Chapter 22: Captains vs Triad

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"Zoroark! Night Slash!" Drak commanded as he was recovering from the punch to his stomach.

Both Zoroark's claws emitted a black and violet purple energy. The energy took the form of claws.

It used its powerful legs to lunge at the large fire lizard, with seething rage in its eyes.

"Stop it with Flamethrower!" Kiawe shouted.

Charizard arched its neck back in a deep breath. It thrusted it's neck forward, releasing a stream of red flames at the Dark type.

Zoroark jumped forward in the air, avoiding the attack. It swung its claws downward, directly at Charizard.

"Block it with Mega Punch!" Kiawe shouted.

Charizard pulled back one of its arms and clenched its claws. It's fist started to charged up in an orange, slow-spinning energy. Charizard thrusted the attack upwards at the black fox Pokémon.

Both the attacks collided with the other. The collision created two bolts of energy, one black and one orange. A shockwave emitted from the clash, making everything in the small area shake.

Zoroark jumped backwards and landed on all fours. Zoroark and Charizard gave each other menacing stares.

"Oh great Arceus!" Drak exclaimed as he got up and stretched his back. His hand was placed on his stomach, clearly still feeling the pain from the attack.

"You alright there?" Omin asked sarcastically with a smirk on his face.

Drak turned to his brother with anger in his eyes. His tolerance was close to breaking from everything going wrong.

"You know what Omin? I'm just fucking dandy! In fact, I'm excellent! Maybe you should try it out and see how great it feels."

"Nah I'm good. Besides with you, the word 'dandy' is probably the opposite of what it really means," Omin replied.

Drak clenched his fists in anger. His tolerance, on a thin line from snapping. I swear Omin. Even if you're my brother, I might kill you for this stuff one day.

The swordsman noticed this tension between his two brothers. Soon they started arguing with each other.

The third brother mentally sighed.

Of all the times to start bickering, you both choose now," he thought.

He looked at at their four new foes. He saw two boys and two were girls. All about the same age as the Lillie child. Kids these days are something else. Things have gotten a lot more difficult than what we prepared for.

He then looked at his two brothers. They were still arguing and it almost looked as if a fight would break out. Guess I better handle this myself. He walked up with his blade in hand, passing his two brothers bickering.

"...maybe if you had actually helped, that wouldn't have happened."

"How was I supposed to know? It came in too fast!"

"It's a damn Charizard. How can you not see it?"

"I couldn't even see it because of how fast it was! I doubt you could've dodged it if it came for you!"

"Enough!" he shouted back at them.

Both brothers looked to their third brother. He was still facing the enemies.

"Now is not the place for arguing. Save that for later. Just focus on the task at hand," he said.

Drak and Omin turned to each other. They both looked back at the third and nodded.

The third turned his attention back to the four trainers. Whom were all just standing there, unsure of what to do.

"Sorry for that children," he said. "My two brothers here can be a little handful to deal with."

"Can't be that much of a handful of they stopped when you told them to," Sophocles said.

"Oh is that sarcasm I hear?" Omin asked, suddenly interested. "I like that one already," he whispered to the swordsman.

The brother rolled his eyes. "Don't get too comfortable with them," he said. "You know our objective."

"Right, right," Omin said rolling his eyes.

"But I must say it's impressive that you got here in that short amount of time. How were you able to do it?"

"The Professor has a beacon in his car," Mallow said. "So whenever it's activated, at least one of us can be there to assist him."

"Hmm. So he must've sensed us when we tried to get our targets earlier," Drak pointed out. "Or he saw that girl was acting strangely and was suspicious."

Both brothers looked at Omin with annoyed expressions.

Omin turned to them. He knew why and felt he was in a very awkward position.

"Hey, how was I supposed to know he had that installed?" Omin said, trying to defend himself. "This whole operation was supposed to be a quick snatch and dash anyways. We shouldn't have had to worry about backup like this."

"In any case, we still have to deal with something that could be avoided if we tried a different approach," the swordsman said. "We should've waited and got more info."

"But Spec, you know I'm all about trying different things. Sometimes easy plans are boring."

Rage filled Spec at that comment. He gave his brother a hellish glare. As if there has been fire in his eyes. Or as if he could destroy the whole world at that moment. This sent a shiver down Omin's entire body. Instilling fear in him. Even Drak went wide-eyed, in fear of what his brother would do.

Spec turned back to the main group. Causing both Omin and Drak to sigh a mental breath of relief.

"Anyways, back to what I was saying," Spec said, composing himself. "It's impressive you were able to get here as fast as you did."

"Well we were also coming by the island anyways," Kiawe stated. "So getting here wasn't as much of a hassle as it could've been."

Spec raised an eyebrow at his statement. "So by sheer coincidence, you were able to save your friends?"

"We still would've gotten here, even if we weren't already coming," Mallow said. "Our Pokémon are very fast especially when they need to be."

"Interesting," Spec replied. "Regardless of your skill, me and my brothers have a job to do. So I'm going to have to ask you to get out of our way."

"Sorry, we can't exactly allow you to do that," Lana said. "So you are going to have to force us to."

Spec closed looked at the ground and gave off a small regretful sigh.

"Very well," he said.

He sheathed his sword into the cover on his back. Then the dark figure reached for his waist and brought out a Pokeball. He threw it up in the air and it burst open in a white light.

Out of the white light, emerged another humanoid Pokemon. It has a warrior like look to it. Mostly a dark red color on its sides with dark grey in its center. Down the center were four curved slabs of steel. They were all sharpened to a point. It also had a big, sharp steel blade resembling an axe head on the Pokémon's head. It's arms and legs were a very light gray color and had two sharp blades on its wrists.

"Bisharp!" The Pokemon exclaimed.

"Oh, we really are doing this?" Omin asked while grabbing one of his pokeballs. "I was hoping for some action," he said smiling.

He threw his Pokeball up in the air, also bursting into a white light. The light then materialized into a new Pokémon. It was mostly dark gray, with a hot pink colored head with two light green stripes on it. It also had a black cross like mark on the center of its head. It's also had two gray arms that blended in with its body. And it went behind him too, making it look like it was wearing a gray scarf.

"Accelgor!" It cried.

Drak turned to Zoroark to see it was still staring down Charizard. Neither of them moving an inch.

He smirked at his Pokémon's determination. "Hehehe, this should be good," he snickered. Zoroark let out a cry full of ferocity.

Charizard stepped forward and let loose it's own roar.

"I'll take you on," Kiawe said in battle stance.

"Hehe, alright then," Drak snickered. "Hit us with your best shot!"

Mallow reaches for her waist and grabbed her own Pokeball. She threw it up in the air, the ball erupting with white light.

The light formed into a very tall, humanoid Pokemon. It's tall legs were dark purple. Same for its torso and small arms. It's head and hips were white and had four leaves on its head. One curved forward and the other three were behind its head, almost touching the ground. It also had a small purple growth with yellow stripes on its head.

"Tsareena," it said eloquently.

"So. You wish to take me on?" Spec asked the young girl.

"We'll both beat you with our full power!" Mallow said confidently. Tsareena nodded in agreement.

Spec put on a small grin, in amusement if her words. "Alright then. Let's see what the strength of a Trial Captain really is."

Omin was looking at his two brothers who were ready to fight. He then turned to the last two remaining captains.

Both Lana and Sophocles threw pokeballs up into the air. Both of which bursted open with bright light.

Out of Lana's Pokeball, emerged a small spider like Pokémon. It had a small black head, except for its light green mouth, two blue eyes and spots on its head. Its head was surrounded by a bubble like object. Surrounding the bubble and meeting the ground were three light green legs.

"Dew!" It said with a high pitched voice.

Out of Sophocles's Pokeball, came out another small creature. It had a round look to it. It's face and stomach were both white while the rest of its body was a light gray color. It had two yellow cheeks, different colored triangles on its back and a small tail.

"Maru!" It said also in a high pitch.

"You think you're gonna beat me with those two small fries?" Omin scoffed.

"They are both stronger than you think," Lana said.

"And we'll prove that to you right now," Sophocles finished.

"Oh, determination. I like it," Omin said. "I thought you guys would be boring like the last group. But so far, you've been debunking that thought. Let's do this thing."


Ok guys. We are here. The battle between the Trial Captains and the Shadow Triad. This part was fun for me to write. I just love giving these guys their own personalities where the game didn't give much. Also, now that all the names are revealed, you can probably guess how they are related. Or maybe not. Anyways, enough from me. Back to the story! Enjoy! ;)


???'s POV:

"Seems like those guys might need our help," I said to my partner whom responded with a nod.

We were standing on top of a building in Hea'hea. We were both on a simple patrol when I noticed a battle was about to break out. So me and my Pokémon friend were observing.

"Rai Rai Chu Rai," he said and I looked over. "Chu Chu Rai Rai Chu?"

I looked down to my translator and words were emitted from it.

[Should we help out?] my partner asked me. [It is our duty to protect all children of the Lord Arceus, is it not?]

"It is our duty," I responded to him. "But also the Lord says to try and let others prove their worth against the sinful. That is how we know that people have their own strength and don't solely rely on others. Only when it looks like violence between the trainers occurs, we shall show our hand."

My friend let out a sigh. I could sense there was some impatience in it. And I couldn't blame him.

"I understand your impatience. I'm impatient too. But it's against everything we stand for to fight a battle where none is needed. We might endanger more and cause more harm."

He reluctantly nodded at my statement. [Yeah you're right], he said. [I guess we'll just have to wait until someone gets harmed].

"Exactly right," I responded. "But in the mean time Sparky, let's just watch the show."

3rd Person POV:

"Bisharp, use Metal Claw!"


The Pokémon's two side blades turned into a shiny dark gray. It then lunged at Tsareena.

"Tsareena! Block it with Trop Kick!" Mallow shouted.

"Saaa," It said before lunging at the attacking foe. Tsareena's leg then started to glow with a green aura.

Before it collided with Bisharp, it stomped one leg on the ground. Bringing its other leg up and thrusting it at the Steel Type.

Bisharp barely had enough time to block it with its Metal Claw. The sound of the collision felt like it echoed for the world to hear.

After the collision, both Pokémon jumped back to their original spots.

"Now Bisharp! Iron Head!" Spec told it.

The sharp blade like object on the Steel type's head turned a silver color. It charged at the Grass Type once again.

"Tsareena, dodge it then kick it!" Mallow said.

It had little time to react but was able to thrust its leg into Bisharp's chest. The force sent the Pokémon flying backwards.

Then the Steel Type thrusted one of its arms downward into the asphalt. Bisharp slowed to a halt, shattering the ground as it did.

"Use Metal Sound!" Spec yelled. Bisharp tucked its head into its body. After a few seconds, it thrusted it's head forward. Loud, light gray sound waves rushed toward the Grass Pokemon.

The sound waves, hit both Tsareena and Mallow head on. Mallow covered her ears with her hands. Both squinting in pain from the ear wrenching sound.

"Tsareena use Razor Leaf!" Mallow commanded through the metallic sound.

"Tsa!" The Grass Type shouted through the screeching. A veil of razor-sharp leaves surrounded her. All the leaves flew straight forward. The leaves and sound waves countered each other until the sound faded and died out.

Once the sound waves died, Mallow and Tsareena were back in fighting stances. But Spec didn't seemed impressed.

"Use Metal Claw again!" Spec said.

Bisharp's side blades once again turned their shiny, gray color. It launched itself at the Grass Type once more.

"Tsareena, block it with Low Sweep!"

Tsareena just stood completely still. It watched the Steel Type get closer. While Bisharp was closing in, its leg started glowing white.

Once Bisharp was right in front of the Grass Type, it swooped its leg across the ground. However, Bisharp managed to jump before the attack hit. The Steel Type landed its claws into the Grass Type's head.

The attack knocked the Grass Type off balance. Bisharp landed back a few feet facing them. Spec wasn't stopping for them.

"Bisharp! Rush it!" He commanded.

The Steel Type charged forward with no move prepared. It looked like it was only going to use its body for combat.

"Tsareena! Counter it!"

Tsareena luckily rebalanced herself in no time. She used one of her legs and lunges at the Steel Type.

They both got in front of each other and stopped. Tsareena pulled back its leg and Bisharp pulled back one of its arms.

They both swung towards each other and both countered each other. Bisharp then pulled back its other arm and swung. But Tsareena did the same with her other leg. Both countered the other again.

Both Pokémon kept going back and forth with exchanging blows. Both countering the other. Spec and Mallow seemed to pay close attention to fight. Trying to see if there would be an opening.

Meanwhile, the other two brothers were having their fair share of combat. Drak was relishing every bit of it.

"Zoroark! Dark Pulse!" Drak said.

A violet purple light started emitting in between its claws. It then thrusted it's arms forward, releasing a beam of purple rings.

"Charizard! Flamethrower, once more!" Kiawe said.

Charizard, once again, took a deep breath and tucked it's neck back. Another torrent of flames was released when it exhaled.

Both their attacks collided and exploded in a cloud of fire and smoke.

"Night Slash once more!" Drak yelled.

The Dark type's claws glowed again and it ran at the fire lizard.

"Use Dragon Claw!" Kiawe said.

Charizard's claws then glowed a turquoise aura. The aura formed two large claws of energy.

Charizard was about to swing them at the Dark Type but Zoroark was a little faster.

It swiped its claws at the lizard, hitting it square in the face. Charizard's attack was cut short and the energy vanished. Before Charizard could recover, Zoroark landed and swiped its stomach.

Kiawe saw an opening. Now that Zoroark was close, Charizard could go in for an attack.

"Charizard, Fire Fang!" Kiawe said.

The Fire Type looked down at the Dark Type and opened its jaw. It's mouth started to ignite with red flames.

It then lunged itself at Zoroark and bit down on its shoulder. The Dark Type then exploded into a cloud of smoke and flames.

Drak covered his eyes as the smoke rushed back at him. Zoroark was also thrown onto the ground from the impact. But the Dark Type quickly got back on its feet.

"Now use Fire Spin!" Kiawe directed, not giving his opponent time to think.

Charizard spun its tail at the Dark Type and flames came from the tip. Small red flames made a circle around Zoroark. A second later, a vortex of flames shot up around it. Zoroark was being inflicted by a lot of pain.

As Zoroark was still engulfed by the flames, Drak spoke to the captain.

"I see that your Charizard was able to use more than one move," he said with curiosity in his voice. "Three of the five moves I saw were Fire Type moves, which is Charizard's primary typing."

"That's right," Kiawe replied. "It's from all the training and bonding we've done to accomplish that power."

Charizard let out a roar at those words. Like it was boasting on its strength. But Drak didn't seem to buy that statement.

"But not just any training I'm sure," Drak added. "It's commonly known that all Pokémon can only know four moves at a time. But, there's also an ancient technique that allows more than four moves to be used. But the cost is only moves of a Pokémon's primary typing. And it wastes a lot of energy to use it."

Kiawe was very surprised that Drak knew this.

"I've heard that this technique is known as 'sivlas'," Drak said. "Am I correct?"

Kiawe simply nodded and said, "That is correct."

"We had been told that the Captains knew that technique. I had simply thought it was all a rumor it make you guys look stronger. With that kind of technique, you have a whole lot more options of fighting."

Kiawe didn't respond.

With no response, he backed into a fighting stance. His grin seemed to get bigger. "This fight just got a whole lot more interesting. Hehehehehe."

Kiawe turned to Charizard. "Try and see if you can grab a hold of it."

Charizard nodded and threw a glare at Zoroark. Zoroark responded with its own glare. Even when being engulfed by flames, it wasn't backing down.

After a few moments Charizard flew straight at its opponent. Zoroark charged forward at the lizard as well.

Zoroark took a swing at Charizard with its right arm. It missed its mark however and Charizard came down with a ferocious bite.

Zoroark ducked, avoiding it however. Its claws glowed the same purple aura as before. It was making an upward swipe at the lizard.

Before it could land its hit, Charizard grabbed the Dark Type with one of its claws.

"Great! Now use Seismic Toss!" Kiawe said. Charizard then grabbed onto Zoroark with its other claw. Zoroark couldn't get out of its grip.

Charizard extended its wings, about to fly upwards.

"Use Dark Pulse to damage it as much as you can!" Drak quickly said before Charizard rocketed up.

As Charizard soared into the sky, Zoroark charged up its attack at its mouth. Out of the flame engulfed Pokémon's mouth were beams of purple rings.

They were fired at Charizard continuously. They inflicted tremendous pain on Charizard as it kept flying.

Once it stopped flying upwards, the entire island could be seen looking down.

Almost immediately as Charizard stopped, it dived back down. And Charizard was going fast.

Zoroark was unable to use attacks as the wind pressure didn't allow it. All it could do was hope it caused enough damage.

Another minute had passed until Charizard got close enough to the ground. Right before it hit, Charizard slammed Zoroark into the ground. Charizard glided forward, avoiding the concrete while Zoroark crashed, making a big smoke cloud.

Omin was getting in on the action as well. And he was also enjoying it.

"Use Signal Beam!" Omin commanded.

"Cel!" Accelgor responded.

A multicolored cluster of light started to form on the Bug type's head. It was then blasted at the two small Pokémon.

"Dodge it!" Both Captains shouted.

The two Pokémon swiftly moved out of the way as the attack collided with the ground.

"Energy Ball! Go!" He commanded.

Accelgor immediately prepared another sphere of energy. It was dark green ball that emanated a green aura. It was then launched at Dewpider.

"Dewpider, counter it with Fury Cutter!" Lana commanded.

One of Dewpider's legs glowed a light green aura. Once the attack was close enough, it slashed with its leg. The Energy Ball was cut in half. Both halves then exploded behind the spider Pokémon.

"Togedemaru! Use Thunderbolt!" Sophocles directed.

"Maru!" It responded.

Bolts of lightning charged up around the rodent's yellow cheeks. Then all the electricity was unleashed at the Bug Type.

The attack was unleashed right when Accelgor touched the ground. Before the attack made contact, Accelgor slid out of the way. The attack hit the ground, causing no effect.

"Dewpider! Water Gun!" Lana yelled.

"Togedemaru, use Wild Charge!" Sophocles said.

The small water type unleashed a stream of water from its mouth. And the electric type surrounded itself with yellow electricity, formed into a ball and charged at the bug type.

"Accelgor, use your skin to block them," Omin said.

"Cel!" It said.

The two strands of skin behind it swung forward. Hitting both the torrent of water and sending the Electric type off course.

Yet the Electric type rolled back at the bug type. And Dewpider launched another torrent of water.

Accelgor quickly jumped up, avoiding the attacks again.

Once it landed on the ground, the two launched attacks at the Bug Type again.  They were both blocked by Accelgor again.

This constant effort of the two small Pokémon attacking and missing went on for several minutes. Lightning went across the air and water splashed onto the ground.

"This isn't working," Lana said worriedly. "We aren't going to beat him like this."

Sophocles noticed all the water on the ground. He then looked at Togedemaru and had it. Like a lightbulb went off in his head. He turned to Lana and said, "I have an idea."

"Is that really the best you can do?" Omin scoffed as the attacks kept coming. "I figured the captains would have a lot better strategies up their sleeves."

The small area was almost filled with water from this battle. That's when both of the small Pokémon went back to their side of the field. Accelgor stopped moving as well. Omin smiled to the effort. "Don't feel too bad about this guys. No one can really match my Accelgor's speed."

"We know we can't normally," Lana said. Omin raised an eyebrow at her comment.

"That's why we are going to take that speed away from you," Sophocles stated.

"Ha! How are you going to do that?" Omin asked.

"Just watch," Lana said.

What are they doing? Omin thought, now genuinely confused.

"Togedemaru, use Thunderbolt!" Sophocles directed.

The Electric type unleashed another bolt of lightning. Accelgor moved out of the way again and the bolt made contact with the ground.

"You already knew how that was going to work out," Omin said tauntingly.

But then Accelgor started grunting in pain. Omin noticed this and looked at his Bug Type. "Huh. What's going on?" he asked.

Accelgor was engulfed in electricity despite the Thunderbolt not hitting it.

Omin looked around, not sure what was going on. How did that attack hit him? I saw it completely miss it's mark.

He stepped back and stepped in a puddle. He looked down at what he stepped in and took his foot out. But then he stepped in another one. He saw that the whole area they were fighting in was soaked with water.

"We knew that Accelgor is a fast Pokemon," Lana said. "And it can slide on the ground easily due to its body. But that's when it's on the ground. So we thought making it nearly impossible to move on the ground was the best option to take."

Omin realized that Accelgor was in the water and it was connected to where the Thunderbolt hit.

After a few moments, the electricity stopped. Accelgor started kneeling on the ground from the pain.

Omin put on a small grin at the display. "Well, you haven't earned your titles for nothing. I'll give you that," he said. "But I wouldn't press your luck yet."

"We've got your Pokémon paralyzed," Sophocles pointed out. "As well as more against you and our Pokémon are harder to hit. We've got this in the bag!"

Omin was still grinning at them. "We shall see," he said.

Lightning surrounded Accelgor in small bolts that flashed and vanished immediately.

"Accelgor. Use Lock On," Omin said.

Accelgor nodded and looked directly at its opponents. It's eyes weren't moving away from them.

"Togedemaru, Thunderbolt again!" Sophocles said.

Bolts of electricity were sparking from Togedemaru again.

Before it was released, Accelgor seemed to disappear. But it reappeared behind Dewpider almost instantly.

"What?" Lana asked very confused. Before she could do anything, Accelgor grabbed Dewpider with its skin.

"Throw Dewpider at Togedemaru!" Omin commanded. Accelgor nodded.

It turned its head to the Electric type, swinging its skin around. It then released Dewpider and it went flying into Togedemaru.

The impact caused Togedemaru to lose focus and unleashed its electricity. The electricity made direct contact with Dewpider, causing it to be severely hurt.

Dewpider went down after the last attack. It's eyes closed with bruises all over it.

"Dewpider no!" Lana shouted running to it.

"Wha-? How did that happen?" Sophocles asked as he looked back at Accelgor. "We had it paralyzed. How is it still so fast?"

"Well your strategy was clever," Omin said. "But you didn't account for one thing. Accelgor's Ability is Hydration."

Both Lana and Sophocles eyes widened as they realized their mistake.

"All the water we made..." Lana said awestruck.

"Didn't accomplish what you thought," Omin finished. "But hey don't feel too down. You still managed to get some serious damage on us."

Accelgor then glared at Togedemaru.

"But I think it's time for this to end."

Accelgor quickly charged up an Energy Ball and fired it at the Electric type. The attack made contact, causing Togedemaru to fly backwards. When it landed, it was struggling to get up.

"Togedemaru!" Sophocles shouted.

"Oh no!" Mallow said looking over at the two captains. This doesn't look good for us, she thought.

"Don't look away from your own problems!" Spec shouted. "Metal Claw!"

Mallow just realized she got off focus. It was too late to try and say anything.

Bisharp swung its two blades at Tsareena multiple times. All this inflicted massive damage on the Grass Type.

This caused it to start kneeling on the ground, unable to attack. "Tsareena! Come on! Try and fight!" Mallow pleaded. But it was no use as the Grass Type could barely move.

The same could be said with Charizard. Zoroark was still injured but it looked like it was in better shape. Even though Seismic Toss was super effective, the amount of energy and damage taken was too much for Charizard. Drak realized this and put on an evil smile. He turned to his brothers.

"Let's finish them with one final attack!" Drak said in his maniacal voice.

"Agreed," Omin said. Spec nodded in response.

All three Pokémon stood in line with each other, facing their foes.

"Zoroark! Night Daze!"

"Accelgor! Signal Beam!"

"Bisharp! Hyper Beam!"

Zoroark's arms started glowing a faint, dark red color and its blue eyes lit up a little more. It's body even had a red glow around it. It raised its arms above its head, about to strike the ground.

Accelgor had a multi-colored cluster of energy forming on its head. The cluster got bigger and bigger.

Bisharp extended one of its arms toward the other Pokémon. A cluster of purple-black energy formed in front of it.

After a few seconds, all the energy was released. Zoroark slammed into the ground and it's attack was released. The terrain crumbling beneath it as it engulfed the area around it. Accelgor's and Bisharp's attacks rushed forward as well.

All four captains looked at the vastly approaching attack. They closed their eyes and tried to use their arms to shield themselves.

It looked like it was the end for them...

To be continued...

Hey everyone! Ethan here again! Hope you all enjoyed that! And I hope that you'll be back for next time! Before I end this chapter, I got tagged to do this little thing. So yeah I guess I'll give it a go.

1. No. Not really. Kinda still searching.

2. I wouldn't know. But if they did, I'd try to be open to it.

3. I don't really like to share full names on the internet for several reasons. But it's Woodruff.

4. Single af.

5. Well I have a few of them that I consider friends. Pretty much any of them on Twitter.

5. Pretty much the same as above. Only I think my two closest friends there are Matt(SomeEeveeFan) and Patrick(ZeroCetus).

7. I mean I'd have to say Amourshipping. I'm sure to many that's not a surprise but there it is. I'm a sucker for the pairing and the cute moments :3.

8. My mom 😅.

9. Some songs by Sabaton. Great band imo.

10. 81% (as of writing this).

11. (A little Specialshipping for ya :3).

12. I thought it'd be a fun idea to actually write down thoughts of a good story for the anime. So I chose to come here and try to do it. But I might show this story to other sites in the future too.

13. July 17, 2000. Can't believe I'm in adult in a few months 😅.



Yeah. There ya go. But peace out everyone! See you next chapter ;)

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