Chapter 2

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Two days had come and gone, and Lucy has only had a panic attack once. This was because the women of Fairy Tail wanted to have a slumber party at her house. It took lots of persuading and promises of private girl time and food to convince the women not to have the sleep over at her house. Lucy could tell Levy could see she was hiding something, but thankfully she didn't ask anything.

Lucy was sitting in the guest room where Rogue was still sleeping. Gemini was already out and transformed into Wendy so she can give him another check up. Lucy felt like a total creep and stalker watching him sleep like this, but she didn't get to feel that way for long when she heard a low groan and saw the shadow dragon slayer start to stir. She waited for him to open his eyes and look around.

When Rogue opened his eyes and blinked a couple times to get them focused, he was in a strange room with dark blue walls. He looked down to see dark blue covers and carpeting. He started to panic slightly until he heard someone clear their throat. When he turned his head he saw the silhouette of what he could tell was a female. She got up and started walking to him. He could tell she was cautious while approaching him, not wanting to cause him to attack. When he squinted to see who it was as she stepped into the light of the lamp on the nightstand, his breath caught as he knew who this was. Right there standing in front of him, was none other than Lucy Heartfilia, the Celestial Mage of Fairy Tail.

Before he can react Lucy speaks up, "Hello Rogue. I'm glad to see you're okay."

Not knowing what to do or say he just sits there slightly dumbfounded. Lucy speaks again, "I found you in the woods all bloody and beaten. I know we're from rival guilds but I couldn't just leave you out there to die, so I brought you to my house so you could recover. I had Gemini-Wendy heal you. The only thing that needs to recover now is your magic energy."

She turns around and walks over to the desk on the opposite side of the room where an assortment of food that makes his mouth water sits. She grabs the chicken wings and brings them over on a bed tray and sets it over his lap. "This will replenish your magic faster so you can head back to Sabertooth sooner. I had my spirit Virgo infuse everything with pure shadow so it will help you and taste amazing since its the pure element."

Reluctant, but curious, Rogue picks up a chicken wing and sniffed it before taking a bite of it. The meat melts in his mouth and he can taste the pure shadows. "Gods, you're right. This is pure shadow, it tastes amazing. Um, thank you for taking me in and healing me."

Lucy smiles widely and says, "No problem if I had just left you out there my guilty conscience would have eaten me alive and I would have actually come back for you. Anyways, how do you feel? Gemini-Wendy is out right now and she's going to give you a quick check up to make sure everything is still healthy."

As Lucy says this, said spirit comes out and hovers her hands over his body. A pale blue light illuminates the spirit's hands as they check his body for anything wrong and reads his magic energy level. Her hands stop glowing and she retracts them and says, "Everything seems to be fine, his magic level has already gone up quite a bit. He may not even have to stay here for another five days. He may even be able to leave as early as two days from now."

Lucy smiles brightly and says, "Great! Less time for my guild to figure out you're here and attempt to kill you."

Rogue stares at her blankly and says, "The fact that you said that with a smile, frightens me a bit."

Lucy sheepishly scratches the back of her neck as she says, "Heh, sorry. Anyway, if you want I can leave so you can eat and get more comfortable. There's a bathroom just to the left after you exit the bedroom if you would like to shower or something. Other than that I'll leave you to do your own thing."

Before she turns around and leaves Rogue says, "Actually do you think you could stay for a little bit? Keep me company?"

Lucy stares at him for a minute before she blinks and smiles at the shadow dragon and says, "Of course. I don't see why not."

As Rogue eats Lucy is the first to speak, "So how's Sabertooth doing?"

"The guild has actually gotten less boring ever since Minerva became master, believe it or not. She doesn't really care what we do as long as we don't trash anything so we can be more loud and have fun more."

"That's awesome finally you guys aren't as stingy and boring."

Realizing what she said when she saw Rogue's eyes widen a bit she quickly corrects herself, "UH, not that you were stingy and boring. I mean you seemed nice compared to your other guild mates during the games. Heh heh heeeh."

She blushes a bit while scratching the back of her neck. The blush does not go unnoticed by the shadow dragon slayer when he has to fight back a smirk that tries to surface. He chuckles lowly and says, "You are fine. I agree with you that I wasn't exactly happy with most of my guild mates actions during the games." He pauses before continuing with a scowl, "Especially Minerva. I was disgusted by her actions. Torturing you and taking hostages is technically cheating. For me it isn't fun to win because someone gave up. It just shows that you knew you were too weak to win so you played dirty."

Lucy stared at Rogue wide eyed before she said, "Yeah, I've been tortured and almost killed more times than I can count. I never once tried to cheat or anything I always tried to fight. Even if I knew I couldn't win I still tried."

"Yeah I saw that during the Naval Battle. Even though you were on the verge of passing out you still tried to fight Minerva. I admire you for that. No on has ever stood up to Minerva in our guild except for her father."

Lucy blushes slightly, "Uh, thanks I guess. Believe or not the beating I got from Minerva barely came close to any of my other ones. Sure I was never knocked unconscious but the pain wasn't as bad. Have you ever been pushed up a wall by an iron club curtesy of a certain iron dragon slayer?"

Realizing who she was talking about Rogue stared at Lucy wide eyed and asked, "Gajeel tortured you?"

Lucy looks at Rogue with a sad smile and says, "Yep. Before he joined the guild his guild Phantom Lord was hired to kidnap me and take me back to my father. Gajeel was just supposed to watch and make sure I didn't escape and fight off anyone from Fairy Tail that tried to rescue me. He got bored so he started beating me while I was tied up."

"If he did that why was he allowed in your guild."

"Because he realized his faults and wanted to start over. Fairy Tail is a place for everyone to start over and forget about everything that happened in the past. Our strongest members have the worst past. Plus I forgave Gajeel after he joined because he looked like he actually regretted it."

"Hmph now I know why all of Fairy Tail is so protective of you."

Lucy stared at him wanting him to continue, which he did, "Because you're so pure and you see the silver lining in everything. You forgive even if the person doesn't deserve it. And you're kind hearted to everyone."

Lucy blushed profusely at the shadow dragon slayer and just stared not knowing what to say. Rogue smiled at her, which made her blush darken, if that was possible.

They sat in silence before Lucy broke it, "Um if you don't mind me asking what were you doing in the forest and what happened?"

Rogue visibly stiffened, and Lucy taking notice said, "You don't have to tell me its not really any of my business."

Rogue sighed and said, "I'll tell you, you think you can wait until I'm ready to?"

Lucy smiled at the black haired mage and said, "Of course. Take your time. You're okay now and it's over."

Lucy looked at the time and saw that it was about nine o'clock at night. "Well I think it's time for us to go to bed. See you in the morning."

Lucy got up, but before she left Rogue spoke, "Lucy?"

Said girl felt a chill run up her spine at the sound of him saying her name. She quickly shook it off and said, "Yes? What is it Rogue?"

"Um. Thank you. For...for saving me. I really appreciate it. If there's anything you ever need, help on a mission or anything like that, just let me know. It doesn't matter the time or place."

Lucy smiled at the shadow dragon and said, "You don't have to, but I know dragon slayers don't like to feel indebted to anyone so I will accept your offer. Good Night Rogue."

"Sweet dreams Lucy."

She blushed again. She's been doing that a lot with this man here, she's realized. Feeling the room get suddenly hot, she walked quickly out of the room. Once she was outside she went to her bedroom, went inside, and closed the door behind her before sliding down it onto the floor. She clutched her chest as an attempt to calm down her suddenly pounding heart. 'What is this I'm feeling?' she thought to herself.

Once her heart had finally calmed down she went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. She put on a cute pink shirt with a little exceed on it with matching pink pajama pants. As she crawled into bed she wondered what the next three or four days would bring with them as she took care of the dragon slayer across the hall.

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