Chapter 3

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Lucy pinched the bridge of her nose as she whispered, "Jeez, Rogue's more childish than Natsu when it comes to food. And at least Natsu ate his vegetables."

Rogue screamed from the other side of the table, "Hey I heard that!"

Lucy was about to flip her lid, "I'm going to tell you one more time. Eat your veg-fucking-tables."

Rogue smirked and crossed his arms defiantly, "No."

That was it. The next thing Rogue knew Lucy was launching herself across the table and had knocked them out of his chair, and was now straddling his hips as she tried to shove a piece of broccoli infused with shadows down his throat. Rogue tried to tell her to get off but the only thing that came out was choked cries and strangled breathing. Lucy had a determined look in her eye as she said, "EAT IT!!"

Rogue, not being able to fight back this suddenly strong woman, finally closed his mouth over the miniature tree. Lucy blushed as she felt his lips brush against her fingers. Rogue chewed the heinous food with reluctance. The shadows made it taste a little better but it still tasted like dirt to him. When he finally swallowed he looked up at Lucy as she smirked victoriously at him and put her hands on her hips, "See that wasn't so bad now was it?"

"They still tasted like dirt. The shadows did make it taste a little better but still..."

Lucy's hips shifted slightly as she pouted and looked away. This movement caused Rogue to be painfully aware of their position. With a blush he said, "Um Lucy, could you perhaps get off me please?"

Lucy looked down and noticed that she was full-on straddling his hips. She blushed a deep crimson and scrambled off him. She tried to stand up only to slam her head on the underside of the table with a loud thunk. Lucy grabbed her head and winced as she glared up at the inanimate object that had the audacity to injure her. Seeing this Rogue said, "What do you think it's gonna do, run away scared and hide?"

Lucy mumbled under her breath, forgeting about his dragon hearing, "If I glare hard enough it'll pee it's table cloth."

This causes the Shadow dragon to throw his head back and laugh, startling Lucy in the process. She stared at him wide eyed before she said, "I've never seen you laugh that hard before."

"Well we never really interacted with each other before this so it's only natural that you wouldn't."

"I guess you're right. Now we can get to know each other. Something tells me you aren't as assholey as your guild mates are." Lucy finished with a smile.

Rogue gave her a nod of agreement and said, "Yes we can. And you are right, I'm not as cocky and arrogant as my partner or anyone in Sabertooth. I'm not as power hungry either."

Lucy smiled fondly and said, "Yeah something about you gave off the vibe that you do things for good reason."

"Yeah I guess i do." Rogue paused for a moment before he said, "Anyway, so you're going to the guild now. When will you be back?"

Lucy thought about this for a while before she said, "I'll be back at about five. So like four hours from now. I can call out Plue to keep you entertained for bit."

"Go ahead."

She grabs a silver key and chants, "Open! Gate of Canis Minor! Nikora!"

A white light fills the room and when it dims, there stands a shaking little snowman like spirit. Plue looks at Rogue and held up his stubby paws/hands and said, "Pun Puuun!"

Lucy smiled at the sight and said, "Awwwwe I think he likes you."

Rogue gives a small smile to the little spirit before he picks him up and cradles him, "Well I like you too Plue you are quite adorable. You remind me of my little Frosch."

Lucy gasped and said, "Oh my goodness I totally forgot about Frosch! Did he go on the mission with you?!"

Rogue quickly doused her worry when he said, "No he stayed behind with Sting and Lector because I knew this mission would be dangerous."

Lucy visibly relaxed and let out a sigh of relief as she said, "Phew, I almost had a heart attack there. Welp, I'm off to the guild have fun you two don't get into too much trouble while I'm gone."

As Lucy walked out of the house and towards the guild she thought about how it might actually be fun having Rogue at her house for a few days. She walked into the guild with a skip in her step and a smile on her face as she said, "Hey everyone!"

Everyone greeted back with the same enthusiasm, "Hey Lucy!"

Lucy travelled over to the bar and plopped herself down on her usual bar stool and started kicking her legs back and forth. This was odd for the Celestial Mage, Mira took notice and immediately got into Lucy's face along with her usual strawberry milkshake. Lucy smiled brightly at the take-over mage and said, "Good afternoon Mira."

Said woman smiled back and said, "Hello Lucy."

Lucy started drinking her milkshake as Mira said, "So Lucy any particular reason you're so giddy today."

Lucy swallowed and smiled before she said, "I had a really good night sleep last night and an amazing breakfast so I'm kind of happy this morning."

Mira's smile went devious as she said, "Is there any reason you had such a good night sleep? Like maybe you were so tired from doing some kind of activity that requires a lot of energy that you fell asleep immediately."

Lucy blushed a deep crimson at Mira's claim. Her blush got darker as a certain shadow dragon slayer popped into her head. 'Why the hell am I thinking about him when that is brought up?' She looked at Mira in horror and said, "Mira of course I wasn't doing that. I'm still a virgin, and perfectly fine with remaining one."

'Are you sure about that?' Said a voice in her head.

'Oh shut up I am.' she shot back at the voice.

Mira pouted and said, "Come on Lucy you gotta find a boyfriend so you can give me beautiful blonde babies."

Lucy sighed and was about to retort when an arm that was warmer than normal was draped around her shoulder. She immediately knew who it was and said, "Hey Natsu. What's up?"

"Nothin just wanted to say hi and ask if maybe you wanted to go on a mission with me, Lisanna, and Happy.

Lucy finally turned to face her best friend and gave him an apologetic look before she said, "Ah, sorry Natsu I'm taking a break from missions for a week or two. Maybe train with my spirits a bit. But I'll gladly take you up on that another time."

Natsu looked sad before his face turned into one of confusion and he brought his face closer to Lucy and sniffed her. 'WHAT IS HE A DOG?!' "Uh Natsu what are you doing?"

Natsu looked at Lucy before he said, "Lucy..."

Lucy suddenly remembered that Rogue's scent was probably all over her and she suddenly started sweating. "Y-yes Natsu?"

"You smell weird...did you change your shampoo or something?"

Lucy scratched the back of her head, trying to hide her panic and said, "Heh heh, yeah I did."

Natsu being the dense idiot he is said, "Alright, well good luck with training. We're leaving tomorrow though if you change your mind."

Lucy waved after Natsu and said, "I won't but thanks for the offer."

After Natsu was about twenty feet away Lucy let out a sigh of relief before someone said, "You're hiding something aren't you?"

Lucy jumped at the sudden arrival of her best friend Levy's voice. Lucy looked at her friend before she said quickly, "What are you talking about I'm not hiding anything."

Levy's eyes narrowed at the quick dismissal and said, "You're definitely hiding something I can tell. And from what Natsu said about you smelling weird, it means that there is mostly likely another person involved. So spill."

Lucy was now sweating bullets she couldn't tell Levy that a member of Sabertooth had taken up residence in her home for a week. Then again could she trust Levy? Surely Levy was the most sensible member of Fairy Tail alongside herself. Also it's only Rogue its not like it was Minerva or Sting. Lucy was snapped out of her thoughts when Levy snapped her fingers in front of her face, "Hey Lucy you in there?"

Lucy decided that it's too early to tell anyone so she quickly says, "Uh yeah sorry Levy gotta go. Bye!"

Levy watched as the blonde girl left in a rush, leaving dust in her wake. She 'hmmed' and made a point to do a full interrogation later. Lucy ran out of there as fast as she could deciding that she would take a longer route to make sure that if anyone followed she would lose them.

She eventually got home and burst in through the door, startling Rogue and Plue who was doing a cute little dance for Rogue. Scared, the little spirit poofed away while Rogue watched as Lucy slammed the door closed, locked it, and slowly slid down the door as she let out a long sigh. Rogue, feeling slightly worried and not knowing what was going on said, "Are you alright?"

Lucy jumped up at the sound of a voice before she looked at Rogue and let out a sigh of relief, "Sorry, you just surprised me."

"What happened? You're home early."

With a sigh Lucy explained, "Well Natsu came up to me and asked if I wanted to go on a mission tomorrow with him. I had to decline and then I made up some excuse that I was taking a break from missions for a week or two and maybe doing some training. All of a sudden he got this confused look on his face and started sniffing me like a dog. He said I smelled weird, because he smelled you I guess, but he asked if I changed my shampoo. Of course I said yeah I did, even though I didn't. He left it alone and went to go sit with the rest of Team Natsu. I thought I was out of the woods until Levy came out of no where and said you're hiding something. It wasn't the question that scared me at first it was more of the surprise of her voice meeting my ear. Then I got really nervous when I realized what she said. Of course I said I didn't know what she was talking about. She of course being one of the smartest people in the guild knew I was lying and said. Well Natsu said you smell weird so its obvious another person is involved so spill. I couldn't stay there anymore so I said bye and ran full speed all the way home taking the long way so I could lose anyone that would follow. Now I'm here."

Rogue stared at her and said, "Well at least you didn't say anything, but what are you going to do?"

"I might avoid the guild for the rest of the time you're here. No doubt she'll interrogate me the next time she sees me. I might actually train some. The forest is only a mile away from here so if you want you could come with."

Rogue contemplated this before he said, "Sure, I can tell you've gotten stronger since the games and I want to see what you can do. I knew that in the fight with Flare, Raven Tail cheated. So I want to see what else you've got. Maybe I could give you pointers or something?"

Lucy's eyes sparkled as she said, "Oh that would be great thank you so much Rogue. If you help me I'll consider your debt paid."

Rogue gave a nod before he said, "Since you're not going back to the guild what do you want to do?"

"Hmm, I don't know. We could just watch a movie in the living room or something."

Rogue mulled this over in his head and gave a nod. They both walked into the large living room and sat on the couch. Lucy turned on the Lacrima TV and the Lacrima player before she asked, "What type of movies do you like?"

Rogue thought for a moment before he said, "Horror, action, thriller, mystery. Those types."

Lucy nodded saying, "I'm not a huge fan of horror but the other ones are fine, especially mystery."

Lucy pulled out an action movie called "Deadpool" and said, "This movie's an action and comedy. Are you okay with it?"

Rogue just nodded and got comfortable before he asked, "Do you have any movie snacks?"

Lucy went to the kitchen and looked at her keys, she grabbed Virgo before she came back to the living room to call her out, "Open! Gate of the Maiden! Virgo!"

The room was covered in a pink light before the stoic maid spirit came out and said, "Punishment Princess?"

Rogue looked at Lucy and saw she was blushing furiously and screamed, "Of course not! Anyway can you get me and Rogue some movie snacks. Anything specific Rogue?"

"Double chocolate chip cookies."

"I will be right back Princess."

Lucy nodded as the spirit left and then sighed. Rogue looked at her with an amused smirk on his face. Lucy saw this and said, "Get it out go ahead and ask."

"So do you actually punish her?"

"No she just asks that every time she comes out. I got used to it after a while but I always panic when she says it in front of people who don't know its an everyday occurrence for Virgo."

Rogue gave her a nod of understanding before the room was filled with a pink light again. Virgo came out with two of everything. Two popcorn buckets, two batches of cookies, and two candy basket assortments. "Here are your snacks princess."

"Thank you Virgo."

"Anything else?"

"Nope you're awesome you can go back now."

With a bow the spirit disappeared back into the spirit world. Lucy picked up one of the popcorn buckets that said "Lucy" on it and sat down with it as she pressed play on the movie. Rogue did the same thing with his popcorn and started eating.

Half an hour into the movie Rogue and Lucy had ended up leaning up against each other because every time they laughed they would laugh so hard they fell onto each other. Neither took notice or just didn't care because they were laughing so hard.

As the end credits of the movie rolled down the screen neither mages took notice as they had both fallen asleep. Lucy on top of Rogue's chest as they were both laying on the couch with his arms wrapped protectively around her waist. Virgo opened her own gate along with Loke who's arms were crossed and he had a look of uncertainty on his face.

Virgo put a blanket over both mages as she saw Lucy nuzzle into Rogue's chest for more warmth. Loke looked at the pair and said, "I don't like that they are like this, but I guess it could be someone else from Sabertooth. Someone worse."

Virgo nodded and said in a monotone voice, "Big brother you can feel what's happening to Princess can't you?"

With a sigh Loke nodded and said, "Yes. She may not know it yet but she's falling for him. I just hope nothing happens that leaves her too broken hearted."

Virgo nodded in agreement before saying, "We should leave them be."

Loke grunted in agreement and was off in a flash of gold light. Virgo stayed a little longer and said to herself, "I hope he's falling for her the same way she's falling for him."

When she sees Rogue unconsciously bring Lucy closer to his face and inhale deeply before sighing in content and nuzzling into her hair, she gives a small smile and disappears back into the spirit world.

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