Author's Note

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Hello Wattpadawans!

I just wanted to tell you all that this is a brand-newish story of mine and it's gonna be epic! I came up with this idea a little while ago while I was watching the SWTCW arc where Maul and Savage Opress take over Mandalore with the Death Watch and they kill Duchess Satine and Obi-Wan is heart-broken and Pre Vizsla dies and... *stops and gasps for breath*

Whew. Sorry about that. Anyway, I get most of my creative storywriting or illustrating 'flashes' as I call them late at night, and that was when I happened to be watching the episodes on Netflix. So I guess my creativity went in the direction of what I was watching, and this popped out of my brain.

Just so you know, for those of you who've read my other works, the formatting and the writing style are going to be a little different. First off, the chapters are going to be at really random lengths. This is supposed to be a kind of journal, so it's written like it depends on how the main character is feeling or what they remember. Also, it's a first person narrative.

If there are any historical innacuracies involving the story that you might notice, please bear with me. I'll correct them, and I'm open to constructive critsism. So please comment, I love to see what you think. I'll try to update this regularly, but this is the third story I'm taking on at once, so don't come after me with lightsabers and blasters if I skip a couple of days, okay?

May the Force be with you all,


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