Pain, Without Love

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I was sitting next to Andy, Jinxx, Jake and Ashley at the fire. I noticed CC had disappeared, so I figured that I would go find him. He was sitting about 30 feet from the fire, leaned up against the tree. I sat by him and he gave me a small smile.

"What are you doing back here?" He asked.

"Uh, I'm not much if a people person... What about you?"

"I want to set the world on fire. I want to watch everything burn." He smirked, and I caught a crazy look in his eye as the fire reflected in them from across the lawn.


He just chuckled, then walked off back into the building. What the actual fuck? And everyone thinks in crazy.

I nervously went back to sit next to the others. I would have asked what CC's problem was, but I figured it wasn't any if my business. That doesn't mean I still wasn't worried about being burned alive in my sleep tonight, because who wouldn't be?

I took this time to take in my surroundings. There were many little clusters of people sitting around. One was Chris and the people he introduced me to earlier, along with the living statue with interesting hair and a couple of others.

There was also another group if people with darker skin and cute faces. They looked out of place here. Everyone here was just a fog of darkness except those four and a few others who looked as normal as you could probably get around here. It's not like I was complaining, because I'm a bit goth-looking myself, I'm just being observant.

I wondered a bit about how accepting people were here. Hopefully it wasn't like my old school, and I had a somewhat chance of fitting in. Eventually I turned back to the fire.

One of the workers who must have been a musician had out an acoustic guitar and was playing songs. Everyone was singing along, though I didn't recognize the song. It was something about shadows and loneliness, the usual.

I couldn't help but notice how laid back and awesome the workers seemed. They were all pretty eccentric as far as I've seen. This guy had very messy black hair and green eyes rimmed with eyeliner.

"So, how was your first day?" Ashley asked from beside me.

"It was okay. But honestly, how good of a day can you have when you're in a place like this?"

"Well, I can imagine it being amazing considering you've been in the presence of the sexiest man in the face of the earth." He winked and gestured to himself. Time to find a it!

Was I staring at Devin's ass? Yes, I was. Was I enjoying it? Hell yeah I was. You cannot not appreciate that chunk of booty, gay or not. Was I going to regret this all?

I guess so. A tattooed arm wrapped around Ghost's waist and trailed my eyes up to see Balz glaring at me. He shook his head, then pulled Ghost in for a passionate kiss, and my soul deflated. Of course. I finally find someone I like and he's got a boyfriend, and a protective one at that. Fuck. My. Life.


The bonfire ended at nine, leaving us two hours until lights out. At least we didn't have to go to bed extremely early. I went back to my room after denying Ashley's request to "watch a movie." Chris wasn't there, and I was assuming he had went across the hall to visit Angelo, so I was alone.

The first thing I did was check my phone, where I had a text from my mom asking how it was going. I replied, then went to find my pajamas. After changing, washing my makeup off, and brushing my teeth, I laid in my bed.


Two hours later, I had still not fallen asleep, but when Chris walked in I pretended I was. After a while he lied down with a sigh and I could feel his eyes boring into my back.

"Ricky," he muttered softly. "I know you're awake."


"Come on, Ricky, you're a very bad actor. Just say something already!"

I rolled over and looked at him with a questioning expression.

"Look, I'm sorry about dinner earlier. I didn't mean to ignore you, I just... Ange and I were having a rough patch lately, and we finally made up so I wanted to savor the moment. I feel like a shit friend. I'm so sorry.

I began to panic a bit when his voice cracked and I heard him sniffle, "Chris, its okay. I'm fine." I went and sat on his bed and pulled him into a hug. "Do you want to talk about what was happening with you and Angelo?"

He tried to calm down a bit, then nodded his head. "That guy, Ashley, he and I used to be together. Two weeks ago he.... He raped me. He came in here at night and did it. I can't tell anyone because then he'll get revenge. But I did tell Ange, because I figured he'd help me through it. I was wrong.

He began sobbing again, and I rubbed his back. I felt so terrible for him. I understood what he was going through. I still haven't told anyone about me being assaulted.

"When I told him what happened, I told him about how bad I felt, because my body enjoyed it. I didn't want it to happen, but while he was doing it my body responded in a terrible way. I came for him. I love Angelo so much, and I hate that I did that to him. I didn't mean for it to happen. I feel so terrible. Angelo was pissed. He still is, even though he accepted my apology.

I held him closer and whispered "its okay" in his ear a few times until I realized he had fallen asleep in my lap. Great.

I lifted his heavy form off of me and lay him on his bed, covering him with his blanket. Crawling back into my own bed I thought about how I had just seen the very delicate, broken side of Chris that I doubted he showed much. Seeing as I've only known him for a day, I see this as a big step to getting to know each other. Well, we do have something in common: we lost our purity and have no way to make up for that pain.

Haha, yeah I know. Chris and Ashley? That's an odd one, but its for good reasons, so go along with it.
I hope you liked it and please vote and COMMENT. I really enjoy your guy's inputs.
Bye! <3

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