We Can't Control Who We Are

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The next morning I woke up to Chris shaking me awake. "Ricky, can we talk for a bit?"

I nodded my head sleepily and sat up, stretching my arms and cracking my back. He plopped down next to me and put his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that last night. I just... It's so hard. I love Angelo so much, but he won't forgive me. He agreed that we'd still be together, but he doesn't trust me ad much as I wish he could. I just want what we had back." He dropped his head into his hands and began to cry hysterically.

I wrapped my arms around him and began humming. This was something that had always calmed me down when I was little. Why not apply this method to a six foot tall, goth man with extremely unnatural eyebrows? Well it worked.

"Is there anything we can do around here that will keep your mind off of Angelo?"

"We could go down to the rec room, but we'll have to wait awhile. It isn't accessible until ten o' clock." I looked at my phone to see it was only eight thirty. Shit.

"So, I've told you my story, why don't you tell me yours?" He asked.

Shaking my head, I replied, "well first of all, you haven't told me your whole story. Second, my life is boring."

He tilted his head, as if to say I dont care, just tell me.

"Fine. Grab your fucking popcorn and some tissues for my sob story. Don't blame me after I bore you to death, this was your idea." He leaned back against the wall and looked at me, motioning for me to continue

"I grew up in Seattle. I lived with my dad up until he was caught beating me. I don't remember much from back then, but I do have a few scars to show for it. Then I moved in with my mom here in Scranton when I turned eight. She never payed much attention to me, and I turned to some terrible friends. By the time I was thirteen I had done most of the mainstream drugs, came to smoking a pack a day, drinking myself to death, and selling myself."

Some tears rolled down my face. I had blocked out that part of my life for awhile now. This was the first time I have said this all out loud, and it was absolutely painful.

"Then, I discovered I was gay. I got pretty drunk at a party and this popular guy in my school pinned me up against the wall and we made out. We started dating and were together for two years. It was the best two years. He pulled me out of the drugs and the drinking. I still smoke, but not as much."

Chris noticed how hard of a time I was having now and he wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"He kept trying to convince me to have sex with him, but I wasn't ready. Of course I had sex before, I was just scared he'd leave me because of the way I looked. Finally, he had enough. He had his way with me, and no matter how much I said no..."

I was a mess. It was a good thing I had taken my makeup last night, because my face would have been destroyed.

"Chris... When you told me what happened to you last night, I understood because it happened to me. I've been there. That's why I'm here. I couldn't tell anyone and it ate away every part of me. My ex spilled to the whole school that I was gay, but didn't tell anyone that he was too. I never heard the end of it. I never ate, and I committed suicide twice. Now, here we are."

Silence. Agonizingly long silence. I still clung to him like he was the only thing keeping me from falling off of a cliff, which in reality he was. "Rick, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

"Don't be. You didn't know me. There was nothing you could do. But, what you can do now is tell someone what happened. Don't let it eat you away."

He shook his head. He clamped his hands to the sides of his head and violently pulled at his hair. "No. No. No. No. No. I can't! He'll hurt Ange. I can't do that. I can't!"

He ran into the bathroom and locked the door. What the fuck do I do now?

×Chris's POV×

Nope. Not happening. I am never leaving this bathroom again. I should have never told Ricky. Why did I tell my biggest secret to a guy I hadn't even known for a day? Because I'm a fucking idiot.

A knock came on the door. "Chris, please come out. We can forget all of this."

"Fuck off."

"Come on, Chris. I'm sorry. Let's just go to the rec room. It's almost ten." He was wasting his breath.

"Maybe you didn't hear me. I said go fuck yourself!" I screamed, and was satisfied with the sound of him walking away. I opened the medicine cabinet and found a disposable razor. Did I want to?

×Ricky's POV×

I quickly trodded across the hall and knocked on the door. It opened to show Ryan peeking out at me.

"Can I speak to Angelo?"

He gave me a concerned look, and finally nodded before opening the door all the way.

"Chris locked himself in the bathroom and he won't come out. I'm really worried."

He looked shocked and mumbled a quick "Not again!" Before standing up and walking across the hall. I sure hope Angelo can help him before he does something he regrets.

A/N: short, I know. Sorry! I promise you it'll get way better. Well, I hope.

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